marți, 31 mai 2011

Israel Minister: Strike on Iran Could Be Necessary

- An Israeli Cabinet minister said the civilized world must take joint action to avert the Iranian nuclear threat, including a pre-emptive strike if necessary.
Moshe Yaalon — the minister for strategic affairs — made the statement in an interview with Russia's Interfax news agency released Monday ahead of a visit to Moscow. Full story:

* GERALD CELENTE: The Spanish Are Picking Up Where The Egyptians Left Off, And By Winter The Revolution Will Be Global... The Arab Revolution is knocking at Israel's door... Tony Blair memoirs: we must be prepared for attack on Iran'...Exclusive: Al Qaeda Plans for Israel War...Israel: We Will Stop Iran Nukes (8.15.10)... Ex-CIA chief Hayden: Military action against Iran "seems inexorable"... Israeli attack on Iran might lead to nuclear conflict - Medvedev... Rabbi Reveals Name of the Messiah:

luni, 30 mai 2011

Astronauti NASA: Vom descoperi ceva inexplicabil. Extraterestrii exista

- Oamenii vor descoperi alte forme de viata in Univers, pe masura ce explorarea va avansa. Cei care au declarat acest lucru fac parte din echipajul navetei spatiale Endeavour.
"Daca ne vom forta limitele destul de mult, sunt sigur ca vom gasi ceva acolo, in cosmos", a declarat Mike Foreman, specialist al misiunii Endeavour, citat de Daily Galaxy. Detalii:

Weekend Feature: 'Endeavour' Astronauts on Extraterrestrial Life -- "We'll find something out there."

- The human race will find life elsewhere in the Universe as it pushes ahead with space exploration, reported astronauts of the space shuttle Endeavour. The US space shuttle Endeavour prepares today to undock from the International Space Station and jet back to Earth, wrapping up its final journey before entering retirement, NASA said. Full story:

* Famed NASA Astronaut confirms Extraterrestrials are here:
*Web Abuzz over Elenin Comet and Object(s) Following it:

GERALD CELENTE: The Spanish Are Picking Up Where The Egyptians Left Off, And By Winter The Revolution Will Be Global

- Trend forecaster Gerald Celente gives a preview of his Summer Trends Journal in an interview with King World News.
Celente says riots from Iran to Spain are the beginning of another world war, precipitated by food prices, unemployment and inequality. Last year he claimed that 2011 would bring "Off With Their Heads 2.0" and the prediction is going well so far. Full story:

* Barack Obama presses for Middle East reform... The Arab Revolution is knocking at Israel's door... Tony Blair memoirs: we must be prepared for attack on Iran...Report: Israel planning to attack Hezbollah arms depots in Syria...Israel says Iranian reactor use 'totally unacceptable'...Exclusive: Al Qaeda Plans for Israel War... Israel: We Will Stop Iran Nukes (8.15.10)... Ex-CIA chief Hayden: Military action against Iran "seems inexorable"... Israeli attack on Iran might lead to nuclear conflict - Medvedev... Rabbi Reveals Name of the Messiah:

Razboi mondial, pana in iarna - Analist american


Gerald Celente, un bine cunoscut analist american, avertizeaza ca revoltele din Iran sau Spania constituie inceputului unui nou razboi mondial.

Protestele deja violente au la baza preturile la alimente, lipsa de locuri de munca si inegalitatea. Detalii:


Obama face ordine in Orientul Mijlociu, Israelul se revolta... Daca Israel ataca Siria incepe Al Treilea razboi Mondial, spun analistii militari... Presa israeliana: Revolutia araba bate la usa Israelului... Un nou război va izbucni în Orientul Mijlociu în toamnă, spun experţii ruşi...Codul lui Nostradamus si Biblia despre al Treilea Razboi Mondial...Fidel Castro: SUA ar putea provoca un război nuclear dacă atacă Iranul...Un rabin în vârstă de 108 ani prezice venirea lui Mesia în zilele noastre…şi e vorba de Iisus Hristos!:

sâmbătă, 28 mai 2011

New Technique Could Identify Planets With Extraterrestrial Trees

- In the search for life on other planets, scientists are looking beyond single-celled organisms and are developing techniques that would help them detect multicellular life. In a recent study published in the journal Astrobiology, researchers are proposing a particular mathematical technique to detect tree-like multicellular structures on extrasolar planets. Full story:

* CNN: 'Airplane view' of Mars yields stunning images... We may know Mars as the Red Planet, but many of the HiRise images are studies in blue... MARS COLOSSAL PLANTS REVISITED:

vineri, 27 mai 2011

Rumblings of the Apocalypse: the day all hell breaks loose on Earth

- The Bible gives us a frightening and apocalyptic glimpse into what degree Earthchanges will ultimately devastate the planet in the near future. Until recently, the dimensional horror of just how bad things could get as described in the book of Revelation was dismissed by modern critics as nothing more than a religious fairy tale. Some historians considered the plagues in the 16th Chapter of the Book of Revelation to be impossible by all the natural laws of science just 20 years ago. As we look around at the devastating toll earthchanges have already taken on our planet just this year, it seems now no one is laughing anymore. Full story:

* US official: solar storms expected to peak in 2013 with potentially devastating effect:
* Magnetic Polar Shifts Causing Massive Global Superstorms:
* Yellowstone National Park is moving:
* Millions of Fish Suffocate, Die in Redondo Beach Marina... Mystery Bird Die-Off In Sonoma County:
* Huge Asteroid to Pass Near Earth in November... U.S. Must Be Ready to Meet Asteroid Threat, White House Science Adviser Says... Cdn and American astronauts want world to start getting ready for asteroids... Gigantic hidden planet could be hurling comets at the rest of the solar system... National Geographic (November 19, 2008): "High-energy electrons captured over Antarctica could reveal the presence of a nearby butMYSTERIOUS ASTROPHYSICAL OBJECT that's bombarding Earth with cosmic rays, researchers say":

joi, 26 mai 2011

Unseen for 4,500 years: Pyramid finally reveals its hidden secrets as robot captures images of ancient markings

- The last great mystery of the pyramids could be closer to being found thanks to a robot built in Leeds.
mages captured by a new 'micro snake' camera travelling deep within the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt reveal small hieroglyphs written in red paint on the floor of a small, hidden chamber. Full story:

* Egyptian pyramids found by infra-red satellite images... 2012 and the Pyramids at Giza… Egypt's Cave Underworld Under Investigation... Egyptian Archaeologist Admits That Pyramids Contain UFO Technology...Robot to explore mysterious tunnels in Great Pyramid... VIDEO: Excavation Now Happening Under the Sphinx...Egypt’s Cave Underworld Under Investigation – Egyptian archaeological team move in to find answers... Egyptian temples followed heavenly plan...Egyptian Archaeologist Admits That Pyramids Contain UFO Technology... .FILM (History Channel): Ancient Aliens (2009)...FILM (National Geographic): Is it Real? - Ancient Astronauts:

Cercetătorii au descoperit un nou secret al Marii Piramide din Egipt. VEZI AICI ce era ascuns în piramida despre care se credea că se ştie tot

- Un robot echipat cu o cameră video a reuşit să pătrundă într-o zonă ascunsă a Marii Piramide din Giza şi a surprins imagini ale unor hieroglife mici scrise cu vopsea roşie pe podeaua unei camere secrete, relatează The Daily Mail. Detalii:

* 17 piramide noi descoperite in Egipt din satelit... Istoria uluitoare a alinierii piramidelor si a planetelor - vezi ce ne asteapta in 2012... Un robot va explora două tuneluri misterioase din Marea Piramidă de la Gizeh... Un tunel de 100 de metri, descoperit sub piramida zeului aztec Quetzalcoatl... VIDEO: Primele imagini cu lumea subterană a faraonilor, o reţea de peşteri de sub piramide... Un profesor de egiptologie confirmă faptul că piramidele sunt opera extratereştrilor:

Teleportarea, eperimentată în România, cu cel mai puternic laser din lume

- România va experimenta teleportarea, cu ajutorul celui mai puternic laser din lume, care se va construi la Institutul de la Măgurele. Acesta va crea un câmp electric atât de puternic încât va transporta materia dintr-un punct în altul, exact aşa cum am văzut în filmele science fiction. Detalii:

Proiectul HAARP al Pentagonului - tinta biblica sau Armageddon-ul pe pamant?

- Sistemul secret al Pentagonului, denumit HAARP, este capabil sa declanseze schimbari masive ale atmosferei terestre. Tot mai multe voci sustin ca sistemul HAARP este o arma extrem de periculoasa, ce poate provoca dezastre de neimaginat. Detalii:

* Cutremurul din Japonia, provocat de o arma secreta a SUA?... Cercetătorii ruşi au creat în laborator un nor artificial... Ruşii cred că americanii i-au atacat cu arme climatice... Cercetatori austrieci acuza SUA ca au provocat seismul din Haiti...General Emil Strainu: Proiectul HAARP. Noua arma geofizica a mileniului III... Hugo Chavez: Americanii au provocat cutremurul din Haiti (VIDEO)... Descopera: Antenele militare HAARP, un mijloc de dominare a omenirii?:
* Mesaje subliminale cu Nibiru pe Google si in salile de cinema... Fizicianul Dr. Michio Kaku la Fox News oferind informatii referitoare la o furtuna solara cu un maxim in anul 2012...National Geographic News (19 noiembrie 2008): prezenta unuiMISTERIOS OBIECT ASTROFIZIC care bombardeaza Pamantul cu raze cosmice:
* Intoarcerea lui Isus va putea fi vizionata pe YouTube... Un rabin în vârstă de 108 ani prezice venirea lui Mesia în zilele noastre…şi e vorba de Iisus Hristos!... Secretele Vaticanului: OZN-uri in Arta Veche (VIDEO)... OZN - Dosarele Vaticanului (Documente Secrete din Arhivele Vaticanului)... FILM: BIBLIA si OZN-urile:


- Residents of Atlanta, Ga., were treated to a rare event on Friday night: a 2-meter-wide chunk of cometary material entered the atmosphere right above their heads. The result? Nothing short of spectacular.
The fireball exploded and disintegrated like the dying embers of a firework, once-icy debris lighting up the sky, outshining the moon. Full story:

* Huge Asteroid to Pass Near Earth in November... NASA: Mysterious Fireball Season Set to Light Up Night Sky... U.S. Must Be Ready to Meet Asteroid Threat, White House Science Adviser Says... Cdn and American astronauts want world to start getting ready for asteroids...Our terrifyingly crowded solar system: New video reveals just how many asteroids are out there... Gigantic hidden planet could be hurling comets at the rest of the solar system... National Geographic (November 19, 2008): "High-energy electrons captured over Antarctica could reveal the presence of a nearby but MYSTERIOUS ASTROPHYSICAL OBJECT that's bombarding Earth with cosmic rays, researchers say":

NASA a surprins un meteor care a intrat în atmosfera Pământului VEZI VIDEO

- Astronomii de la Marshall Space Flight Center al NASA au filmat un meteor care a intrat în atmosfera Pământului. Detalii:

* Un asteroid va trece foarte aproape de Pamant in noiembrie 2011... NASA confirma: Apophis poate sa aduca Sfarsitul Lumii in 2036 (Video)... Secretele teribile ascunse de satelitii americani... Ce e acest misterios obiect care tranziteaza imaginea Soarelui. NASA nu da nicio explicatie... Obiectul ascuns din sistemul solar si o extinctie esuata...NASA recunoaste existenta planetei X ... Un urias obiect intunecat ar putea sta la panda in apropierea sistemului nostru solar, aruncand din cand in cand cu comete in directia Terrei... Un asterioid de 800 m va lovi Antartica in 2012...2/3 din gheata din Antarctica sa se scufunde in mare si sa se topeasca... restul de gheata de pe Antartica sa se topeasca in totalitate in maximum doua luni de la impact.... 149 de asteroizi periculosi pentru Pamant: Vanatoarea poate incepe!-Planurile de urgenta ale SUA ...Congresul american a primit o scrisoare in acest sens din partea consilierului pe probleme de stiinta al Casei Albe... NASA vrea să aterizeze pe un asteroid care ar putea lovi Pămantul...Astronautii canadienii si americanii incep sa puna in aplicare planurile de salvare a planetei... Stephen Hawking: Rasa umană va dispărea dacă nu colonizează spatiul (VIDEO):

miercuri, 25 mai 2011

Egyptian pyramids found by infra-red satellite images

- Seventeen lost pyramids are among the buildings identified in a new satellite survey of Egypt.
More than 1,000 tombs and 3,000 ancient settlements were also revealed by looking at infra-red images which show up underground buildings. Full story:

* 2012 and the Pyramids at Giza… Egypt's Cave Underworld Under Investigation... Egyptian Archaeologist Admits That Pyramids Contain UFO Technology...Robot to explore mysterious tunnels in Great Pyramid... VIDEO: Excavation Now Happening Under the Sphinx...Egypt’s Cave Underworld Under Investigation – Egyptian archaeological team move in to find answers... Egyptian temples followed heavenly plan...Egyptian Archaeologist Admits That Pyramids Contain UFO Technology... .FILM (History Channel): Ancient Aliens (2009)...FILM (National Geographic): Is it Real? - Ancient Astronauts:

17 piramide noi descoperite in Egipt din satelit

- Mai multe piramide, asezari si morminte din Egiptul antic au fost descoperite cu ajutorul scanarii cu raze infrarosii, de pe un satelit. Detalii:

* Istoria uluitoare a alinierii piramidelor si a planetelor - vezi ce ne asteapta in 2012... Un robot va explora două tuneluri misterioase din Marea Piramidă de la Gizeh... Un tunel de 100 de metri, descoperit sub piramida zeului aztec Quetzalcoatl... VIDEO: Primele imagini cu lumea subterană a faraonilor, o reţea de peşteri de sub piramide... Un profesor de egiptologie confirmă faptul că piramidele sunt opera extratereştrilor:

sâmbătă, 21 mai 2011

Yellowstone National Park is moving

- YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK,Wyoming (ABC 4 News) - The nation's oldest park is also one of the most studied. The interest is not just in it's amazing vistas and wildlife, but in the volcanic beast below the park. Full story:

* Electric Yellowstone: Conductivity image hints volcano plume is bigger than thought... Is the world's largest super-volcano set to erupt for the first time in 600,000 years, wiping out two-thirds of the U.S.?... Vesuvius's big daddy: The supervolcano that threatens all life in Europe... Volcano known as the 'Throat of Fire' erupts in Ecuador...Krakatau: Is the Most Violent Volcano in History Ready for Its Next Big Eruption? (Environment Alert)... Video: Iceland president warns of second volcano threat... Russia's Shiveluch volcano erupts...Indonesia's Mount Merapi volcano erupts again...EARTH'S PULSE FELT AT HOT SPOTS...Discovery:Toxic Gases Caused World's Worst Extinction... Volcanoes activation and their eruption, 3600 years ago... Planet X (Hercolubus) approaching news: