- The Vatican Secret Archives is for the first time printing reproductions of more than 100 of its most fascinating, secret documents. Do we hear another Dan Brown novel coming?
The name alone is enough to excite curiosity. For centuries, the Vatican Secret Archives have been regarded as perhaps the most enigmatic and inaccessible collection of documents in the world. Full story:
* UFO Disclosure 2010: The Vatican's Key Role... Pope's star watcher to visit Nasa (12th February 2009) and talk aliens... VIDEO: Secrets of the Vatican: UFO's in the Ancient Art... Messiah - His Spaceships... Vatican and Planet X... VIDEO: UFO filmed over the Vatican by U.S. ambassador security guards... VIDEO: Rabbi Reveals Name of the Messiah... Jesus will return by 2050, say 40pc of Americans... UFO disclosure in Israel (VIDEO): Oldest footage released... FILM: UFOs in the Bible...How celestials assist humanity with extraterrestrial life... ABRAHAM... MOSES AND THE SPACESHIPS OF THE GODS... The Unknown History of Mankind... Origin of the Species, From an Alien View... Prophecy Unfolding? Turkey's New Role in Mideast... THE BIBLE AND THE THIRD WORLD WAR - THE 1000 YEAR KINGDOM: