miercuri, 30 septembrie 2009
Cotidianul: Pamantul e gol pe dinăuntru
“Pana la urma ce stiu cu adevarat oamenii de stiinta despre centrul pamantului? Nu fac altceva decat sa speculeze. Au credinte si dogme, dar nici o dovada clara ca Pamantul are un miez de fier topit. Cele mai adanci foraje nu au depasit cateva zeci de km”. Detalii:
* GENERALUL EMIL STRAINU DESPRE TEORIA PAMANTULUI GOL IN INTERIOR - "Am vazut filme si poze mult mai 'spectaculoase' decât cele care au fost date public, dar care nu sunt date în circulatie. M-as referi acum la filmul si pozele facute despre intråndul de la Polul Sud care sunt facute din sateliti. Toate statele care au sateliti si au avut ca zona de cercetare Polii, au putut fotografia si filma acest intrând care este o realitate!":
Google logos and H.G. Wells: assist public preparedness for UFOs
The Google logo "doodle" on Sept. 21, H.G. Wells' birthday, showed the three-legged extraterrestrial invaders from Wells' novel THE WAR OF THE WORLDS, published in 1898. Full story:
* Google's UFO Logo: A Prediction or Celebration of Voyager 1 Anniversary?:
Brazil Declassifies New UFO Secret Documents
This is to inform you that the Brazilian Government has just declassified a new set of significant previously secret UFO documents, now covering the 80s. We already had disclosures covering the 50s, 60s and 70s, all with very important documents and information. So far over 4,000 pages have been disclosed. Full story:
* BRAZIL: Over 1,300 pages of former secret UFO documents surface in Brazil and was given to the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers... URUGUAY: Air Force Declassified Uruguay Files, ET Hypothesis Not Dismissed... RUSSIA: Russian Navy UFO records say aliens love oceans... USA: UFOs and Obama Memorandum on Scientific Integrity... Hillary Clinton desire for UFO & extraterrestrial diplomacy:
marți, 29 septembrie 2009
People Born Blind Can See During a NDE
Vicki Umipeg, a forty-five year old blind woman, was just one of the more than thirty persons that Dr. Ken Ring and Sharon Cooper interviewed at length during a two-year study just completed concerning near-death experiences of the blind. The results of their study appear in their newest book Mindsight. Vicki was born blind, her optic nerve having been completely destroyed at birth because of an excess of oxygen she received in the incubator. Yet, she appears to have been able to see during her NDE. Full story:
* German Girl With Half-Empty Skull Sees Normally Through One Eye:
Strange anomalies on the surface of the Moon are not something new. As far backas the late 1700's, astronomers peering through telescopes have
reported strange lights and shadows on the surface— some showing
apparent movement across the lunar terrain. In 1847, for example,
"luminous points of light were observed on the Moon during an eclipse—when the entire moon is covered in earth's shadow. Astronomer Sir John Herschel claimed to have seen on many occasions lights that seemed to be moving above the surface of the moon. Many astronomers have observed strange lights in craters that seemed to move and change formations as if under intelligent control. Full story:
CNN: NASA: There is water in lunar soil:
* Buzz Aldrin comments on the "Monolith" on Mars Moon Phobos... APOLLO 11 UFO... VIDEO: "I Saw Structures on the Moon":
vineri, 25 septembrie 2009
Immortality only 20 years away says scientist
Scientist Ray Kurzweil claims humans could become immortal in as little as 20 years' time through nanotechnology and an increased understanding of how the body works. Full story:
* Talking to the Gods... They are here... Astronauts of Antiquity:
* FILM (History Channel): Ancient Aliens (2009)... FILM (National Geographic / Discovery Science): Bermuda Triangle (Triunghiul Bermudelor - subtitrare romana)... FILM (National Geographic): Is it Real? - Ancient Astronauts / Extraterestrii Pe Pamant ?:
Am putea deveni nemuritori în 20 de ani, graţie nanotehnologiei
Omul de ştiinţă american Ray Kurzweil susţine că oamenii ar putea deveni practic nemuritori în aproximativ două decenii. Nanotehnologia şi înţelegerea mai bună a felului în care funcţionează organismul uman ne vorajuta să trăim veşnic. Detalii:
* De vorba cu zeii... Istoria necunoscuta a omenirii... Astronautii Antichitatii:
Did comet crashes help spark Earth life?
Like shooting comets in a barrel
To simulate a comet hitting pay dirt, Blank and her colleagues fire a bullet into a metal container the size of a can of beans. In this scenario, the container is the comet and the bullet is the hard ground. Inside the container is a small chamber about as big as a quarter, in which the scientists place a liquid sample of organic molecules. Full story:
* Ingredient for life detected in comet dust:
Conspiratii celebre (9): Extraterestrii sint peste tot dar guvernele tac din gura
La începutul acestei luni, Google a înfierbântat în două rânduri spiritele schimbându-şi celebrul logo cu nişte remixuri în care apar ba OZN-uri, ba cercuri în lanuri de grâu. Internauţii au început să facă diverse speculaţii despre legăturile extraterestre ale gigantului web. Detalii:
* TOP SECRET: Documentary to expose UFO secrets... USA: UFOs and Obama Memorandum on Scientific Integrity... Hillary Clinton desire for UFO & extraterrestrial diplomacy... RUSSIA: Russian Navy UFO records say aliens love oceans:
* Logo-ul OZN al Google – celebrare sau predictie?... Ei sunt aici!... Astronautii Antichitatii:
Conspiraţii celebre (8): Misterele Triunghiului Bermudelor
Triunghiul Bermudelor era cunoscut din vechime sub numele din Triunghiul Diavolului. Cele mai multe rapoarte despre dispariţiile navelor şi avioanelor vin din secolul XX, dar prima menţiune a unor probleme în triunghi a fost făcută de nimeni altul decât Cristofor Columb. Detalii:
* FILM (National Geographic / Discovery Science): Bermuda Triangle (Triunghiul Bermudelor - subtitrare romana)... FILM (National Geographic): Is it Real? - Ancient Astronauts / Extraterestrii Pe Pamant ?:
vineri, 11 septembrie 2009
Putin says opposes new sanctions or attack on Iran
Washington, 11 September (WashingtonTV)—Russia’s Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Friday that he was against the use of force or new sanctions against Iran over its disputed nuclear program. Full story:
* Russian report: Netanyahu may be planning attack:
* John Bolton:Israel will attack Iran by end of 2009:
* "US to be hit by nuclear bomb in 2009" (Alexey Fud, a well-known Russian clairvoyant)... Vanga predicted break out of Third World War in 2010... The Nostradamus Code:World War III (2009-2012)... The Bible and the Third World War - the 1000 Year Kingdom:
John Bolton:Israel will attack Iran by end of 2009
joi, 10 septembrie 2009
Russian report: Netanyahu may be planning attack
- PM's rushed visit to Moscow under cloud of secrecy occupies Russian media. Kommersant paper quotes 'informed Israeli' source as saying 'It can't be ruled out that Israel may be ready to move on to decisive actions with regards to Iran, and Netanyahu decided to inform Kremlin of this'. Full story:
- Israel Warns Russia “We’ll Bring Whole World Down With Us”
Grim reports circulating in the Kremlin today are stating that during a “shouting match” between President Medvedev and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [photo 2nd left], the leader of the Jewish Nation warned “We’ll bring the whole World down with us if we have to” after his, Netanyahu, being “told with all authority” by Medvedev that Russia would not sanction Israel’s planned nuclear bombing of Iran and would “very likely” retaliate if Netanyahu carries out his threat. Full story:
* Wall Street Journal: Israel may attack Iran:
UFO classified technology and the secret space program / It's time to blow your mind
The following article may just melt your brain. We can not verify the validity of this information but found it enough to sit us back in our chairs in silence for a few moments while scratching our heads. WOW is all we have to say on this one. Take a few extra minutes and read this article all the way through. It’s worth the entertainment, especially for those of us enthusiasts who have been exposed to so much already. The subject of UFOs and the information we receive can be like a drug habit. It takes more and more to impress the veterans out here. Full story:
Jake Simpson: The biggest secret:
* Bob Dean - The coming of Nibiru - Interview transcript:
* "Planet X confirmed" - cosmonaut and pilot Marina Popovich:
Egyptian temples followed heavenly plans
ANCIENT Egyptian temples were aligned so precisely with astronomical events that people could set their political, economic and religious calendars by them. So finds a study of 650 temples, some dating back to 3000 BC. Full story:
* FILM (History Channel): Ancient Aliens (2009)... FILM (National Geographic): Is it Real? - Ancient Astronauts ... FILM (National Geographic / Discovery Science): Bermuda Triangle:
Nostradamus predictions and prophecy - End of the World, 2012 and Armageddon?
Did Nostradamus Predict the Kennedy Assassinations?... Did Nostradamus predict September 11th (9/11 2001) or the planes hitting the World Trade Center towers?... Did Nostradamus predict Armageddon or the End of the world?:
* The Nostradamus Code:World War III (2009-2012)...
- 2009: US to be hit by nuclear bomb... Alexey Fud, a well-known Russian clairvoyant, has made a breakthrough forecast for 2009. According to him, next year one of the American cities will be hit with a nuclear bomb... Vanga predicted break out of Third World War in 2010...
- The Bible and the Third World War - the 1000 Year Kingdom:
* The Bible Code and the Torah Code:
Israelul se pregateste de catastrofa
Cotidianul ebraic "Maariv" a dezaluit ieri existenta unui plan oficial in cazul in care Israelul va fi nevoit, brusc, sa inmormantezemii de israelieni, eventualele victime ale unui atac atomic, chimic sau biologic,a unui cutremur catastrofal sau a unui mega-atentat. Detalii:
* Clarvazatoarea Vanga: 2010 - Al Treilea Razboi Mondial... Codul lui Nostradamus: Al Treilea Razboi Mondial (2009-2012)... Biblia si Al Treilea Razboi Mondial - Imparatia de 1000 de ani:
Sfarsitul lumii vine cu urmatorul Papa
Profetiile sfantului de origine irlandeza Malachi - faimosul episcop al secolului XII din Armagh care a prezis toti Papii Bisericii Catolice - au fascinat si ingrozit, in acelasi timp, lumea secole intregi. Printre altele, el a sustinut faptul ca, in afara de conducatorul catolicilor din prezent, Papa Benedict al XVI-lea, va mai exista numai unul singur, in vremea caruia va veni sfarsitul lumii... Detaliata profetie continea numele tuturor Suveranilor Pontifi - 112 la numar si ale caror pontificate se intind pe parcursul a nu mai putin de 900 de ani - inclusiv pe cel de la acea vreme si pana la cel din urma Papa, care va domni pana la "sfarsitul vremii". Detalii:
* Papa va publica manualul de depistat miracole si viziuni:
* The Vatican and Nibiru... Pope's star watcher to visit Nasa and talk aliens... Secrets of the Vatican - UFO's in the Ancient Art:
miercuri, 9 septembrie 2009
Aceasta este dovada existentei OZN-urilor?
Specialistii din lumea intreaga se intreaba daca aceasta este dovada care sa raspunda uneia dintre cele mai mari dileme ale omenirii. Suntem sau nu singuri in Univers? Este vorba despre un film de circa 40 de minute, realizat de catre oamenii de stiinta de la Observatorul Astronomic din Nanjing, in care apare silueta clara a unui OZN. Sa fie, oare, raspunsul pe care l-am asteptat toti? Detalii:
* TOP SECRET: Documentary to expose UFO secrets... MoD 'X-Files': UFOs made 600 visits to the UK in a single year... UFOs and Obama Memorandum on Scientific Integrity... Hillary Clinton desire for UFO & extraterrestrial diplomacy... RUSSIA: Russian Navy UFO records say aliens love oceans:
UFO 'filmed for 40 minutes' by Chinese scientists during solar eclipse
Could this finally be it - 40 minutes of undisputed proof that we are not alone?
Scientists at the Purple Mountain Observatory in Nanjing, China believe it is a real possibility that this footage of an unidentified flying object is the evidence we have all been waiting for. Full story:
* TOP SECRET: Documentary to expose UFO secrets... MoD 'X-Files': UFOs made 600 visits to the UK in a single year... UFOs and Obama Memorandum on Scientific Integrity... Hillary Clinton desire for UFO & extraterrestrial diplomacy... RUSSIA: Russian Navy UFO records say aliens love oceans:
Gardianul: Savantii confirma Apocalipsa, considerata prima lucrare ecologista din istorie
Prin sute de filme, documentare si lucrari, de-a lungul istoriei au aparut mii de scenarii care descriu sfarsitul lumii. Dar unul a ramas constant, inca de la vechile scrieri religioase si pana la ultimele studii stiintifice. Daca ar fi sa ne luam dupa opinia cea mai larg raspandita, lumea va fi decimata prin catasftrofe ecologice. Apocalipsa cauzata de schimbarile climaterice este teoria care poate fi gasita chiar si in scrierile Sfantului Ioan Teologul. Cuvântul „apocalipsa” provine din greaca si inseamna „dezvaluire”, iar in domeniul religiei, „revelatie”. Detalii:
* Gardianul: Un obiect necunoscut "bombardeaza" energetic Antarctica:
* Gardianul: Un obiect necunoscut "bombardeaza" energetic Antarctica:
* Gardianul: Planeta X, denumita Nibiru, ameninta viata de pe Terra:
* Gardianul: Incalzirea globala, al patrulea secret de la Fatima?:
* Gardianul: Gardianul: Furtunile solare ameninta Pamantul:
luni, 7 septembrie 2009
Logo-ul OZN al Google – celebrare sau predictie?
Internetul a fost aruncat intr-o tachinare nebuneasca in acest sfarsit de saptamana, dupa ce Google si-a prelucrat binecunoscutul logo al motorului de cautare, astfel incat cea de-a doua litera “O” a cuvantului era reprezentata ca si cum ar fi fost rapita de un OZN, cu ajutorul unei raze tractoare. Detalii:
* Ei sunt aici!... Astronautii Antichitatii:
- FILM (History Channel): Ancient Aliens (2009)
- FILM (National Geographic): Is it Real? - Ancient Astronauts (subtitrare romana)
- FILM (National Geographic / Discovery Science): Bermuda Triangle (subtitrare romana):
Space Sights, Smells Shock Rookie Discovery Astronauts
For rookie astronauts flying aboard the International Space Station, the food is good, the rocket thrusters are loud and there's an odd tang in the air — apparently from outer space. Full story:
* CNN: Former astronaut: Man not alone in universe... Nasa Ufo Pictures, Real photos of ufos from Nasa... TOP SECRET UFO NASA TAPES:
* "Planet X confirmed" - cosmonaut and pilot Marina Popovich... Truth about UFOs concealed by Soviet cosmonauts:
duminică, 6 septembrie 2009
Amintiri ale astronautilor: mirosul spatiului
Probabil că v-aţi întrebat care este cea mai ciudată senzaţie pe care o simţi în spaţiu. Ei bine, dacă e să-i credem pe astronauţii ajunşi pentru prima dată pe Staţia Spaţială Internaţională, nu-i nici imponderabilitatea, nici senzaţia de pierdut în spaţiu, ci mirosul. Detalii:
* "Planet X confirmed" - cosmonaut and pilot Marina Popovich... Truth about UFOs concealed by Soviet cosmonauts:
* CNN: Former astronaut: Man not alone in universe... Nasa Ufo Pictures, Real photos of ufos from Nasa... TOP SECRET UFO NASA TAPES:
* Dumitru Prunariu: Exista extraterestri, dar secretul este bine pastrat:
Google's UFO Logo: A Prediction or Celebration of Voyager 1 Anniversary?
The internet was thrown into a tizzy this holiday weekend when Google changed its logo to show a UFO abducting one of Google’s second O. Does Google know something we don't? Did they intercept an extraterrestrial search query on Google? Is the logo an homage to the message of the new scifi hit, District 9? Or could it be in honor of the anniversary of Voyager 1 spacecraft mission? Full story:
* They are Here!... Astronauts of Antiquity:
- FILM (History Channel): Ancient Aliens (2009)
- FILM (National Geographic): Is it Real? - Ancient Astronauts
- FILM (National Geographic / Discovery Science): Bermuda Triangle:
* THE DISCLOSURE PROJECT SAYS UFO's AND ALIENS BEINGS ARE AMONG US... The Bible and the Invisible UFO's... Astronauts of Antiquity... They are Here! (in a parallel universe) ... The case of an image taken by Jim Templeton in Carlisle (England), in 1964, which showed, after its development, a human being dressed in a silvery suit near his daughter:
The Vatican and Nibiru
Strange globe at the Vatican
The Vatican Observatory at the Castel Gandolfo, Italy, is one of the oldest observatory’s in the world. It can be traced back to the “committee to study the scientific data” in 1582 under Pope Gregory XIII. (Keep in mind this is the same institution that jailed Galileo in 1633. ). Full story:
* Pope's star watcher to visit Nasa and talk aliens... Secrets of the Vatican - UFO's in the Ancient Art... Messiah - His Spaceships... Vatican and Planet X:
sâmbătă, 5 septembrie 2009
Primele imagini cu lumea subterană a faraonilor, o reţea de peşteri de sub piramide
Primele imagini cu reţeaua de peşteri de sub piramidele din Giza au fost postate pe internet. Peşterile au fost descoperite de exploratorul britanic Andrew Collins, privit cu scepticism când a anunţat prima dată că a dat peste lumea subterană a faraonilor. Detalii:
* GENERAL EMIL STRAINU (01-11-2008):
"Una din cele mai mari descoperiri care s-au realizat anul acesta si care deocamdata este vehiculata numai în cercurile stiintifice este aceea ca sub continentul american se gasesc de la 3 la 5 tuneluri (ca un fel de pesteri subterane inundate) care strabat continentul sud-american de la est la vest si de la vest la est"...
- TEORIA PAMANTULUI GOL IN INTERIOR: "Am vazut filme si poze mult mai 'spectaculoase' decât cele care au fost date public, dar care nu sunt date în circulatie. M-as referi acum la filmul si pozele facute despre intråndul de la Polul Sud care sunt facute din sateliti. Toate statele care au sateliti si au avut ca zona de cercetare Polii, au putut fotografia si filma acest intrând care este o realitate!"...
- General Emil Strainu in dialog cu Oreste Teodorescu, referitor la ''fenomenul O.Z.N.'':
NASA: Mii de imagini spectaculoase de pe Marte
Mii de imagini high resolution inregistrate de pe orbita planetei Marte din aprilie pina in august arata cu claritate dunele, craterele, vaile si straturile geologice de pe planeta rosie. Galerie FOTO:
* A fost descifrat misterul monolitului de pe Marte?... Apa lichida pe Marte... Realitatea TV: Rocile de pe Marte se plimbă... The Guardian (27 ianuarie 2009) - Pe Marte ninge... NASA ascunde adevarata culoare a Planetei Marte... 17 iunie 2009 - Insciences Organisation - Pentru prima data au fost evidentiate descarcari electrice pe Marte, sustin cercetatorii de la Universitatea din Michigan (SUA):
CNN: 'Airplane view' of Mars yields stunning images
(CNN) -- What would you see if you could fly over Mars in a plane and look out the window?
It must be something like the thousands of curious, intriguing and spectacular images taken by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera mounted on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Full story:
CBS NEWS: Photos From Mars Orbiter Appear Abstract - NASA this week began showing off more than 1,500 new images of the surface of Mars, taken by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRise) camera aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter... We may know Mars as the Red Planet, but many of the HiRise images are studies in blue. Full story:
* MARS COLOSSAL PLANTS REVISITED... Buzz Aldrin stokes the mystery of the monolith on Mars... First direct evidence of lightning on Mars detected... Nat.Geographic: Liquid Water Recently Seen on Mars?... The Guardian: It's snowing on Mars:
The colossal plant or tree evidence in the older MGS MOC M08-04688 image (per my 2001 Report #019) is some of the most powerful biological life evidence to be imaged on the planet Mars. The individual evidence objects are just so incredibly colossal in size, at over half-a-mile across in the case of the largest plants, that it overcomes the otherwise very poor resolution of the image that effectively obscures anything else on a lesser and more normal size scale. Full story:
* Buzz Aldrin stokes the mystery of the monolith on Mars... First direct evidence of lightning on Mars detected... Nat.Geographic: Liquid Water Recently Seen on Mars?... The Guardian: It's snowing on Mars... NASA HIDES THE TRUE COLOUR OF MARS:
vineri, 4 septembrie 2009
"Planet X confirmed" - cosmonaut and pilot Marina Popovich
Planet X "IS REAL", "ALIEN ARE REAL", "UFOS ARE REAL" - Marina Popovich
November 25, 2006
Buenos Aires
IL PIANETA X E' REALE - Marina Popovich:
* Russian Television Reports on Nibiru:
* Truth about UFOs concealed by Soviet cosmonauts:
* Russian Navy UFO records say aliens love oceans:
* Bob Dean - The coming of Nibiru - Interview transcript... The Return of Planet X - International Conference - Roma 2009:
miercuri, 2 septembrie 2009
Coldest, driest, calmest place on Earth found
It's at bottom of the world, more than 13,000 feet high on Antarctic Plateau
The search for the best observatory site in the world has led to the discovery of what is thought to be the coldest, driest, calmest place on Earth — a place where no human is thought to have ever set foot. Full story:
* National Geographic News (November 19, 2008): High-energy electrons captured over Antarctica could reveal the presence of a nearby but MYSTERIOUS ASTROPHYSICAL OBJECT that's bombarding Earth with cosmic rays:
* South Pole Telescope (SPT) — America’s New Planet X Tracker
Yowusa.com, 26-April-2006, Jacco van der Worp.
Foreword by Marshall Masters - former CNN Science Features producer:
* Antarctica Yields Fragments of an Ancient Destroyed Planet:
YouTube: Planet X / Nibiru 2012 Flyby Scenarios - February 2009 ...
Produced and narrated by Marshall Masters:
A fost găsit cel mai calm, uscat şi friguros loc de pe Pământ
Cercetătorii de la Observatorul anglo-australian au descoperit cel mai uscat, calm și rece loc de pe Pământ. Acesta este situat la o altitudine de 4000 de metri, pe Platoul Antarctic... Toate aceste elemente se combină pentru a crea locul perfect de observaţie astronomică. Detalii:
* National Geographic News (19 noiembrie 2008): Exista materie neagra in Antarctica? - In timpul unei misiuni de cercetare care se desfasoara in Antarctica, o echipa de oameni de stiinta a capturat si masurat electroni cu o incarcatura neobisnuita, care ar putea indica prezenta unui MISTERIOS OBIECT ASTROFIZIC care bombardeaza Pamantul cu raze cosmice:
* PLANETA ERIS SI INVERSAREA POLILOR - News. com, 21 ianuarie 2003 - Gauri magnetice in Poli. Oamenii de stiinta danezi au descoperit ca niste gauri se formau in campul magnetic al Pamantului, sugerand ca Polul Nord si Polul Sud se pregatesc sa-si inverseze pozitiile... lucrul care i-a surprins cel mai mult pe oamenii de stiinta a fost viteza cu care progreseaza aceasta schimbare;
* "Planeta X exista" - cosmonaut Marina Popovich... Televiziunea Rusa despre Planeta X /Nibiru... Inregistrarile Marinei Ruse: OZN-uri in oceane:
* Conferinta Internationala Roma (2009): Intoarcerea Planetei X:
* PLANETA ERIS SI INVERSAREA POLILOR - News. com, 21 ianuarie 2003 - Gauri magnetice in Poli. Oamenii de stiinta danezi au descoperit ca niste gauri se formau in campul magnetic al Pamantului, sugerand ca Polul Nord si Polul Sud se pregatesc sa-si inverseze pozitiile... lucrul care i-a surprins cel mai mult pe oamenii de stiinta a fost viteza cu care progreseaza aceasta schimbare;
* "Planeta X exista" - cosmonaut Marina Popovich... Televiziunea Rusa despre Planeta X /Nibiru... Inregistrarile Marinei Ruse: OZN-uri in oceane:
* Conferinta Internationala Roma (2009): Intoarcerea Planetei X:
- Dark Matter Proof Found Over Antarctica?:
* South Pole Telescope (SPT) - Noul agent american de urmarire a PLANETEI X:
Yowusa.com, 26-aprilie-2006, Jacco van der Worp.
Cuvânt înainte adresat de Marshall Masters - fost realizator de emisiuni de stiinta la CNN:
* Antarctica a fost acoperita de plante uriase:
- YouTube: Planet X / Nibiru 2012 Flyby Scenarios - February 2009 ...
Produced and narrated by Marshall Masters:
marți, 1 septembrie 2009
Wall Street Journal: Israel may attack Iran
UFOs and VITAMIN C - Linus Pauling's Flying Saucer Secret
Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling -physicist, chemist and controversial advocate of Vitamin C therapy- was a secret UFO researcher who authored intriguing confidential studies on the flying saucer phenomena... Francis Crick, the co-inventor of the DNA model, was a close Pauling associate. Crick acknowledged Dr. Pauling as one of the world's "greatest minds" and to be "The Father of Molecular Biology." Crick was also the architect of the theory of "Directed Panspermia" which holds that the "seeds of life" were spread through the Universe through extraterrestrial action. Crick -like his friend Linus Pauling- shared deep interest in intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe. Full story:
* Francis Crick, Nobel prize laureate for discovering the DNA, in his book Life Itself, its Origin and Nature, wrote that "life on Earth was brought here by micro - organisms from another planet, these micro - organisms traveling inside a spaceship sent to Earth by a superior civilization, developed somewhere else, billions of years ago"...
* Ingredient for life detected in comet dust... Showing that the ingredients for life in the universe may be distributed far more widely than previously thought, scientists have found traces of a key building block of biology in dust snatched from the tail of a comet...:
A new theory of human evolution?
We presume that “civilization” originated in Mesopotamia, Iraq to be specific, but no one can adequately explain how it virtually blossomed out of nothing.“The 12th Planet”, is the first book in Sitchin's “Earth Chronicles Series ”. In it Sitchin reveals an alternative theory of the origins of earth, humanity, and human history, as it was known and taught by the most ancient culture of mankind, the Sumerians. Full story:
* The Unknown History of Mankind:
British plan to tackle asteroids
A team of British scientists are developing plans for a spacecraft that could stop large asteroids from destroying the Earth.The 10 tonne "gravity tractor" would deflect any orbiting rocks years before any potential collision could happen. Full story:
- Russia Says Comet Strike On Venus Following Jupiter Hit Is “Dire Warning’ For Earth...
- CBS News: Jupiter Hit by Large Object, NASA Says...
- Californian Congressman for Planet X Forsight... Stephen Hawking: "Asteroid Impacts Biggest Threat to Intelligent Life in the Galaxy...
Plan britanic pentru devierea asteroizilor
O echipa de oameni de stiinta din Marea Britanie a demarat cercetarile pentru crearea unei nave spatiale care sa opreasca asteroizii de mari dimensiuni sa se apropie de Pamant. Aparatul "gravitational" de 10 tone ar trebui sa devieze orice roca de pe orbita, cu ani inaintea unei potentiale coliziuni, scrie BBC. Detalii:
* NASA: Planeta Jupiter a fost lovita de un obiect mare... COTIDIANUL: Congresul SUA se teme de asteroizi... GARDIANUL: Planeta X, denumita Nibiru, ameninta viata de pe Terra:
* Astronomii, derutati de petele luminoase de pe Venus:
Russian Professor: US collapse likely in 2010
A Russian academician says the demise of the US is imminent, arguing that the likelihood for the US collapse by July 2010 is more than 50 percent.
"The probability that the United States will cease to exist in July 2010 is greater than 50 percent," declared Igor Panarin... who is a professor at the Russian foreign ministry's diplomatic academy. Full story:
* How Is America Going To End?:
Statele Unite nu vor mai exista în iulie 2010, susţine un politolog rus
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