luni, 19 ianuarie 2009

Associated Press about 3,600 Years Ago (Planet X?) Natural Disasters

WASHINGTON (AP) — Nature turned against one of America's early civilizations 3,600 years ago, when researchers say earthquakes and floods, followed by blowing sand, drove away residents of an area that is now in Peru. "This maritime farming community had been successful for over 2,000 years, they had no incentive to change, and then all of a sudden, boom, they just got the props knocked out from under them," anthropologist Mike Moseley of the University of Florida said in a statement. Full story:,2933,480925,00.html

* The Planet Eris/ Nibiru periodically getting closer to Earth once in 3,600 years generates numerous climate changes, one being the global warming with its natural consequence – the melting of the glaciers. The effect of glaciers melting, because of their sweet water, will be the ending of the thermo – saline natural system, the “ engine “ that allows the Gulfstream circulation to the North and the freezing of spread areas in the North – West of Europe and North – East U.S.A.
Briefly, here is the process that took place during the last two periods in which the Gods Planet has passed between Mars and Jupiter, the nearest point to Earth:
- 7,200 years ago, during the cataclysm known as “Noah’s flood“, “sudden changes in temperature, violent storms and water avalanches from Antarctica broke off from their ‘ice prison’ Dr. John T. Hollin at Maine University (U.S.A.) considers that large pieces periodically came out of the Antarctic ice field creating a huge tide” (Zecharia Sitchin, The Twelfth Planet).
- 3,600 years ago, during the Jews’ Exodus from Egypt in the middle of the second millennium B.C., the Earth suffered big cataclysms. “A celestial body that recently entered our solar system – a new comet – came very close to Earth [causing – A/N] the eventual disappearance of the glacier layer“ (Immanuel Velikovsky, “Worlds in Collision“).
- The logical explanation of the warming process on Earth and on the other planets in our solar system proves to be the one provided by I. Velikovsky, in his book from 1950: “Two celestial bodies have been attracted one to each other. The inner masses of the Earth were pushed to the periphery. The Earth, with its rotation movement disturbed, started to warm“: