- The Event is a fictional NBC television show featuring a black U.S. President grappling with the national security problem of whether or not to tell the U.S. public about the existence of extraterrestrial life. Comet Elenin is a long-period body from the Oort cloud that is approaching the inner solar system and has been associated with major earthquake activity on Earth. What is the relationship between Comet Elenin and the Event? Full story:
* Web Abuzz over Elenin Comet and Object(s) Following it... Comet Elenin continues to increase in size, and another close approach with a large Main belt asteroid... What about comet Elenin/Nibiru/Planet X/Tyche?... Cdn and American astronauts want world to start getting ready for asteroids...Our terrifyingly crowded solar system: New video reveals just how many asteroids are out there... Russian Warning Issued Over “Controlled” Comet Headed Towards Earth... Hercolubus (Planet X) Cover-up News. NASA is Covering-up the Hercolubus Inbound:
* Zecharia Sitchin - Looking for alien DNA... Origin of the Species, From an Alien View... The Unknown History of Mankind:
* Alien Genes Found in Human DNA... Vatican Prepares for the truth about our Annunaki heritage!... Close Encounters of the Sacred Kind... Bible Story Of Red Sea Parting 'May Be True'... ASTRONAUTS OF ANTIQUITY... Moses and the Spaceships of the Gods... TALKING TO THE GODS...Messiah - His Spaceships... Secrets of the Vatican - UFO's in the Ancient Art... UFO Disclosure 2010: The Vatican's Key Role...Pope's star watcher to visit Nasa (12th February 2009) and talk aliens: