marți, 28 aprilie 2009

Descopera: Efectul placebo - miracolele mintii

Pentru pacientii in stare grava, cum a fost si cazul asa-numitului domn Wright, un american bolnav de cancer limfatic, se intampla ca medicii sa epuizeze toate tratamentele standard si sa nu obtina niciun rezultat. Tumorile lui din abdomen, torace si gat continuau sa se exinda, iar sfarsitul parea tot mai aproape. Doctorii i-au spus atunci domnului Wright despre un medicament anticancer nou si revolutionar: Krebiozen. Dupa cateva luni, pacientul a parasit spitalul sanatos. Nu peste mult timp, insa, a aflat ca medicii in care isi pusese toate sperantele il mintisera si ca medicamentul nu continea nicio substanta care l-ar fi putut ajuta. Domnul Wright s-a stins in cateva zile. Detalii:

* Scandal pe piata antidepresivelor - Prozac nu are nici un efect... Sunatoarea mai eficace decit Prozacul... Coalitia Antipsihiatrica...
* Teoria "Inima-Rarunchi" si psihologia viitorului... Detalii:

duminică, 26 aprilie 2009

Telegraph: Are UFOs real? Famous people who believed

The former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell has claimed that aliens exist and their visits are being covered up by the United States government. Mitchell is in good company in his beliefs. Here we highlight 12 other public figures who believe that extraterrestrials may have been visiting our planet over the last 100 years. Full story:

* Kazakhstan: Government to build UFO base and alien embassy:

vineri, 24 aprilie 2009

Israelul intenţiona să atace Iranul de ziua forţelor sale armate

Iranul a fost avertizat de Rusia la 17 aprilie să nu organizeze o imensă paradă aeriană cu ocazia zilei forţelor armate iraniene, întrucât Israelul urma să atace şi să distrugă la sol avioanele iraniene, relatează publicaţia israeliană online Debka File, specializată în probleme militare şi de securitate, pe baza unor informaţii provenite din surse secrete iraniene. Detalii:

* Israelul se pregateste sa loveasca instalatiile nucleare din Iran:

UPI: Moscow warning saves Iranian warplanes

JERUSALEM, April 24 (UPI) -- Iran moved 140 fighter planes from an air base in April after being told by Moscow that Israel was set to destroy them, military sources say. Full story:

* Times: Israel stands ready to bomb Iran's nuclear sites:

Descopera: Teoria Pamantului Gol – de la extraterestri la nazisti

Desi multi dintre noi gasesc ca ideea unui Pamant gol in interior este mai degraba una ridicola, de vreme ce informatii bazate pe fundamente stiintifice sunt la indemana oricui in prezent, teoria care exploateaza aceasta varianta dateaza din vechime si nu este proprie unui singure civilizatii. Detalii:

* GENERALUL EMIL STRAINU DESPRE TEORIA PAMANTULUI GOL IN INTERIOR - "Am vazut filme si poze mult mai 'spectaculoase' decât cele care au fost date public, dar care nu sunt date în circulatie. M-as referi acum la filmul si pozele facute despre intråndul de la Polul Sud care sunt facute din sateliti. Toate statele care au sateliti si au avut ca zona de cercetare Polii, au putut fotografia si filma acest intrând care este o realitate!":
* Oceanul de sub pamant:

joi, 23 aprilie 2009

Kazakhstan: Government to build UFO base and alien embassy

The Republic of Kazakhstan in Central Asia is in the process of building the world's first alien embassy according to some local media reports. If these reports are to be believed, the authorities have already allocated a large plot of land in the city of Almaty for this ambitious project. Facilities to be built within the complex will include a guesthouse, theatre and translation service. A purpose built UFO landing pad and checkpoint will be attached to the embassy. Full story:

* CNN: Former astronaut: Man not alone in universe:
* Secret UN Meetings on ET Life Continue:
* Hillary Clinton desire for UFO & extraterrestrial diplomacy:
* UFOs and Obama Memorandum on Scientific Integrity:

Kazahstanul construieste prima ambasada pentru extraterestri

Republica Kazahstan din Asia Centrala a demarat proiectul construirii primei ambasade din lume destinata exclusiv extraterestrilor si, totodata, prima baza de aterizare pentru navele acestora, anunta agentiile de presa locale. Daca este sa dam crezare acestor rapoarte, proiectul este puternic sustinut de autoritatile care au sprijinit initiativa prin acordarea unui teren in apropierea orasului Alma-Ata. Detalii:

* La Baikonur, in Kazakhstan exista si un cosmodrom de unde se fac zboruri spre Staţia Spaţială Internaţională (ISS). Cosmonautii stiu multe despre extraterestri:

miercuri, 22 aprilie 2009

Extraterestii exista, sustine un fost astronaut NASA

"Nu suntem singuri in Univers”, sustine astronautul retras din activitate, Edgar Mitchell.
Aceasta declaratie a astronautului care a participat la misiunea de pe Luna, Apollo 14, a fost facuta in cadrul celei de-a cincea conferinte anuale X-Conference, care aduna laolalta cercetatori si oamenii care cred in existenta formelor de viata extratarestre. Detalii:

* Dumitru Prunariu: OZN - uri si extraterestri:

marți, 21 aprilie 2009

Two planets identified as most similar to Earth

Both orbit the same star, 20 light-years from Earth, called Gliese 581. The larger of the wo orbits in the 'habitable zone,' and could have oceans.
After locating more than 340 planets orbiting other stars, astronomers have identified two that are the most similar to Earth so far. Full story:

* Planet Gliese 581c and Planet X/Eris/Nibiru - Nibiru is one of many Planets that orbit a dark star or (Brown Dwarf). This Dark Star has five minor planets, the sixth an Earth-sized Homeworld, and the seventh the planet or object we call Nibiru... it is the physical link or "ferry" between our solar system and the dark star system of it's Brown Dwarf Star:

CNN: Former astronaut: Man not alone in universe

(CNN) -- Earth Day may fall later this week, but as far as former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell and other UFO enthusiasts are concerned, the real story is happening elsewhere.
Mitchell, who was part of the 1971 Apollo 14 moon mission, asserted Monday that extraterrestrial life exists, and that the truth is being concealed by the U.S. and other governments. Full story:

* Nasa Ufo Pictures, Real photos of ufos from Nasa:

sâmbătă, 18 aprilie 2009

British Government secretly studies crop circles & UFO connection

At a conference in the Washington DC metropolitian area, famed crop circle researcher Colin Andrews revealed that the UK government has covered up the extent of official and Royal family interest in the crop circle phenomenon. There were also efforts to suppress any investigation into a connection between UFOs and crop circles. Full story:

* Easy as pi: Astrophysicist solves riddle of Britain's most complex crop circle:

Israelul se pregateste sa loveasca instalatiile nucleare din Iran

Armata israeliana este pregatita sa lanseze raiduri aeriene de amploare asupra instalatiilor nucleare iraniene, in cazul in care noul guvern ii da acest ordin. Detalii:

* The Nostradamus Code:World War III (2009-2012):

vineri, 17 aprilie 2009

Times: Israel stands ready to bomb Iran's nuclear sites

The Israeli military is preparing itself to launch a massive aerial assault on Iran's nuclear facilities within days of being given the go-ahead by its new government. Full story:

* Times: Only Obama can save Iran from Israeli bombs:
* The Nostradamus Code:World War III (2009-2012):
* The Bible and the Third World War - the 1000 Year Kingdom:

joi, 16 aprilie 2009

NewScientist: Quake scientist predicts Iran will shake in late April

We wrote last year about the attempts of two Chinese researchers to predict earthquakes several weeks in advance using unusual cloud formations. One of the researchers, Guangmeng Guo of the Remote Sensing Center at Nanjing Normal University in Jiangsu province, eastern China, recently emailed me with an update.
He says his team has detected the same unusual clouds above Iran. They predict that there will be a magnitude 5.0 to 6.0 earthquake at the end of April in southern Iran. Full story:

miercuri, 15 aprilie 2009

NASA, in cautarea planetei care a format Luna

NASA a lansat o noua misiune, in cadrul careia doi sateliti vor porni in cautarea planetei despre care se crede ca a intrat la un momemt dat in coliziune cu Terra, ducand la formarea Lunii.
Cele doua navete au fost construite in cadrul programului Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO), care urmareste obtinerea mai multor informatii legate de interactiunea Soarelui cu Pamantul. Detalii:

* Secretele Antarcticii – fragmente ale unei planete disparute:

marți, 14 aprilie 2009

The Search for the Solar System's Lost Planet

The solar system might once have had another planet named Theia, which may have helped create our own planet's moon.
Now two spacecraft are heading out to search for leftovers from this rumored sibling, which would have been destroyed when the solar system was still young.Full story:

* Modern Science and the Ancient Writings on the Genesis of the Solar System:
* New Scientist: The Six Biggest Mysteries of Our Solar System:

duminică, 12 aprilie 2009

Doctors confirm woman's imaginary third arm

A 64-year-old woman has reported to doctors at Geneva University Hospital the presence of a pale, milky-white and translucent third arm. Full story:

- I-a "crescut" un brat fantoma, dupa un atac cerebral - In urma unui atac cerebral, o femeie din Elvetia s-a ales cu al treilea brat, unul fantoma, dar pe care ea pretinde ca il foloseste ca pe unul real.Detalii:

vineri, 10 aprilie 2009

Easy as pi: Astrophysicist solves riddle of Britain's most complex crop circle

It is - by any calculation - a creation stunning in its ingenuity.
Carved out in a barley field, this 150ft wide pattern is said to be a pictorial representation of the first ten digits of Pi, one of the most fundamental symbols in mathematics.
Believers in extra-terrestrials could argue it was made by mathematically-minded aliens on a field trip to Earth. Full story:

* They are Here!(in a parallel universe): - The case of an image taken by Jim Templeton in Carlisle (England), in 1964, which showed, after its development, a human being dressed in a silvery suit near his daughter:
* Astronauts of Antiquity:
* The Bible and the Invisible UFO's:

Magazin: Misterele cercurilor din lanuri

In urma cu cateva luni, cercuri concentrice bizare au aparut pe un camp din apropiere de Barbury Castle, Marea Britanie. Cativa specialisti, printre care si un astrofizician american, s-au deplasat la fata locului, descoperindu-se, in final, faptul ca cercurile ascund un mesaj secret. Detalii:

* Astronautii antichitatii:
* De vorba cu zeii:

joi, 9 aprilie 2009

Obama may fire pollution particles into stratosphere to deflect sun's heat in desperate bid to tackle global warming

President Barack Obama is considering a radical plan to tackle global warming by firing pollution particles into the stratosphere to deflect some of the sun’s heat.
The controversial experiment was touted yesterday as a possible last resort to help cool the Earth’s air by the president’s new science advisor John Holdren. Full story:

* The logical explanation of the warming process on Earth and on the other planets in our solar system proves to be the one provided by I. Velikovsky, in his book from 1950: “Two celestial bodies have been attracted one to each other. The inner masses of the Earth were pushed to the periphery. The Earth, with its rotation movement disturbed, started to warm“:
* NASA and Planet X:
* Californian Congressman for Planet X Forsight:
The Institute for Human Continuity commends Californian Congressman for Planet X Forsight saying preparedness for Near Earth Objects is key for the survival of the human race... As Planet X approaches our galaxy, its gravitational pull will interact with these NEOs in potentially disastrous ways for our planet.
The Sky is Falling: the deadly threat posed by Near Earth Objects and what we can do about it
By Rep. Dana Rohrabacher

Statele Unite consideră un plan de poluare intenţionată a atmosferei pentru răcirea planetei

Preşedintele Barack Obama consideră un plan radical pentru combaterea încălzirii globale prin poluarea atmosferei cu o serie de substanţe care ar reflecta o parte din căldura soarelui. Detalii:

* Explicaţia logică a procesului de încălzire a Pământului, ca şi a celorlalte planete din sistemul nostru solar a fost furnizată de I. Velikovsky, în 1950, în lucrarea Ciocnirea Lumilor: „Două corpuri cereşti au fost atrase unul spre celălalt. Masele interioare ale Pământului au suferit o împingere spre periferie. Pământul, perturbat în mişcarea sa de rotaţie, s-a încălzit”:

* ZIARUL GARDIANUL: Planeta X, denumita Nibiru, ameninta viata de pe Terra:

luni, 6 aprilie 2009

The Independent: Near-death experiences - Heaven can wait

Tunnels, bright lights, visions of the deceased. Do near-death experiences really offer a glimpse of the afterlife – or is there a more rational explanation? Roger Dobson reports:

* LiveScience: Single Brain Cell Can Hold a Memory:
* The Antipsychiatry Coalition... The "Heart-Kidneys" Theory and the Psychology of the Future:
* They are Here! (in a parallel universe): - The case of an image taken by Jim Templeton in Carlisle (England), in 1964, which showed, after its development, a human being dressed in a silvery suit near his daughter:

sâmbătă, 4 aprilie 2009

Reuters: An Antarctic ice shelf has disappeared -scientists

WASHINGTON, April 3 (Reuters) - One Antarctic ice shelf has quickly vanished, another is disappearing and glaciers are melting faster than anyone thought due to climate change, U.S. and British government researchers reported on Friday. Full story:

* Big melt seen in Antarctic past, and maybe future:

NewScientist: On the trail of mythical beasts

WHAT makes so many people want to believe in fabulous creatures? Chris Lavers and Joshua Blu Buhs set out to explore this question, and although one tackles an ancient myth and the other a modern one, they come up with remarkably similar answers. Full story:

* Zecharia Sitchin, The Twelfth Planet: "The deity Belus ('lord') - also called Deus (' god') brought forth various hideous beings, which were produced of a two - fold principle. They had one body but two heads, the one of a man, the other of a woman... Other human figures were to be seen with the legs and horns of goats ; some had horses' feet, while others united the hind quarters of a horse with the body of a man, resembling in shape the hippocentaurus. Bulls likewise bred there with the heads of man ; and dogs with fourfold bodies, terminated in their extremities with the tails of fishes. In short, there were creatures with the limbs of every species of animals. Of all these were preserved delineations in the temple of Bellus at Babylon. The tale's baffling details may hold an important truth, the mythological animals, those from the temples were real creatures made in laboratory, monsters that populated the Earth. Sumerian texts, too, speak of deformed humans created by Enki and the Mother Goddess (Ninhursag)in the course of their efforts to fashion a perfect Primitive Worker. Details:

vineri, 3 aprilie 2009

Science News: Simulations And Ancient Magnetism Suggest Mantle Plumes May Bend Deep Beneath Earth's Crust

ScienceDaily (Apr. 1, 2009) — Computer simulations, paleomagnetism and plate motion histories described in the journal Science reveal how hotspots, centers of erupting magma that sit atop columns of hot mantle that were once thought to remain firmly fixed in place, in fact move beneath Earth's crust... "In 2003, we showed that the hotspot—the plume—that created the Hawaiian chain of islands must have moved. We suggested that mantle motion was involved, but the cause of the change in motion remained a mystery," says Tarduno. Full story:

* LiveScience (01 February 2009): Tropical Turtle Fossil Found in Arctic - The last place scientists expected to find the fossil of a freshwater, tropical turtle was in the Arctic... John Tarduno, professor of geophysics at the University of Rochester:"The warming may have been caused by volcanoes pumping tremendous amounts of carbon dioxide into the Earth's atmosphere."... Tarduno led an expedition into the Canadian Arctic in 2006 to study an ancient aspects of Earth's magnetic field...
* I.Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision (Planet X, Volcanoes activation, Poles reversal 3600 years ago): ”Volcanic explosions... The causes of the ulterior appearance and disappearence of the glacier layer... Two celestial bodies have been attracted one to each other. The inner masses of the Earth were pushed to the periphery. The Earth with its rotation movement disturbed, started towarm... The Earth exploded and the lava started to spread around... the magnetic poles have been several times reversed, the last time during the Jews’ Exodus." Details:

Associated Press: NYPD sees threat in Israel-Iran tensions

NEW YORK (AP) — The New York Police Department has prepared plans to beef up security at the city's synagogues and other Jewish sites amid escalating tensions between Israel and Iran, officials confirmed Friday. Full story:

* Times: Only Obama can save Iran from Israeli bombs:

Times: Only Obama can save Iran from Israeli bombs

Tehran's growing nuclear capability mixed with the Netanyahu Cabinet's military experience. It could be a lethal cocktail. Full story:

* “Roadmap” For an Israeli Attack on Iranian Nuclear Facilities:

joi, 2 aprilie 2009

NASA: Deep Solar Minimum

April 1, 2009: The sunspot cycle is behaving a little like the stock market. Just when you think it has hit bottom, it goes even lower.
2008 was a bear. There were no sunspots observed on 266 of the year's 366 days (73%). To find a year with more blank suns, you have to go all the way back to 1913, which had 311 spotless days: plot. Prompted by these numbers, some observers suggested that the solar cycle had hit bottom in 2008.
Maybe not. Sunspot counts for 2009 have dropped even lower. As of March 31st, there were no sunspots on 78 of the year's 90 days (87%). Full story:

* NewScientist: Space storm alert: 90 seconds from catastrophe: