vineri, 6 august 2010

Time Machine Built in Europe, Russian Scientists Say

- Russian physicists seriously believe that the Large Hadron Collider can be used for time travel. However, it will only happen when it starts working at full capacity and stops breaking down. Full story:

* Large Hadron Collider rival Tevatron 'has found Higgs boson', say rumours... "Deep Thought" - The Large Hadron Collider Could Prove the Existence of a Parallel Universe - A Daily Galaxy 2009 Top Story...DIMENSIONAL PORTAL INCURSION AT THE LHC!... Freaky Physics Proves Parallel Universes Exist:
* China Teleports Photons 10 Miles, Surpasses U.S./European Record... Time Travel Is Possible, Says Stephen Hawking... Teleportation and forcefields possible within decades, says Professor Michio Kaku... Michio Kaku: Is Time Travel Possible?... Freaky Physics Proves Parallel Universes Exist... Live Science: Teleportation Milestone Achieved: