luni, 29 iunie 2009

FILM (National Geographic): Extraterestrii Pe Pamant ?

FILM (National Geographic): Is it Real? - Ancient Astronauts / Extraterestrii Pe Pamant ? - Paleoastronautii - ( subtitrare romana ):

* De vorba cu zeii:
* OZN - Dosarele Vaticanului... Navele lui Mesia... La Fatima au fost OZN- uri... :
* Biserici si rachete (Cosmoteism) - Alexandru Ciobanu: "Secole de-a rândul oamenii au construit nave cosmice asa cum le-au vazut la zei. Le-au vazut venind, plecând, le-au vizitat interioarele, aparatura de bord, computerele. Zeii i-au lasat sa observe fara grija. Si oamenii le-au desenat cu simt critic pe peretii pesterilor sau le-au cioplit în stânca. Dupa ce au deprins din mestesugurile zeilor, încrezatori în ei însisi si în puterile protectorilor lor, oamenii au început sa-si faca si ei nave cosmice, cum îsi fac azi copiii avioane":
* Revista Descopera: Craniul de “hobbit” descoperit in Indonezia nu este uman:
* NOVA: Alien From Earth:

duminică, 28 iunie 2009

N. Korea: U.S. Plots 'Pre-Emptive Nuclear War'

FOXNews (Monday, June 29, 2009):
SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea criticized the U.S. on Monday for positioning missile defense systems around Hawaii, calling the deployment part of a plot to attack the regime and saying it would bolster its nuclear arsenal in retaliation. Full story:

* U.S. Fortifies Hawaii’s Defenses Against North Korean Arms:
* Vanga predicted break out of Third World War in 2010:

Stephen Hawking: "Asteroid Impacts Biggest Threat to Intelligent Life in the Galaxy

Stephen Hawking believes that one of the major factors in the possible scarcity of intelligent life in our galaxy is the high probability of an asteroid or comet colliding with inhabited planets. Full story:

* Californian Congressman for Planet X Forsight - The Sky is Falling: the deadly threat posed by Near Earth Objects and what we can do about it
By Rep. Dana Rohrabacher

General Emil Strainu - ''Fenomenul OZN si Serviciile Secrete''

- General Emil Strainu in dialog cu Oreste Teodorescu, referitor la ''fenomenul O.Z.N.'' :

* France poised to disclose presence of Extra Terrestrials on Earth:
* DE UNDE VIN OZN-urile?:
* EI SUNT AICI!... ASTRONAUTII ANTICHITATII... De vorba cu zeii... Misterele cercurilor din lanuri:

vineri, 26 iunie 2009

Deep Underground Military Bases - Planet X: Right To Know

- D.U.M.B.S - Deep Underground Military Bases - protection for who exactly?:
- Planet X: Right To Know:

* Military Hush-Up: Incoming Space Rocks Now Classified:
* CNN (YouTube): Norway's ark-Doomsday - 2012 Planet X ?... Norwegian leader's letter of WARNING:

NewScientist: Mars may hide secret water table

26 June 2009 - THE Red Planet could have a water table hidden underground, despite satellite data suggesting otherwise. Full story:

* First direct evidence of lightning on Mars detected:


NEW YORK, NY – An Egyptian pharaoh observed a huge fleet of UFOs hovering above the desert sands more than 3,400 years ago… and even went for a joyride on one of the spacecraft!
Incredibly, translations of hieroglyphic records reveal that Thutmose III, who reigned 15 centuries before the birth of Christ, first saw a UFO one winter morning around the year 1482 B.C. Full story:

* Astronauts of antiquity:
* Abraham - the Spaceships of the Gods and the Hiroshima of Antiquity:
* Moses and the Spaceships of the Gods:
* Messiah - His Spaceships:

Chivotul Legamantului va fi dezvaluit de Patriarhul Etiopiei

Abuna Pauolos, patriarhul Bisericii Ortodoxe din Etiopia, a anuntat ca va arata lumii intregi una dintre cele mai importante relicve ale crestinatatii, Chivotul Legamantului. Acesta nu a mai fost vazut de milenii, si a reprezentat poate cel mai cautat artefact din istorie, alaturi de Sfantul Graal.
„Cat de curand, lumea va putea admira Chivotul Legamantului, cel in care Biblia spune ca sunt pastrate tablele de lut cu cele 10 porunci, alaturi de o mostra de mana, hrana divina care i-a tinut in viata pe israeliti in lungul lor drum catre Pamantul Fagaduintei”, este declaratia soc a patriarhului etiopian, facuta in timpul intalnirii sale din Italia cu Papa Benedict al XVI-lea. Detalii:

* De vorba cu zeii - Trei elemente ale acestui dispozitiv au o semnificaţie deosebită:
1) „Mărturia” primită de Moise chiar de la Yahweh/Anu = staţie de emisie/recepţie
2) „Capacul ispaşirii” = difuzorul
3) „Heruvimii de aur” = antene
Să vedem cum funcţiona:
„Când intra Moise în cortul întâlnirii ca să vorbească cu Domnul (Yahweh/Anu), auzea glasul care-i vorbea de pe capacul ispăşirii, care era aşezat pe chivotul mărturiei, între cei doi heruvimi. Şi vorbea cu Domnul” (Numeri 7:89).
„Norul (nava - n. a.) Domnului era deasupra lor în timpul zilei, când porneau din tabără. Când pornea chivotul, Moise zicea: «Scoală-Te, Doamne, ca să se împrăştie vrăşmaşii Tăi şi să fugă dinaintea Feţei Tale cei ce Te urăsc»” (Numeri 10:34-35) :
* Astronautii antichitatii:
* OZN - Dosarele Vaticanului... Navele lui Mesia... Vaticanul se deschide spre Fenomenul OZN:
* Directorul Observatorului Astronomic al Vaticanului, George Coyne a purtat discutii despre extraterestrii cu personalul de la NASA, in februarie 2009:

joi, 25 iunie 2009

Holy Ark Announcement Due on Friday

( Ethiopian church leader says Friday, June 26, marks the right time to unveil the Biblical Ark of the Covenant, which he says has been hidden in his church for centuries. Full story:

* Three elements of this device have a special purpose:
1 )"The Testimony" that Yahweh / Anu sent directly to Moses = walkie - talkie.
2 )" The mercy cover" = loudspeaker.
3 ) The golden cherubim = antennas.
The operating system:
"When Moses entered the Tent of Meeting to speak whith the Lord ( Yahweh / Anu ) , he heard the voice speaking to him from between the two cherubim above the atonement cover on the ark of the Testimony.
And he spoke with the Lord" ( Numbers 7: 89 ).
"The cloud ( spaceship - A / N ) of the Lord was over them by day when they set out from the camp.
Whenever the ark set out , Moses said , 'Rise up , O Lord ! May your enemies be scattered ; may your foes flee before you '" ( Numbers 10: 34 - 35 ):
* Moses and the Spaceships of the Gods:
* Astronauts of antiquity:
* Messiah - His Spaceships... Secrets of the Vatican - UFO's in the Ancient Art:
* Pope's star watcher to visit NASA and talk aliens... The Vatican is to go head to head with NASA over the possibility of life existing anywhere else in the Universe except Earth:

luni, 22 iunie 2009

Descopera: Antarctica a fost acoperita de plante uriase

Florile gigantice descoperite in insulele sub-antarctice din zona Australiei si a Noii Zeelande sunt probabil supravietuitorii intinderii de vegetatie, care acoperea Antarctica inainte de inceperea epocii de gheata, in urma cu 2 milioane de ani. Detalii:

* Mediafax: Polul Nord a fost tropical:
* Revista Descopera despre dezastrele (Planeta X?) de acum 3600 de ani:
* Hercolubus, Nibiru: Planeta Sfirsitului Lumii:
* TELEVIZIUNEA RUSA despre Planeta X/Nibiru:

Realitatea TV: Cele mai grave zece dezastre naturale din istorie

Ne putem pregăti pentru ele, dar nu le putem preveni. De asemenea, putem să le anticipăm, dar nu le putem prognoza cu acurateţe. Dezastrele naturale sunt poate şi o lecţie dată umanităţii, dovedind că natura este stăpâna, şi nu oamenii care populează această planetă. Discovery Science a relizat un top al celor mai grave dezastre naturale din istorie. Detalii:

* Realitatea TV: Topul catastrofelor care vor distruge civilizatia umana in 2012:
* COTIDIANUL: Congresul SUA se teme de asteroizi:
* GARDIANUL: Planeta X, denumita Nibiru, ameninta viata de pe Terra:

duminică, 21 iunie 2009

Un lider al-Qaida afirmă că organizaţia ar putea folosi armele nucleare pakistaneze împotriva SUA

Al-Qaida ar folosi armele nucleare pakistaneze în lupta sa împotriva Statelor Unite, dacă ar avea acces la ele, a declarat duminică un lider al grupării, Abu Saeed al-Masri. Detalii:

* Clarvazatoarea Vanga: 2010 - Al Treilea Razboi Mondial... Codul lui Nostradamus: Al Treilea Razboi Mondial (2009-2012)... Biblia si Al Treilea Razboi Mondial - Imparatia de 1000 de ani:

* SUA iau măsuri pentru a se pregăti de un eventual tir nord-coreean asupra Hawaii:
* Phenianul ameninţă Coreea de Sud cu o ripostă militară:

Al Qaeda says would use Pakistani nuclear weapons

Dubai (Reuters)

If it were in a position to do so, Al Qaeda would use Pakistan’s nuclear weapons in its fight against the United States, a top leader of the group said in remarks aired on Sunday.
“We expect that the Pakistani army would be defeated (in Swat) … and that would be its end everywhere, God willing.” Full story:

* U.S. Fortifies Hawaii’s Defenses Against North Korean Arms:

Phoenix crop circle may predict end of the world

Crop circle experts believe the latest pattern to be discovered, a phoenix rising from the flames in Wiltshire, may give a warning about the end of the world. Full story:

* Giant jellyfish invades Earth... in the form of a mysterious crop circle:

Vanga predicted break out of Third World War in 2010

- There are not many people who believe in clairvoyants’ predictions. However, such beliefs stay strong until those predictions begin to come true. As for the predictions of the Bulgarian remote-viewer and healer Vanga (Vangelia Gushterova), people began to listen out for her words long ago. Vanga presumably became known for her predictions of global disasters.
For example, Vanga predicted the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States, when she said that American brothers would fall under attacks of birds of steel. The clairvoyant also predicted the beginning of WWII, the perestroika in the USSR, the death of Princess Diana and even the sinking of the Kursk submarine. Full story:
- VANGA: The Most Direct Connection (…Between Earth and The Vamphim):

* 2009: US to be hit by nuclear bomb... Alexey Fud, a well-known Russian clairvoyant, has made a breakthrough forecast for 2009. According to him, next year one of the American cities will be hit with a nuclear bomb:
* The Nostradamus Code:World War III (2009-2012):
* The Bible and the Third World War - the 1000 Year Kingdom:

Clarvazatoarea Vanga: 2010 - Al Treilea Razboi Mondial

- Vanga – Clarvazatoarea care a prezis atentatele din SUA, sustinea ca al Treilea Razboi Mondial va incepe in 2010:

- Nu multa lume crede in clarvazatori, pana in momentul in care predictiile lor se adeveresc. O clarvazatoare din Bulgaria a devenit cunoscuta dupa ce a prezis caderea turnurilor gemene din SUA dar si ca al Treilea Razboi Mondial va incepe in 2010, scrie Detalii:

- PREVIZIUNI. O celebră clarvăzătoare din Bulgaria a mai prezis, pe lângă conflictul de anul viitor, accidentul submarinului Kursk, venirea lui Obama la Casa Albă şi criza economică. Detalii:

* Codul lui Nostradamus: Al Treilea Razboi Mondial (2009-2012);
* Biblia si Al Treilea Razboi Mondial - Imparatia de 1000 de ani:

vineri, 19 iunie 2009

SUA iau măsuri pentru a se pregăti de un eventual tir nord-coreean asupra Hawaii

Statele Unite sunt ingrijorate de un eventual tir nord-coreean spre Hawaii şi au luat măsuri pentru a proteja acest stat american aflat in mijlocul Oceanului Pacific, a anunţat joi secretarul apărării, Robert Gates, relatează AFP, citata de NewsIn. Detalii:

* The Nostradamus Code:World War III (2009-2012):

U.S. Fortifies Hawaii’s Defenses Against North Korean Arms

WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates announced Thursday that he had ordered the military to deploy missile interceptors and radar to protect Hawaii from a North Korean long-range rocket. Full story:
REUTERS: North Korea chemical weapons threaten region:

* North Korea to be attacked; U.S. Nuclear first strike "likely":
* BBC: N Korea threatens military action:
* The Nostradamus Code:World War III (2009-2012):
* The Bible and the Third World War - the 1000 Year Kingdom:

The new '2012' trailer

The new '2012' trailer will make you cry tears of fire and carnage:

* Details about Roland Emmerich's 2012 movie and the 2012 movie trailer!:
* Live Science about 2012, Solar Storm and NASA:
* 2012, Hollywood, The Pentagon and NASA: 'When Worlds Collide':

joi, 18 iunie 2009

S-a descoperit un lac pe Marte

Oamenii de stiinta americani au descoperit dovezi definitive ale existentei unui lac pe planeta Marte. Detalii:

* HotNews: Apa lichida pe Marte... Realitatea TV: Rocile de pe Marte se plimbă... The Guardian (27 ianuarie 2009) - Pe Marte ninge... NASA ascunde adevarata culoare a Planetei Marte:
* 17 iunie 2009 - Insciences Organisation - Pentru prima data au fost evidentiate descarcari electrice pe Marte, sustin cercetatorii de la Universitatea din Michigan (SUA):

First direct evidence of lightning on Mars detected

ANN ARBOR, Mich. (Published on 17 June 2009) — For the first time, direct evidence of lightning has been detected on Mars, say University of Michigan researchers who found signs of electrical discharges during dust storms on the Red Planet.
The bolts were dry lightning, says Chris Ruf, a professor in the departments of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences and Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. Full story:
* Nat.Geographic: Liquid Water Recently Seen on Mars?:
* The Guardian: It's snowing on Mars:
* 'Antifreeze' key to life on Mars?... An "antifreeze" chemical in Martian soil could allow pockets of life-sustaining liquid water to exist on the Red Planet, say scientists:
* NASA: Mars methane discovery hints at presence of life:
* Blue Sky and Life on Mars!:
* U.S. scientists unveil NASA’s secrets about cities on the Moon and microbes on Mars:
* Realitatea TV: Rocile de pe Marte se plimbă:

miercuri, 17 iunie 2009

Ritalin ADHD Drug Linked to 500 Percent Increased Risk of Sudden Death in Children

(NaturalNews) Just how dangerous are the amphetamine stimulant drugs prescribed for children with so-called ADHD? According to scientific research funded by the FDA and the National Institute of Mental Health, drugs such as Ritalin increase the risk of sudden death by five hundred percent among children and teens. Full story:

* Prozac, used by 40M people, does not work, say scientists…
- ‘St John’s Wort plant as effective as Prozac for treating depression’, say scientists…
- Stanislav Grof, American psychiatrist: “The materialistic science’s approach has become a strait jacket which inhibits the progress instead of encouraging it.”
- E. Goffman, American sociologist: “The psychiatric hospitals are characterized by an extremely authoritative logic… the illness doesn’t have a significant importance in the life of the patient.”
- The Antipsychiatry Coalition is a nonprofit volunteer group consisting of people who feel we have been harmed by psychiatry - and of our supporters. We created this website to warn you of the harm routinely inflicted on those who receive psychiatric “treatment” and to promote the democratic ideal of liberty for all law-abiding people that has been abandoned in the U.S.A., Canada, and other supposedly democratic nations:
* The "Heart-Kidneys" Theory and the Psychology of the Future:

marți, 16 iunie 2009

Larry King presents UFO evidence, witnesses on CNN

Larry King presents compelling evidence that there is much more to the UFO phenomenon than meets the eye in excerpts from four CNN articles below. These intriguing excerpts are taken from four fascinating Larry King Live shows focused exclusively on UFO evidence and witnesses. Full story:

* CNN: Former astronaut: Man not alone in universe:
* CNN: City floating on the sea could be just 3 years away:
* CNN (YouTube): Norway's ark-Doomsday - 2012 Planet X ?:
* (YouTube): NIBIRU - Norwegian leader's letter of WARNING:
* CNN: Apocalypse in 2012? Date spawns theories, film:

sâmbătă, 13 iunie 2009

UFO: Planet X Found in 2Mass Survey Image?

During a survey of Proxima Centauri by scientist Ron Stewart using an image provided by All Sky Survey 2MASS a project of IPAC/Caltech a space anomaly was found at 71 degrees north and about 4.2 light years from Earth. The Planetary body looks to be metallic with a surface structure not commonly seen on planets in our own solar system, those made from collisions, rather looking more like polished aluminum. The Planetary object has been given the name Planet X. The images below are a step by step process of enlargements using APEP and a description of how the images were obtained using 2MASS. Full story:

* Planet Gliese 581c and Planet X/Eris/Nibiru:

joi, 11 iunie 2009

Military Hush-Up: Incoming Space Rocks Now Classified

For 15 years, scientists have benefited from data gleaned by U.S. classified satellites of natural fireball events in Earth's atmosphere – but no longer.
A recent U.S. military policy decision now explicitly states that observations by hush-hush government spacecraft of incoming bolides and fireballs are classified secret and are not to be released, has learned. Full story:

* Californian Congressman for Planet X Forsight - The Sky is Falling: the deadly threat posed by Near Earth Objects and what we can do about it
By Rep. Dana Rohrabacher
* (YouTube): NIBIRU - Norwegian leader's letter of WARNING:
* Russian Television Reports on Nibiru... RIANOVOSTI - Another great flood: time to build an ark?:

marți, 9 iunie 2009

France poised to disclose presence of Extra Terrestrials on Earth

The words 'Nous ne sommes pas seuls' or 'We are not alone' will be somberly pronounced this week by a senior Government official of the nation that brought the world 'Liberté, égalité, fraternité'. France is set to concede that it is aware of an alien presence on earth by no later than Friday. Full story:

* UFOs and Obama Memorandum on Scientific Integrity:

Air Force Declassified Uruguay Files, ET Hypothesis Not Dismissed

40 UFO cases remained unexplained in Uruguay

The UFO phenomenon has manifested itself many times in Uruguay. Thirty years after research began, 40 cases remain unexplained. The files were declassified and EL PAIS was allowed access to them. Full story:

* Canada releases UFO X-Files to the World:
* Kazakhstan: Government to build UFO base and alien embassy:

luni, 8 iunie 2009

EcoMagazin: Incalzirea globala, o minciuna convenabila

Recent, intr-un documentar rulat pe Canal 4 din Marea Britanie intitulat “Marea frauda a incalzirii globale” s-a lansat o provocare celor ce sustin teoria incalzirii globale pe fondul activitatii umane .

Filmul argumenteaza ca de fapt Soarele este cel responsabil de incalzirea temperaturii pe Terra, opinie sustinuta de numerosi oameni de stiinta si climatologi. Detalii:

* Robert Calahan de la NASA's Goddard Space Center ar putea fi în mare încurcatura - pentru ca spune adevarul. Aici este titlul unui recent articol din Daily Tech:
"Un studiu NASA recunoaste ca Soarele, nu omul, este responsabil pentru încalzirea planetei":

* Descopera: Incalzirea globala, un proces ciclic firesc?...
- Explicaţia logică a procesului de încălzire a Pământului, ca şi a celorlalte planete din sistemul nostru solar a fost furnizată de I. Velikovsky, în 1950, în lucrarea Ciocnirea Lumilor: „Două corpuri cereşti au fost atrase unul spre celălalt. Masele interioare ale Pământului au suferit o împingere spre periferie. Pământul, perturbat în mişcarea sa de rotaţie, s-a încălzit”...
- Realitatea TV: Incalzirea globala nu exista, spune Vaclav Klaus si il critica pe Al Gore...
- Al Gore dat in judecata pentru frauda: Fondatorul "The Wheather Channel", John Coleman,ii va actiona in judecata pe cei care sustin ca temperatura planetei este in continua crestere ca urmare a emisiilor de dioxid de carbon, incluzandu-l aici si pe castigatorul premiului Nobel pentru Pace din 2007, Al Gore...Componentele de dioxid de carbon sunt prezente intr-o proportie minoritara: doar 38 la fiecare 100 000 de particule care ajung in atmosfera:

duminică, 7 iunie 2009

NASA's Latest Discovery: Sun Heats (What Sun?) the Earth

- Robert Calahan at NASA’s Goddard Space Center could be in big trouble -- for telling the truth. Here is a headline for an article in the Daily Tech:
"NASA Study Acknowledges Solar Cycle, Not Man, Responsible for Past Warming" Full story:

- NASA: Solar Variability: Striking a Balance with Climate Change
The sun has powered almost everything on Earth since life began, including its climate. The sun also delivers an annual and seasonal impact, changing the character of each hemisphere as Earth's orientation shifts through the year. Since the Industrial Revolution, however, new forces have begun to exert significant influence on Earth's climate:

* LiveScience - Sun Blamed for Warming of Earth and Other Worlds - Earth is heating up lately, but so are Mars, Pluto and other worlds in our solar system, leading some scientists to speculate that a change in the sun’s activity is the common thread linking all these baking events:
* Global Screaming: Climate Hysteria Reaches New Level - The fact that warming has been detected on other planets like Mars and Jupiter where there are no humans at all?:
* Live Science about 2012, Solar Storm and NASA:
* The logical explanation of the warming process on Earth and on the other planets in our solar system proves to be the one provided by I. Velikovsky, in his book from 1950: “Two celestial bodies have been attracted one to each other. The inner masses of the Earth were pushed to the periphery. The Earth, with its rotation movement disturbed, started to warm“:
* COULD WE SEE TWO SUNS IN FIVE YEARS?... A former CNN science feature producer, Marshall Masters, followed the money, and found an ongoing global mobilization in reponse to this looming possibility:

vineri, 5 iunie 2009

Cainele Domnului – Tomas de Torquemada

- El este omul al carui nume a devenit sinonim de-a lungul veacurilor cu fanatismul religios si cu ororile crimelor comise abuziv in numele unei biserici care combate tocmai ideea de crima. Preotul care a ridicat tortura la rang de politica nationala si care nu a precupetit nimic din a rafina metodele prin care un om poate fi schingiut. El este cel care a aruncat Europa in ceea ce multi numesc Evul Intunecat al Inchizitiei... Tomas de Torquemada – Cainele Domnului:

- Vaticanul refuza, deocamdata, sa-l reabiliteze pe Giordano Bruno... Nicola Cabibbo, presedinte al Academiei Pontificale de Stiinta: “Teoria lui Giordano Bruno este demonstrata de existenta unor planete în afara sistemului solar, observate de telescoape... Probleme ramân doar procesul si condamnarea. Cred ca vina este chiar mai mica decât cea a lui Galileo. Si, prin urmare, nu-i va fi usor Bisericii sa recunoasca faptul ca nu a existat nici un motiv pentru a-l pune pe rug”, a adaugat el. Detalii:

* OZN - Dosarele Vaticanului... Jacques Vallee: La Fatima au fost OZN-uri... Secrets of the Vatican - UFOs in the Ancient Art... Navele lui Mesia:

The Sun: Ghostly visit to shopping mall

EXTRAORDINARY CCTV footage has captured the ghost of a small child darting across a busy shopping centre. Full story:

* Mother takes photo of 'angel' in hospital:

Fantomă, surprinsă de camerele de supraveghere ale unui mall din Chile (VIDEO)

Imagini bizare, surprinse de o cameră de supraveghere ale unui mall din Chile. O apariţie ciudată a fost filmată în faţa magazinului. Detalii:

* Ziua: O fantoma filmata de un pusti de 12 ani! (VIDEO):

joi, 4 iunie 2009

Has Air France Flight Hit the Bermuda Triangle? / A atins zborul Air France Triungiul Bermudelor?

- When the aircraft was negotiating the thunderous zone with strong turbulence, it might have got thrown out of its flight route and got sucked into the Bermuda Triangle. Or, maybe, the Bermuda Triangle itself might be shifting a bit? If we do not find the wreckage in the next few days, the investigators may like to investigate this angle.
- Dupa ce aparatul de zbor a trecut de zona cu puternice turbulenţe, aceasta ar fi putut sa-l scoata de la ruta de zbor şi sa fie aspirat în Triunghiul Bermudelor. Sau, poate, Triunghiul Bermudelor în sine sa se fi deplasat un pic? Dacă nu se gasesc resturi în următoarele câteva zile, anchetatorii ar putea sa investigheze si acest punct de vedere.
* Air France Plane Missing Near Bermuda Triangle:

CNN: Brazilian air force says debris was not from Air France crash:
Realitatea TV: Resturile recuperate din Oceanul Atlantic nu aparţin Airbusului A330:
* Un avion disparut in 1946 a aterizat in 1993 in America de Sud:

marți, 2 iunie 2009

A meteoroid of unknown origin hit Earth’s atmosphere and exploded

A BLINDING FLASH: On May 31st 2009, evening sky watchers in northern Poland were temporarily blinded by a sudden flash of light brighter than the full Moon. An automated camera in the town of Gniewowo captured this snapshot of the “un-night” sky. Full story:

* BBC: Dwarf planet 'becoming a comet':
* US fireball 'was meteor, not UFO':
* The Sky is Falling:

Giant jellyfish invades Earth... in the form of a mysterious crop circle

A 600ft jellyfish has washed up in a barley field miles from the sea - in the form of one of the biggest and most bizarre crop circles ever seen. Full story:

* British Government secretly studies crop circles & UFO connection:

Fenomen paranormal intr-un lan de orz: Meduza bizara descoperita in Anglia

Un fermier din Marea Britanie a avut parte de o surpriza de proportii, saptamana trecuta, cand si-a vazut recolta de orz. Si asta pentru ca in ea aparuse un model unic si extrem de bizar, cu forma de... meduza. Potrivit jurnalistilor de la "The Sun", desenul de aproape doua sute de metri, aparut in Kingstone Coombes, Oxfordshire, este unul dintre cele mai ciudate pe care expertii le-au vazut vreodata. Detalii:

* Magazin: Misterele cercurilor din lanuri:

luni, 1 iunie 2009

Rusia: Catastrofa nucleara este inevitabila

Un expert rus in geopolitica avertizeaza ca o catastrofa nucleara este iminenta, deoarece Comunitatea Internationala nu acorda suficienta atentie acestui subiect. Detalii;

* Codul lui Nostradamus si Biblia despre al Treilea Razboi Mondial - (2009-2012):

Un nou ciclu solar va incepe in 2013

O echipa de experti condusi de NOAA si sponsorizati de NASA au emis o noua predictie pentru urmatorul ciclu solar. Ciclul Solar 24 va incepe, dupa cum sustin cercetatorii, in luna mai a anului 2013... Insa nu trebuie sa ne imaginam ca acest ciclu este unul slab. "Chiar si un ciclu sub medie este capabil sa produca fenomene meteo puternice in spatiu. Marea furtuna geomagnetica din 1859, de exemplu, s-a produs in timpul unui ciclu solar cam de aceleasi dimensiuni cu cel pe care il asteptam in 2013", a spus Biesecker. Detalii:

* Sistemul de sateliţi GPS ar putea ceda până în anul 201o:
* NewScientist: Space storm alert: 90 seconds from catastrophe: