marți, 31 martie 2009

A comet may have caused widespread large mammal extinctions 12,900 years ago

Some scientists hypothesize that relatively recently in our geological history a comet collided with Earth. And they’re not talking about the collision 65 million years ago that did in the dinosaurs. They’re talking about a collision 12,900 years ago, which did away with woolly mammoths, saber-tooth tigers and giant sloths, among some three dozen large mammals. Full story:

* The New York Times - The Sky is Falling;
* MSNBC: Comet impacts can destroy stellar systems:

luni, 30 martie 2009

LiveScience: Diamonds Rained Down During Ice Age

Diamonds and precious metals found in the eastern United States might have rained down during the last Ice Age after a comet shattered over Canada and set North America ablaze, all leading to a mass die-off of animals and humans. FullStory:

* Immanuel Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision - 3600 years ago: "The rain of meteorites and fire from the sky, the clouds of dust of exogenous origin that drifted low, and the displacement of the world quarters created the impression that the sky had collapsed... The Talmud and other ancient rabbinical sources tell of great disturbances in the solar movement at the time of the Exodus and the Passage of the Red Sea... The ancient people of Mexico reffered to a world age that came to its end... Strabo relates, in the name of Ptolemaeus, the son of Lagus, a general of Alexander and founder of the Egyptian dynasty called by his name, that the Celti who lived on the shores of the Adriatic were asked by Alexander what it was they most feared, to which they replied that they feared no one, but only that the sky might collapse":
* ECOLOGICAL EVIDENCE from Previous PLANET X Passages:

vineri, 27 martie 2009

Raport NASA: Lumea este amenintata in 2012 de o puternica furtuna solara cu efecte devastatoare

Un raport NASA publicat in editia din ianuarie a revistei "US National Academy of Sciences" arata o furtuna solara extrem de puternica care are toate sansele sa se produca in 2012 va avea efecte devastatoare asupra intregii lumi. Detalii:

miercuri, 25 martie 2009

Vaticanul va cere catolicilor să boicoteze filmul "Îngeri şi demoni"

Vaticanul dezaprobă filmul "Îngeri şi demoni", ecranizat după un roman scris de Dan Brown, şi va cere catolicilor să boicoteze producţia, potrivit presei italiene... Potrivit NewsIn, vara trecută, Vaticanul a interzis producătorilor filmului accesul în cetatea Sfântului Scaun şi în toate bisericile din Roma. Astfel, o scenă cheie a filmului, care trebuia să fie filmată în biserica Santa Maria della Vittoria, a fost filmată într-un studio. Detalii:

* OZN - Dosarele Vaticanului... Secrets of the Vatican - UFOs in the Ancient Art:

Vatican 'to call for boycott' of Tom Hanks film Angels & Demons

Avvenire, the Vatican's official newspaper, says in its latest edition that the church "cannot approve" of the film.
Italian newspaper La Stampa reported that the Vatican will soon call on Catholics to boycott the film. Full story:

* Secrets of the Vatican - UFO's in the Ancient Art... Messiah - His Spaceships:
* Jacques Vallee: FATIMA EVENT WAS UFO - More seriously, the description made at Fatima, Portugal, OF A SILVERY DISK WHICH FLEW THROUGH THE SKY, WAS SEEN BY SEVENTY THOUSAND WITNESSES AND WAS PHOTOGRAPHED AS IT MANEUVERED, deserves a place in our resume of the 'flying saucer' legend:

marți, 24 martie 2009

Big melt seen in Antarctic past, and maybe future

WASHINGTON (AP) -- New information on Antarctica's regularly melting distant past is giving scientists a glimpse into what may be a flooded future as the planet warms up. Full story:

* LiveScience: Antarctic Meltdown Would Flood Washington, D.C.:
* National Geographic: Dark Matter Proof Found Over Antarctica? (Planet X?):
High-energy electrons captured over Antarctica could reveal the presence of a nearby but MYSTERIOUS ASTROPHYSICAL OBJECT that's bombarding Earth with cosmic rays, researchers say:
* LiveScience: Antarctic Ice Causes Glacial 'Earthquakes' (Planet X):
Scientists have discovered their first icequake, if you will — a movement of a huge stream of ice in Antarctica that creates seismic waves, just like an earthquake, and can be felt hundreds of miles away... These ice-driven seismic waves had the force of a magnitude 7 earthquake:
* 7,200 years ago, during the cataclysm known as “Noah’s flood“, “sudden changes in temperature, violent storms and water avalanches from Antarctica broke off from their ‘ice prison’ Dr. John T. Hollin at Maine University (U.S.A.) considers that large pieces periodically came out of the Antarctic ice field creating a huge tide” (Zecharia Sitchin, The Twelfth Planet).
* 3,600 years ago, during the Jews’ Exodus from Egypt in the middle of the second millennium B.C., the Earth suffered big cataclysms. “A celestial body that recently entered our solar system – a new comet – came very close to Earth [causing – A/N] the eventual disappearance of the glacier layer“ (Immanuel Velikovsky, “Worlds in Collision“):
* 7200 years ago: "Sudden changes in temperature must have created violent storms accompanied by rain torrents. Moving faster than the waters, the storms, the clouds and the darkened sky announced the avalanche of the waters … we belive that the various texts and facts that have been discovered till now suggest … such a slip into the Antarctic waters of billions of tones of water. This event provoked a huge flooding. From the Antarctic waters, it rapidly spread to the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific oceans. These phenomena are described in the ancient texts … sooner or later, a portion, whether a small one or a large one, of the ice field slips into the Planetary Ocean … Both the Mesopotamian text and the Bible describe how shaken the Earth was at the arrival of the celestial Lord... the climate changes and the instability of the polar calotte from Antarctica... that the next ( crossing ) of their planet… would eventually attract the catastrophe ?" (Z. Sitchin, The Twelfth Planet):
* ECOLOGICAL EVIDENCE from Previous PLANET X Passages:

SF-ul Knowing

In filmul Knowing este vorba despre descoperirea unei capsule a timpului... Au fost prezise toate evenimentele oribile care au avut loc, iar datele il conduc pe profesor cu gandul la faptul ca omeniriea este pe cale de disparitie, iar el si fiul sau fac parte din conspiratia apocalipsei. Detalii:

* LIVE SCIENCE (7 ianuarie 2009) - NASA, Academia Nationala de Stiinte (SUA): Furtuna Solara Catastrofala in 2012...prabusirea retelelor de inalta tensiune si a sistemelor de comunicatii... guvernele ar putea sa nu mai controleze situatia...sint necesare Masuri Preventive. Raportul a fost realizat de o echipa de cercetatori din INTREAGA LUME condusa de Daniel Baker, director al Laboratorului de Fizica Spatiala de la Universitatea din Boulder (Colorado).Raportul a fost comandat si finantat de NASA:

CNN: Apocalyptic 'Knowing' hits anxious chord

The film, about a physics professor who sees clues for disastrous events in a time capsule's list of digits... The film begins in 1959, with students burying items in a time capsule at an elementary school. One of the children, however, creates an image of seemingly random numbers. Fifty years later, when the capsule is opened, Koestler's son receives the page of numbers, and his father realizes that they correspond to major disasters of the past half-century. Full story:

* A new study from the National Academy of Sciences outlines grim possibilities on Earth for a worst-case scenario solar storm... the next peak in solar activity is expected to come around 2012... The report was commissioned and funded by NASA. Experts from around the world in industry, government and academia participated:

luni, 23 martie 2009

NewScientist: Space storm alert: 90 seconds from catastrophe

IT IS midnight on 22 September 2012 and the skies above Manhattan are filled with a flickering curtain of colourful light. Few New Yorkers have seen the aurora this far south but their fascination is short-lived. Within a few seconds, electric bulbs dim and flicker, then become unusually bright for a fleeting moment. Then all the lights in the state go out. Within 90 seconds, the entire eastern half of the US is without power. Full story:

* 2012's Institute for Human Continuity Website Launched:

duminică, 22 martie 2009

“Roadmap” For an Israeli Attack on Iranian Nuclear Facilities

We have all read and heard about the Iranian nuclear program and its possible capability to produce nuclear weapons; about the diplomatic, economic, and other ongoing efforts to get Iran to come clean on its nuclear weapons intentions; and about the threat such a capability would pose to Israel and to world peace.
We have also seen reports about the possibility of an Israeli preemptive strike against such Iranian nuclear facilities and capabilities.
But until a few days ago, I had not dreamt of seeing in the public domain, detailed strategic and operational “plans” for various Israeli military options to take out the Iranian threat, both by IDF aircraft and by an Israeli ballistic missile attack. Full story:

* Jerusalem Post: The Iran-Israel nuclear endgame is now much closer:

vineri, 20 martie 2009

Secretele Antarcticii – fragmente ale unei planete disparute

Allan Treiman, cercetator in cadrul Lunar and Planetary Institute, sustine ca a reusit sa scoata la lumina in Antarctica doua roci misterioase despre care pretinde ca provin dintr-o straveche planeta, azi disparuta, din sistemul nostru solar. Detalii:

* Descrierile antice ale Genezei sistemului solar, confirmate de stiinta:
- Zecharia Sitchin, A Douasprezecea Planeta: " Kingu, principalul satelit al lui Tiamat, va fi protejat de coliziune, devenind
Luna... Un satelit al planetei Nibiru a despicat-o, jumatate formand 'Cerul', centura de asteroizi dintre Marte si Jupiter, iar din cealalta jumatate luand nastere Pamantul, cu o orbita independenta...

Antarctica Yields Fragments of an Ancient Destroyed Planet

Rocks can be many things: they were probably our earliest weapons, they've been ballast on our journeys of exploration, even modern-art pieces. But a pair recovered from Antarctica may be the grandest application yet - tombstones for an entire world. Lunar and Planetary Institute researcher Allain Treiman believes that them to be pieces of a destroyed dwarf planet, relics from the creation of the solar system. Full story:

* BBC: Dwarf planet 'becoming a comet'- An unusual dwarf planet discovered in the outer Solar System could be en route to becoming the brightest comet ever known... 2003 EL61... Professor Mike Brown has calculated that the object could be due a close encounter with the planet Neptune.If so, Neptune's gravity could catapult it into the inner Solar System as a short-period comet... Some time early in its history, it was smacked, edge on, by another large KBO (Kuiper Belt Objects)...
* One of Nibiru's satellites cut Tiamat in two, thus forming the "Sky", the Asteroid Belt ... and the other half formed the Earth... a planet moving very fast, on a elliptical orbit, similar to a comet. (Zecharia Sitchin, The Twelfth Planet)... Details:

joi, 19 martie 2009

The Daily Galaxy: Planet X Redux!

* The Daily Galaxy - Cruising the Goldilocks Zone -The Search for "Earth's Twins" -A Galaxy Classic - A little over a year and some three hundred exo-planet discoveries ago, astronomers at the European Southern Observatory in Chile announced that they had found what might be the first habitable planet outside the solar system. Known as Gliese 581c, the new planet is only five times as massive as the Earth and inhabits a rare sweet zone around a dim red star in the constellation Libra where it is neither too hot nor too cold for liquid water:
* The Daily Galaxy - Planet X Redux! - The search for the mythical Planet X may not be over yet. Scientists at Kobe University, Japan, announced that they believe another planet is orbiting within our solar system, up to two-thirds the size of the Earth. Yes, Trekkers, Planet-X is back!:
* YouTube - Kobe University thinks they know where Planet X is:

* Planet Gliese 581c and Planet X/Eris/Nibiru - Nibiru is one of many Planets that orbit a dark star or (Brown Dwarf). This Dark Star has five minor planets, the sixth an Earth-sized Homeworld, and the seventh the planet or object we call Nibiru... it is the physical link or "ferry" between our solar system and the dark star system of it's Brown Dwarf Star:

miercuri, 18 martie 2009

OZN-uri fotografiate deasupra Londrei

Un barbat a fotografiat patru forme ciudate deasupra Londrei si se banuieste ca acestea sunt OZN-uri. Detalii:

UFOs photographed over London

Derek Burdon was left stunned when he took a scenic pictures of the UK capital then noticed four flying saucers on the far right of the picture.
Mr Burdon took the photographs 16 floors up on the roof top of Orion House in Covent Garden in the morning. Full story:

* They are Here!(in a parallel universe): - The case of an image taken by Jim Templeton in Carlisle (England), in 1964, which showed, after its development, a human being dressed in a silvery suit near his daughter:

vineri, 13 martie 2009

MSNBC: Comet impacts can destroy stellar systems

Many scientists believe the dinosaurs were snuffed out by comet collision... The Earth likely experienced a few of these catastrophic impacts very early on, before life as we know it had even begun. Full story:

* The Institute for Human Continuity commends Californian Congressman for Planet X Forsight saying preparedness for Near Earth Objects is key for the survival of the human race... As Planet X approaches our galaxy, its gravitational pull will interact with these NEOs in potentially disastrous ways for our planet.The Sky is Falling: the deadly threat posed by Near Earth Objects and what we can do about itBy Rep. Dana Rohrabacher :

CNN: World faces 'irreversible' climate change, researchers warn

(CNN) -- The world is facing an increasing risk of "irreversible" climate shifts because worst-case scenarios warned of two years ago are being realized, an international panel of scientists has warned. Full story:

* CNN: City floating on the sea could be just 3 years away:

Adevarul: Schimbari climatice ‘ireversibile’, avertizeaza expertii

Sute de oameni de stiinta de renume au participat, ieri, la o conferinta in Copenhaga, cu avertismentul ca incalzirea globala se accelereaza, amenintand sa aduca modificari ‘ireversibile’ ale planetei, informeaza MSNBC. Detalii:

miercuri, 11 martie 2009

CNN: City floating on the sea could be just 3 years away

CNN (March 10, 2009) - A floating city off the coast of San Francisco may sound like science fiction, but it could be reality in the not-too-distant future.
The Seasteading Institute already has drawn up plans for the construction of a homestead on the Pacific Ocean.
One project engineer described the prototype as similar to a cruise ship, but from a distance the cities might look like oil-drilling platforms. Full story:

* Rising sea levels pose a far bigger eco threat than previously thought. This week's climate change conference in Copenhagen will sound an alarm over new floodings - enough to swamp Bangladesh, Florida, the Norfolk Broads and the Thames estuary:
* 2012's Institute for Human Continuity Website Launched - INITIATIVES:
Floating Cities... Subterranean City Planned in Antarctica...
* Doomsday seed vault's stores are growing:

Descopera: Incalzirea globala, un proces ciclic firesc?

O echipa de cercetatori ai Institutului Tehnologic Massachusetts a inregistrat recent o crestere aproape simultana a nivelurilor de metan la scara planetara, prima de acest fel in ultimii zece ani. Constatarea i-a derutat pe experti, deoarece contrazice teoriile conform carora oamenii ar fi principala sursa a producerii gazelor cu efect de sera. Detalii:

* LiveScience - Sun Blamed for Warming of Earth and Other Worlds - Earth is heating up lately, but so are Mars, Pluto and other worlds in our solar system, leading some scientists to speculate that a change in the sun’s activity is the common thread linking all these baking events:
* Explicaţia logică a procesului de încălzire a Pământului, ca şi a celorlalte planete din sistemul nostru solar a fost furnizată de I. Velikovsky, în 1950, în lucrarea Ciocnirea Lumilor: „Două corpuri cereşti au fost atrase unul spre celălalt. Masele interioare ale Pământului au suferit o împingere spre periferie. Pământul, perturbat în mişcarea sa de rotaţie, s-a încălzit”:
* Realitatea TV: Incalzirea globala nu exista, spune Vaclav Klaus si il critica pe Al Gore:
* Al Gore dat in judecata pentru frauda: Fondatorul "The Wheather Channel", John Coleman,ii va actiona in judecata pe cei care sustin ca temperatura planetei este in continua crestere ca urmare a emisiilor de dioxid de carbon, incluzandu-l aici si pe castigatorul premiului Nobel pentru Pace din 2007, Al Gore...Componentele de dioxid de carbon sunt prezente intr-o proportie minoritara: doar 38 la fiecare 100 000 de particule care ajung in atmosfera. Detalii:

UFOs and Obama Memorandum on Scientific Integrity

President Obama signs Memorandum on Scientific Integrity on March 9. Photo: APOn March 9, President Obama issued a Memorandum on Scientific Integrity to promote “transparency in the preparation, identification, and use of scientific and technological information in policymaking.” His memorandum instructs Federal agencies to “make available to the public the scientific or technological findings or conclusions considered or relied on in policy decisions.” Full story:

* Hillary Clinton desire for UFO & extraterrestrial diplomacy:
* A Tale of Extraterrestrial Politics in the White House:
* Astronauts of antiquity:

Carbon emissions creating acidic oceans not seen since dinosaurs

Human pollution is turning the seas into acid so quickly that the coming decades will recreate conditions not seen on Earth since the time of the dinosaurs, scientists will warn today. Full story:

* Global Screaming: Climate Hysteria Reaches New Level - The fact that warming has been detected on other planets like Mars and Jupiter where there are no humans at all?:
* LiveScience - Sun Blamed for Warming of Earth and Other Worlds - Earth is heating up lately, but so are Mars, Pluto and other worlds in our solar system, leading some scientists to speculate that a change in the sun’s activity is the common thread linking all these baking events:
* The logical explanation of the warming process on Earth and on the other planets in our solar system proves to be the one provided by I. Velikovsky, in his book from 1950: “Two celestial bodies have been attracted one to each other. The inner masses of the Earth were pushed to the periphery. The Earth, with its rotation movement disturbed, started to warm“:
* AFP: Czech president attacks Al Gore's climate campaign:
* Global Warming: Two sides of mass-deception:
* THE GLOBAL WARMING MYTH- Prof David Bellamy:
* FOXNews: Weather Channel Founder: Sue Al Gore for Fraud:


ROME - An Italian researcher recorded footage of the asteroid 2009 DD 45 that recently passed by, and discovered a UFO near it!:

* Nasa Ufo Pictures, Real photos of ufos from Nasa:

LiveScience: Huge 'Ocean' Discovered Inside Earth

Scientists scanning the deep interior of Earth have found evidence of a vast water reservoir beneath eastern Asia that is at least the volume of the Arctic Ocean.
The discovery marks the first time such a large body of water has found in the planet’s deep mantle.
The finding, made by Michael Wysession, a seismologist at Washington University in St. Louis, and his former graduate student Jesse Lawrence, now at the University of California, San Diego. Full story:

* Apollo 8, Apollo 16 and Hollow Earth Theories:

Oceanul de sub pamant

Oamenii de stiinta au descoperit dovezi ale existentei unui urias rezervor de apa sub scoarta terestra, in zona estului Asiei, care are un volum cel putin egal cu cel al Oceanului Arctic. Descoperirea a fost facuta de seismologii americani Michael Wysession si Jesse Lawrence. Detalii:

* Gardianul: Insula Pastelui si marturiile generalului Strainu... (Este abordata si teoria Pamantului gol in interior):
* De unde vin OZN-urile?:

marți, 10 martie 2009

Researcher Suggests that Ancient Writings and Structures may Indicate Visit(s) by Extraterrestrials

New York, NY, USA (MMD Newswire) February 24, 2009 -- Richard Vadim, a retired research scientist, demonstrates that the description of The New Jerusalem found in the Bible could actually be that of an immense space ship which once visited Earth... Mr. Vadim's newly published novel, The Coming, Return of the Yahweh, incorporates the space vehicle into a plausible story of a second coming and man's interaction with the alien beings within. Details:

* Planet Eris‘s area, 2,400 km +/- 97 km, measured by using images from the Hubble telescope, was made public at the end of April 2006.
In my book titled The Bible and the UFOs, 1991, based on the data from the Apocalypse/ Revelation, I had given the dimensions of a possible planetary station: it was 2,400 km.
The last book of the Bible contains details on the Eris planet (chapter 21: 2,12,16) called the NEW JERUSALEM (ERIS/ SALEM), togheter with its diameter and area:
a) diameter: 12,000 x 200 m ( 1 stadium ) = 2,400 km.
b) area: 2,400 km (length) x 2,400 km (width) x 12 (levels or floors) = 69,120,000 km2. Details:


Incalzirea globala ne va duce la razboi

Oamenii de stiinta sunt din ce in ce mai ingrijorati de cotele alarmante de crestere ale incalzirii globale care ar putea provoca in viitorul apropiat un adevarat razboi pentru resursele de supravietuire care incep sa se imputineze. Detalii:

luni, 9 martie 2009

Scientists to issue stark warning over dramatic new sea level figures

Rising sea levels pose a far bigger eco threat than previously thought. This week's climate change conference in Copenhagen will sound an alarm over new floodings - enough to swamp Bangladesh, Florida, the Norfolk Broads and the Thames estuary.
Scientists will warn this week that rising sea levels, triggered by global warming, pose a far greater danger to the planet than previously estimated. There is now a major risk that many coastal areas around the world will be inundated by the end of the century because Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets are melting faster than previously estimated. Full story:

* LiveScience: Antarctic Meltdown Would Flood Washington, D.C.:

duminică, 8 martie 2009

Details about Roland Emmerich's 2012 movie

The story blends the idea of theMayan calendar, which predicts theworld ending in 2012, with naturaldisasters such as volcanic eruptions,typhoons and glaciers plaguing theplanet and a large cast of characters dealing with the mayhem. Full story:

* 2012's Institute for Human Continuity Website Launched:

vineri, 6 martie 2009


On 13 May, 1917 AD three Children in Fatima Portugal (Lucia age 10, Francisco age 9, and Jacinta, age 7) received a series of three, amazing visions... The Third Prophecy of Fatima warns us of COMET IMPACT, that a Comet will impact earth and threaten all life... The ancient world believed in a Comet Planet that near passes Earth every 3600 years... Many believe in times past this Comet Planet (called Planet "X" and NIBIRU) caused the Great Flood of Noah's Day by breaking the glaciers loose. Full story:

* PLANET X AND THE BIBLE... 2012 Wisdom From the Ancients - The Kolbrin Bible:
* Jacques Vallee: FATIMA EVENT WAS UFO - More seriously, the description made at Fatima, Portugal, OF A SILVERY DISK WHICH FLEW THROUGH THE SKY, WAS SEEN BY SEVENTY THOUSAND WITNESSES AND WAS PHOTOGRAPHED AS IT MANEUVERED, deserves a place in our resume of the 'flying saucer' legend:
* Secrets of the Vatican - UFO's in the Ancient Art...THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM MYSTERY... Messiah - His Spaceships:

NASA's Kepler seeks another Earth among the stars

The spacecraft launches Friday night to embark on the most exhaustive hunt for a potentially habitable planet beyond our solar system. The first spacecraft dedicated to finding potentially habitable planets beyond our solar system is poised to blast off from Cape Canaveral tonight on a three-year mission to probe 150,000 stars in the most sweeping hunt for Earthlike objects ever undertaken by NASA. Full story:

* Astronomers Discover Earth-Like Planet Outside Solar System... Scientists from the European Southern Observatory working in Chile have found a new planet outside our solar system that is more like Earth than any other known planet... Like Earth, the new planet "Gliese 581c" orbits its sun in "the habitable zone." The estimated surface temperature is between minus 3 and 40 degrees celsius -- neither too cold nor too hot for life as we know it. This means there could be liquid water on the planet's surface:
* JAPANESE SCIENTISTS EYE MYSTERIOUS "PLANET X"-The researchers at Kobe University in western Japan said calculations using computer simulations led them to conclude it was only a matter of time before the mysterious "Planet X" was found:

2012's Institute for Human Continuity Website Launched

Sony has officially launched the viral website for The Institute for Human Continuity, which is the institute that is holding a lottery to give people a chance at survival when the apocalypse arrives in 2012. Yes, this is a big part of the viral campaign for Roland Emmerich's 2012 movie. Full story:

* The Institute for Human Continuity commends Californian Congressman for Planet X Forsight saying preparedness for Near Earth Objects is key for the survival of the human race... As Planet X approaches our galaxy, its gravitational pull will interact with these NEOs in potentially disastrous ways for our planet.The Sky is Falling: the deadly threat posed by Near Earth Objects and what we can do about itBy Rep. Dana Rohrabacher :
* Live Science about 2012, Solar Storm and NASA:

miercuri, 4 martie 2009

Discover: Ten Things You Don’t Know About the Sun

Quick! What's the brightest star in the sky?
If you said Sirius, then give yourself a blue gold star. But I'm sorry to say: Bzzzzt. You're wrong. Your problem is you know too much astronomy; Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. The correct answer is, duh, the Sun.
The Sun is a star just like all the others in the sky, more or less, but it just so happens to be substantially closer. Full story:

* Live Science about 2012, Solar Storm and NASA:

Adevarul: NASA se lansează în căutarea extratereştrilor

NASA va lansa vineri naveta spaţială Kepler, cu misiunea de a căuta viaţă în Univers, în afara sistemului nostru solar. “Căutăm casa lui ET”, a declarat astronomul William Borucki, şeful proiectului. Detalii:

* NASA: Vom descoperi o alta planeta locuibila. Prima planeta care prezinta conditii similare cu cele de pe Pamant va fi descoperita in urmatorii patru ani, cu ajutorul telescopului Corot, sustin astronomii:

BBC: Vatican hosts Darwin conference

The Vatican is sponsoring a five day conference to mark the 150th anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin's Origin of Species.
The subject is the compatibility of evolution and creation. Full story:

* According to the ancient writings - the Sumerian ones and the Bible - two types of genesis took place on Earth:
a) The genesis of the monkey - people, described in the Sumerian writings - Zecharia Sitchin, The Twelfth Planet: 300.000 years ago, the inhabitants of Nibiru rebelled - they worked in the mines on Earth. Enki and Ninhursag (his sister) have decided to create a primitive man using genetic engineering techniques and combining the (female) ape genes with those of Enki...
b) The genesis of the Anunnaki - people, clones of the inhabitans of the planet Eris/Nibiru, described in the Bible. Is much more recent, taking place approximately 8000 years ago. "Then God (Elohim, the divinity = PLURAL), said, 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness' ... " (Genesis 1: 26 ; 2: 7)...
* USA Today (2/13/2009) : Gene map shows few links between us, Neanderthals. Details:
* Secrets of the Vatican - UFO's in the Ancient Art... Messiah - His Spaceships:
* Pope's star watcher to visit Nasa and talk aliens:

marți, 3 martie 2009

Cotidianul: Congresul SUA se teme de asteroizi - Un asteroid a trecut foarte aproape de Pamant

Asteroidul 2009 DD45, despre care se crede ca avea un diametru de peste 36 de metri, a trecut, luni, la 70.000 de kilometri distanta fata de Pamant. Aceasta distanta este considerate mica de astronomi, relateaza Detalii:

* Cotidianul: Congresul SUA se teme de asteroizi - Parlamentarii americani acuza NASA, pe un ton alarmant, ca se ocupa prea putin de monitorizarea asteroizilor ce ar putea lovi Pamintul... "Vorbim de o cheltuiala minima in comparatie cu costul unei astfel de pagube. Pina la urma, poate fi distrusa chiar intreaga planeta", a declarat congresmanul republican Dana Rohrabacher:
* Congresmanul republican Dana Rohrabacher a introdus (30 ianuarie 2009) un amendament in Senatul american - HR 4917, the “NEO Preparedness Act,” - care, daca va trece, va duce la infiintarea unui Centru de monitorizare a obiectelor din vecinatatea Pamintului. Atrage atentia asupra faptului ca apropierea Planetei X, prin campul ei gravitational, va destabiliza asteroizii din apropierea Pamantului. "The Sky is Falling: the deadly threat posed by Near Earth Objects and what we can do about it" By Rep. Dana Rohrabacher :
* ZIARUL GARDIANUL: Planeta X, denumita Nibiru, ameninta viata de pe Terra:

BBC: Mars had 'recent' running water

Mars appears to have had running water on its surface about one million years ago, according to new evidence.
Images from a Nasa spacecraft orbiting the Red Planet show fan-shaped gullies on the surface which seem to be about 1.25 million years old, the study says. Full story:

* The Guardian: It's snowing on Mars:
* Blue Sky and Life on Mars!:
* Nat.Geographic: Liquid Water Recently Seen on Mars?:
* 'Antifreeze' key to life on Mars?... An "antifreeze" chemical in Martian soil could allow pockets of life-sustaining liquid water to exist on the Red Planet, say scientists:
* NASA: Mars methane discovery hints at presence of life:

Pe Marte au existat ape curgatoare

Pe Marte au existat mai multe rauri curgatoare in urma cu un milion de ani, sustin cercetatori britanici. Imaginile surprinse de NASA arata ca "Planeta Rosie" prezinta urmele unor albii de rau, care dateaza de 1,25 de milioane de ani, informeaza BBC. Detalii:

Michio Kaku: Is Time Travel Possible?

Is time travel possible? In his new book, Physics of the Impossible, renowned physicist Michio Kaku warns us that nothing should be considered impossible or beyond our eventual understanding. "In my own short lifetime," he writes, "I have seen the seemingly impossible become established fact over and over again.". Full story:

* Live Science: Teleportation Milestone Achieved:
* Teleportation and forcefields possible within decades, says Professor Michio Kaku:

Living Prehistoric "Lab" Found in 14-million-year-old Antarctica Valley

A team working in an ice-free region of dry valleys in the western Olympus Range discovered a rare trove of plants and animals high in the mountains, with perfectly preserved fossils of mosses, diatoms and minute crustacea called ostracods -a rare snapshot of ancient life in what must have been the last traces of tundra on the interior of the southernmost continent before temperatures began to drop relentlessly. Full story:

* LiveScience (01 February 2009): Tropical Turtle Fossil Found in Arctic - The last place scientists expected to find the fossil of a freshwater, tropical turtle was in the Arctic... John Tarduno, professor of geophysics at the University of Rochester:"The warming may have been caused by volcanoes pumping tremendous amounts of carbon dioxide into the Earth's atmosphere."... Tarduno led an expedition into the Canadian Arctic in 2006 to study an ancient aspects of Earth's magnetic field...
* I.Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision (Planet X, Volcanoes activation, Poles reversal 3600 years ago): ”Volcanic explosions... The causes of the ulterior appearance and disappearence of the glacier layer... Two celestial bodies have been attracted one to each other. The inner masses of the Earth were pushed to the periphery. The Earth with its rotation movement disturbed, started towarm... The Earth exploded and the lava started to spread around... the magnetic poles have been several times reversed, the last time during the Jews’ Exodus." Details:

luni, 2 martie 2009

The Daily Galaxy: Discovery of Ancient Mountain Range in Antarctica May Alter Climate Change Predictions

An international team of experts have mapped a huge, incredibly old location, mentioned in the notes of a Russian explorer from half a century ago, buried under hundreds of meters of ice. In an amazing break with tradition this process did not result in the unleashing of ancient horrors, a self-destruct sequence, alien invasion or anyone shooting at Indiana Jones. They've examined the entire Gamburtsev mountain range, 700 meters tall and buried under a kilometer of Antarctica. Full story:

* National Geographic (November 19, 2008) - Dark Matter Proof Found Over Antarctica? - High-energy electrons captured over Antarctica could reveal the presence of a nearby but MYSTERIOUS ASTROPHYSICAL OBJECT that's bombarding Earth with cosmic rays, researchers say:
* LiveScience: Antarctic Meltdown Would Flood Washington, D.C.: