joi, 11 martie 2010

'Doomsday' Seed Vault Stores 500,000 Crops

- A mold-resistant bean, a German pink tomato and a wild strawberry plucked from the flanks of a Russian volcano are just some of the crops whose seeds are being tucked away this week in a giant vault dug out of a mountainside of the Norwegian island Svalbard.
With these new deposits, the so-called Svalbard "Doomsday" Global Seed Vault will reach its half-million mark of seed varieties. The giant icebox of sorts, which was officially opened on Feb. 26, 2008, is meant to protect the world's crop diversity from natural or manmade disasters. Full story:

* February 16, 2009: Doomsday seed vault's stores are growing... to preserve 100,000 crop varieties from potential extinction...
- CNN (YouTube): Norway's ark-Doomsday - 2012 Planet X ?... (YouTube): NIBIRU - Norwegian leader's letter of WARNING:
* Descopera: Supravietuirea omenirii in caz de apocalipsa... BUNKERELE DIN NORVEGIA ŞI PLANETA X (Scrisoarea unui politician norvegian):