vineri, 29 aprilie 2011

Egypt's Cave Underworld Under Investigation

- Something extremely strange is happening in Giza, both under the pyramids and in the office of Dr. Hawass. Even skeptics of the "Hall of Records" from Atlantis are now forced to admit that something big is being hidden. It's the perfect set of circumstances for conspiracy theorists -- especially with the coming of 2012. Full story:

* Egyptian Archaeologist Admits That Pyramids Contain UFO Technology... Robot to explore mysterious tunnels in Great Pyramid... VIDEO: Excavation Now Happening Under the Sphinx... Egypt’s Cave Underworld Under Investigation – Egyptian archaeological team move in to find answers... Egyptian temples followed heavenly plan...Egyptian Archaeologist Admits That Pyramids Contain UFO Technology... .FILM (History Channel): Ancient Aliens (2009)...FILM (National Geographic): Is it Real? - Ancient Astronauts:

REVEALED! THE SECRET NAME OF GOD - Amazing Last Days Revelation (Hidden "code")

WWIII scenarios

- The Caucasus, the Middle East, Central Asia, Asia-Pacific - these regions command the attention of military experts and diplomats. Where are the geopolitical fault lines in today's world, and where can we expect military conflict tomorrow? How likely is a third world war, and will it be a nuclear war? How can we prevent the destruction of civilization? These were among the questions addressed by experts at the round table discussion "Military Concepts and Challenges of the 21st Century," organized by the magazine Mezhdunarodnaya Zhizn (International Affairs), and held at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations on April 26. Full story:

* Final events unfolding in the Middle East that will soon lead to war... VIDEO: Rabbi Reveals Name of the Messiah... THE BIBLE AND THE THIRD WORLD WAR - THE 1000 YEAR KINGDOM:

joi, 28 aprilie 2011

Close encounters of the Third Reich

- HITLER fantasised about creating a fleet of flying saucers capable of destroying London and New York as his armies retreated on all fronts. Full story:

* National Security Agency Releases UFO X-files... Was JFK killed because of his interest in aliens? Secret memo shows president demanded UFO files 10 days before death... Revealed: The secret FBI files that shows how police and army officers saw a UFO explode over Utah... The memo that 'proves aliens landed at Roswell'... released online by the FBI... CNN: UFO Disclosure Wanted by High Ranking Officials... THE PRESIDENTS UFO WEB SITE - A Tale of Extraterrestrial Politics in the White House. Uncover the true history of the US President's ( from Truman to Bush) involvement with UFOs and extraterrestrials in pictures and articles:

Hitler a ordonat crearea unor farfurii zburătoare ca să atace Londra şi New York-ul

- Potrivit unor martori oculari, o farfurie zburătoare inscripţionată cu zvastica ar fi zburat de-a lungul Tamisei în 1944. Se pare că dispozitivul era capabil să zboare 2000 de kilometri, Statele Unite luând şi ele serios în calcul ameninţarea Germaniei. Detalii:

* Si NSA a declasificat documente OZN... Kennedy a murit din cauza extratereştrilor... FBI: Extraterestrii au aterizat pe Pamant in anii '50... FBI: Extratereştrii au haine metalice şi măsoara 91 cm VIDEO... Au ascuns Churchill si Eisenhower existenta OZN-urilor?...Edgar Mitchell – astronaut american: “La Roswell s-a prabusit un OZN” (VIDEO)...Extratereştrii trăiesc incognito în China...Este elaborat protocolul de comunicare cu extratereştrii VEZI ÎN CE CONSTĂ...TELEVIZIUNEA CHINEZA ANUNTA CA OBAMA VA DEZVALUI EXISTENTA EXTRATERESTRILOR:

miercuri, 27 aprilie 2011

Expert Panel: Central U.S. Faces Real Threat of Quake

- Two hundred years ago this coming winter, a series of three large earthquakes centered in southeastern Missouri destroyed the little town of New Madrid and rattled the entire eastern half of the country. Could one or more such quakes strike again? Full story:

* US SCIENTISTS FEAR WEST COAST EARTHQUAKE CCTV News... Californian frequent landslides sign of major geological change?...FEMA urges all Americans to prepare for earthquakes or other disasters... Massive Earthquake Fears Rise After Mysterious Object Moves Nearer To Earth... National Geographic: North Magnetic Pole Moving East Due to Core Flux...National Geographic: Earth's Core, Magnetic Field Changing Fast, Study Says... LOS ANGELES 'BIG ONE' COULD COME SOONER THAN EXPECTED: STUDY... Southern California faults are feeling the pressure... US west coast at risk of “mega-quake”... San Andreas-Like Fault Found in Eastern U.S... Planet X approaching consequences. Evacuations: Gulf of Mexico Earthquake, Islands will be arising...Australian Survey Buoy Anomalies Offer New Evidence That Planet X is Approaching From the South:

luni, 25 aprilie 2011

Si NSA a declasificat documente OZN

- Agentia noastra a mai comentat faptul ca omenirii i se pun la dispozitie din ce in ce mai multe secrete privind viata extraterestra, ca si cum ar trebui sa fie pregatita pentru o urmatoare intalnire de gradul III, foarte apropiata in timp. Dupa ce filmele americane ne tot introduc in imagini apocaliptice, izbiri cu asteroizi, sau planete nedescoperite, ca sa nu mai vorbim de extraterestri, acum si organismele guvernamentale americane fac acelasi lucru. Cat despre Wikileaks, au aparut si aici o serie de documente referitoare la fenomenul OZN. Detalii:

* Kennedy a murit din cauza extratereştrilor... FBI: Extraterestrii au aterizat pe Pamant in anii '50... FBI: Extratereştrii au haine metalice şi măsoara 91 cm VIDEO... Au ascuns Churchill si Eisenhower existenta OZN-urilor?...Edgar Mitchell – astronaut american: “La Roswell s-a prabusit un OZN” (VIDEO)...Extratereştrii trăiesc incognito în China... Este elaborat protocolul de comunicare cu extratereştrii VEZI ÎN CE CONSTĂ...TELEVIZIUNEA CHINEZA ANUNTA CA OBAMA VA DEZVALUI EXISTENTA EXTRATERESTRILOR:

sâmbătă, 23 aprilie 2011

Second coming could be high-tech: US evangelist

- WASHINGTON — US evangelist Franklin Graham thinks the second coming of Jesus Christ could be a social media event captured by millions of mobile phones. Full story:

* Close Encounters of the Sacred Kind... Bible Story Of Red Sea Parting 'May Be True'... Moses and the Spaceships of the Gods...Messiah - His Spaceships... Secrets of the Vatican - UFO's in the Ancient Art (FOTO/VIDEO)... Origin of the Species, From an Alien View... VIDEO: Rabbi Reveals Name of the Messiah... FILM: UFOs in the Bible:

Intoarcerea lui Iisus va putea fi vizionata pe YouTube

- Influentul pastor american Franklin Graham considera ca Cea de-a Doua Venire - revenirea lui Iisus Hristos pe Pamant - ar putea fi imortalizata de milioane de telefoane mobile si s-ar putea transforma intr-un eveniment preluat de toate retelele sociale, de la Facebook la YouTube. Detalii:

* Un rabin în vârstă de 108 ani prezice venirea lui Mesia în zilele noastre…şi e vorba de Iisus Hristos!... Iisus Cristos se va intoarce pe Pamant pana in 2050, cred 40% dintre americani - sondaj... Genialul Newton ştia secretul trupului lui Iisus Hristos... Secretele Vaticanului: OZN-uri in Arta Veche (VIDEO)... OZN - Dosarele Vaticanului (Documente Secrete din Arhivele Vaticanului)... FILM: BIBLIA si OZN-urile:

National Security Agency Releases UFO X-files

- In another bold leap towards full disclosure, the NSA has released to the public domain formerly classified UFO X-files. This one small step, yet ‘Giant Leap For Mankind’, is best described as a ‘treasure trove’. Full story:

- National Security Agency - UFO Documents Index:

* Was JFK killed because of his interest in aliens? Secret memo shows president demanded UFO files 10 days before death... Revealed: The secret FBI files that shows how police and army officers saw a UFO explode over Utah... The memo that 'proves aliens landed at Roswell'... released online by the FBI... CNN: UFO Disclosure Wanted by High Ranking Officials... THE PRESIDENTS UFO WEB SITE - A Tale of Extraterrestrial Politics in the White House. Uncover the true history of the US President's ( from Truman to Bush) involvement with UFOs and extraterrestrials in pictures and articles:

vineri, 22 aprilie 2011

Planet X, HAARP and Exopolitics

- Every 3,657 years for hundreds of millions of years Planet X comes through our solar system. Then we have geographic pole shift as the crust comes free of the core and reattaches. In this one, about to happen, the new north pole will be about 100 miles NE of Recife Brazil. Full story:

* Californian frequent landslides sign of major geological change?...FEMA urges all Americans to prepare for earthquakes or other disasters... Massive Earthquake Fears Rise After Mysterious Object Moves Nearer To Earth... Climate Change News. The Pole Shift is Freezing Europe... National Geographic: North Magnetic Pole Moving East Due to Core Flux...National Geographic: Earth's Core, Magnetic Field Changing Fast, Study Says... LOS ANGELES 'BIG ONE' COULD COME SOONER THAN EXPECTED: STUDY... Southern California faults are feeling the pressure... US west coast at risk of “mega-quake”... San Andreas-Like Fault Found in Eastern U.S...Odds 1-in-3 for Northwest Mega-Quake Within 50 Years... California unveils new seismic map...Planet X approaching consequences. Evacuations: Gulf of Mexico Earthquake, Islands will be arising...Australian Survey Buoy Anomalies Offer New Evidence That Planet X is Approaching From the South:
* Modern Science and the Ancient Writings on the Genesis of the Solar System:

Pe Marte e mult mai multa gheata decat se credea. Noi masuratori

- Polul sud al planetei Marte contine de 30 de ori mai multa gheata carbonica. S-au facut noi masuratori cu sonda americana MRO, care vin in sprijinul ideii ca atmosfera martiana era in trecut mai densa si mai umeda. Detalii:

* Dunele de nisip de pe Marte se deplaseaza... Apusul este albastru pe Marte VEZI VIDEO... Apa lichida pe Marte... The Guardian (27 ianuarie 2009) - Pe Marte ninge... NASA ascunde adevarata culoare a Planetei Marte... 17 iunie 2009 - Insciences Organisation - Pentru prima data au fost evidentiate descarcari electrice pe Marte, sustin cercetatorii de la Universitatea din Michigan (SUA)... Un pod de piatră a fost descoperit pe Marte... Viaţa de pe Marte, asemănătoare cu cea de pe Pământ... Viata pe Marte, descoperita inca din 1976 ?... Omul a ajuns pe Marte in anii '70 (VIDEO)... NASA: Planeta Marte (tur virtual)...Muntii de gheata de pe Marte... FOTO: IMAGINI cu Copaci si Plante Uriase de pe Marte... meteoriti cu urme de viata martiana... Planeta Rosie e ...albastra. NASA: Mii de imagini spectaculoase de pe Marte o arata cit se poate de albastra:

Dry ice find hints Mars was a wetter place: study

- WASHINGTON — NASA has discovered that the south pole of Mars is home to 30 times more dry ice than previously believed, suggesting that the red planet was once a much wetter place, said a study on Thursday. Full story:

* Sand dunes in Northern Mars changing: JPL... A BLUE SUNSET ON MARS (Video)... Mars Has Liquid Water Close to Surface, Study Hints... First Mars Landers Might Have Found Organic Material In 1976, and Destroyed It By Accident... Zooming in on Mars: New high-resolution images reveal Red Planet's stunning terrain... Secret Video Leaked / We Have Been To Mars... NASA - Planet Mars Stereo Virtual Fly-Through!... Water on Mars first discovered 10 years ago. Is it still there?... NASA: Evidence of life on Mars... Mars: Ice walls that show another side of the RedPlanet...Pravda: Stunning Images of Martian Surface...CNN: ‘Airplane view’ of Mars yields stunning images… CBS NEWS: Photos From Mars Orbiter Appear Abstract… We may know Mars as the Red Planet, but many of the HiRise images are studies in blue... MARS COLOSSAL PLANTS REVISITED… Buzz Aldrin stokes the mystery of the monolith on Mars… First direct evidence of lightning on Mars detected… Nat.Geographic: Liquid Water Recently Seen on Mars?… The Guardian: It’s snowing on Mars:

Doi sori fotografiati deasupra Clujului! VEZI FOTO si explicatiile astronomilor

- Un fenomen spectaculos a fost imortalizat pe cerul Clujului de un fotograf. Imaginea cu ceidoi sori a fost surprinsa de pe Dealul Cetatuie. Detalii:

* Au aparut doi sori in China ca urmare a exploziilor plasmatice... Tyche, cea mai mare planetă a sistemului nostru solar?... Obiectul ascuns din sistemul solar si o extinctie esuata... NASA recunoaste existenta planetei X ... Un urias obiect intunecat ar putea sta la panda in apropierea sistemului nostru solar, aruncand din cand in cand cu comete in directia Terrei... National Geographic News (19 noiembrie 2008):Exista materie neagra in Antarctica? - In timpul unei misiuni de cercetare care se desfasoara in Antarctica, o echipa de oameni de stiinta a capturat si masurat electroni cu o incarcatura neobisnuita, care ar putea indica prezenta unui MISTERIOS OBIECT ASTROFIZIC care bombardeaza Pamantul cu raze cosmice:

marți, 19 aprilie 2011

Kennedy a murit din cauza extratereştrilor

- Documente secrete arată că fostul preşedinte american ceruse informaţii despre farfuriile zburătoare cu zece zile înainte de a fi asasinat. Detalii:

* FBI: Extraterestrii au aterizat pe Pamant in anii '50... FBI: Extratereştrii au haine metalice şi măsoara 91 cm VIDEO... Au ascuns Churchill si Eisenhower existenta OZN-urilor?...Edgar Mitchell – astronaut american: “La Roswell s-a prabusit un OZN” (VIDEO)...Extratereştrii trăiesc incognito în China... Este elaborat protocolul de comunicare cu extratereştrii VEZI ÎN CE CONSTĂ...TELEVIZIUNEA CHINEZA ANUNTA CA OBAMA VA DEZVALUI EXISTENTA EXTRATERESTRILOR:

luni, 18 aprilie 2011

Multiple UFOs Sighted in Japan the Past Month

- A number of UFO sightings, some coinciding with the natural disasters that happened, were videoed in Japan over the past month. Full story:

* Mysterious light spotted during Japan earthquake... Japan Earthquake, Tsunami, UFOs, and March Super Moon... SkyNews: V-shaped UFO formation over Iceland Volcano (Video):

Invazie de OZN-uri deasupra Japoniei (Video)

- In ultima perioada in Japonia au fost filmate nenumarate OZN-uri, unele in timpul cutremurului si tsunami-ului din 11 martie, altele in apropierea vulcanului Sakurajima sau a centralei nucleare de la Fukushima. Detalii:

* Japonia: Sfera de lumina misterioasa in timpul cutremurului de 7,1 grade (Video)... VIDEO OZN-uri filmate lângă reactoarele nucleare din Fukushima?... VIDEO: SkyNews (4/18/2010): OZN-uri in formatie de V deasupra norului vulcanic din Islanda: