marți, 1 septembrie 2009

UFOs and VITAMIN C - Linus Pauling's Flying Saucer Secret

Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling -physicist, chemist and controversial advocate of Vitamin C therapy- was a secret UFO researcher who authored intriguing confidential studies on the flying saucer phenomena... Francis Crick, the co-inventor of the DNA model, was a close Pauling associate. Crick acknowledged Dr. Pauling as one of the world's "greatest minds" and to be "The Father of Molecular Biology." Crick was also the architect of the theory of "Directed Panspermia" which holds that the "seeds of life" were spread through the Universe through extraterrestrial action. Crick -like his friend Linus Pauling- shared deep interest in intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe. Full story:
* Francis Crick, Nobel prize laureate for discovering the DNA, in his book Life Itself, its Origin and Nature, wrote that "life on Earth was brought here by micro - organisms from another planet, these micro - organisms traveling inside a spaceship sent to Earth by a superior civilization, developed somewhere else, billions of years ago"...
* Ingredient for life detected in comet dust... Showing that the ingredients for life in the universe may be distributed far more widely than previously thought, scientists have found traces of a key building block of biology in dust snatched from the tail of a comet...: