miercuri, 31 martie 2010

Misterioasa Biblie Kolbrin şi profeţia unui cataclism mondial

- Există mai multe tipuri de Biblii care au supravieţuit până în zilele noastre... Biblia Kolbrin... explică ştiinţific evoluţia umană din perspectiva creaţionismului. Principiile matematice din Biblia Kolbrin explică interesul anticei populaţii a druizilor în ceea ce priveşte stelele, matematica şi catastrofele globale... în Biblia Kolbrin se vorbeşte de faptul că ar mai urma un alt cataclism, urmat de o perioadă de 1.000 de ani de pace, şi de întoarcerea Fiului lui Dumnezeu. Detalii:

* 2012 Wisdom From the Ancients - The Kolbrin Bible... intoarcerea unui obiect masiv din spatiu cunoscut sub numele de "Distrugatorul", Nibiru, Planeta X, Nemesis, etc:

Ultimii mamuţi au dispărut din cauza unui eveniment brusc

- Dispariţia ultimei populaţii cunoscute de mamuţi lânoşi, care au supravieţuit pe o insulă din Oceanul Arctic, în urmă cu aproximativ 4.000 de ani, s-a datorat unui eveniment neaşteptat - furtună sau boală, potrivit unui studiu publicat miercuri. Detalii:

* Google Earth confirma prabusirea unui meteorit mitic in Australia... descoperirea unor cratere mai "tinere", produse acum 4.000 de ani...
- Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky, Ciocnirea lumilor (acum aproximativ 3600 de ani): "Traditiile poporului peruvian... oceanul si-a parasit tarmurile si, cu un zgomot cumplit, s-a abatut asupra uscatului... Ploaia de meteoriti si de foc care cadea din cer.":
* Dovezi Ecologice ale Trecerilor Anterioare ale Planetei X... New Scientist (30 noiembrie 2009): Orase Scufundate - Miturile si Secretele Adancului... Revista Descopera despre dezastrele (Planeta X?) de acum 3600 de ani... National Geographic (24 decembrie 2009):
Polul Nord magnetic se deplaseaza spre sud:

Ice Sheet Melt Identified as Trigger of 'Big Freeze'

- ScienceDaily (Mar. 31, 2010) — The main cause of a rapid global cooling period, known as the Big Freeze or Younger Dryas -- which occurred nearly 13,000 years ago -- has been identified thanks to the help of an academic at the University of Sheffield. Full story:

* Pentagon/NASA: Global Warming/Global Cooling:

Întrebările cele mai importante la care va răspunde LHC-ul

- Oamenii de ştiinţă vor folosit LHC-ul pentru a recrea condiţiile care au existat imediat după big-bang prin accelerarea unor particule subatomice într-un circuit subteran. Coliziunile vor produce energie de 10000 de ori mai fierbinte decât Soarele, fiind aşteptate circa 600 de coliziuni pe secundă. Cercetătorii speră ca aceste evenimente să ofere răspunsuri la mai multe întrebări. Detalii:

* LHC ar putea demonstra existenta unui univers paralel... FILM: Paranormal Activity (Subtitrare Romana)... Video: Fantoma filmata in China... Ziua: O fantoma filmata de un pusti de 12 ani! (VIDEO)... Fantomă, surprinsă de camerele de supraveghere ale unui mall din Chile (VIDEO)... Descopera: Ce se afla in Padurea Baciu?:

NASA: We Are Surrounded By Habitable Planets

- In his new book, How to Find a Habitable Planet, geoscientist Jim Kasting suggests that the chances that each of the stars you see in the sky is being rotated by a planet capable of sustaining life are surprisingly high... Kasting is the chair of NASA’s Exoplanet Exploration Program Analysis Group. Full story:

* Avatars in Space - The science behind the fiction... "Will We Discover a Real-World Pandora?" The Law of Probabilities Points to 'Yes' Say World's Leading Experts... We will find 'twins of Earth' this year, says astronomer Michel Mayor:
* The Independent: There's another Earth out there – and we'll find it:
* NASA: Sun's Nemesis Pelted Earth with Comets, Study Suggests:

Explicaţiile ştiinţifice ale celor zece urgii biblice

- Cele zece urgii sau plăgi care s-au abătut, potrivit Vechiului Testament, asupra egiptenilor pentru ca faraonul să-i lase pe evrei să plece, ar putea fi ceva mai mult decât simple povestiri biblice. Un grup ce cercetători au găsit dovezi ştiinţifice ale unei serii de calamităţi care au început cu înroşirea apelor Nilului, catastrofă urmată de invazia de broaşte, ţânţari şi lăcuste, molime şi ploaie de piatră şi foc, între alte rele. Detalii:

* Supervulcanul care a defrisat India... Gazele toxice – cauza celei mai mari extinctii din istorie... I. Velikovsky, Ciocnirea Lumilor - Planeta X - Acum 3600 de ani: " Traditiile multor popoare relateaza ca suprafata Pamantului a intrat in fuziune, si marea a inceput sa fiarba. Pamantul a explodat si lava s-a raspandit...":
* Supervulcanul Yellowstone se activeaza (ScienceDaily - Dec. 14, 2009)... Dovezi Ecologice ale Trecerilor Anterioare ale Planetei X... New Scientist (30 noiembrie 2009): Orase Scufundate - Miturile si Secretele Adancului:

(Video) OZN incredibil deasupra unei universitati din China

- Un OZN incredibil a fost filmat la inceputul acestei luni in China, pe timpul zilei. Autorii filmuletului pretind ca OZN-ul a fost vazut de mai multi martori. Evenimentul a avut loc in curtea Universitatii Wan Li, in orasul port Ningbo, din provincia Zhejiang. Detalii:
* Desene preistorice cu OZN-uri si extraterestri descoperite intr-o pestera din India... FILM (National Geographic): Is it Real? - Ancient Astronauts / Extraterestrii Pe Pamant ? - Paleoastronautii - ( subtitrare romana ):

marți, 30 martie 2010

VIDEO: Daylight UFO footage from China amazes experts

- An incredible UFO sighting was allegedly filmed (see video clip below) earlier this month in China during daylight hours. It is claimed that the UFO was seen by many witnesses.
Full story:


* People In Chile Report UFOs, Lights Emerging From The Ocean Before The Earthquake:
* New Zealand: UFO papers to be made public... MoD 'X-Files': UFOs made 600 visits to the UK in a single year... USA: UFOs and Obama Memorandum on Scientific Integrity... Hillary Clinton desire for UFO & extraterrestrial diplomacy... RUSSIA: Russian Navy UFO records say aliens love oceans:
* Prehistoric UFO and ET images found in remote cave in India:

Scenarios: Global impact if Israel strikes Iran

- (Reuters) - If Israel were to strike Iran over its nuclear activities, markets would be watching one thing only - Iran's response. Full story:

* Israel gets ready to strike at Iran's nuclear sites - media... Imagining an Israeli Strike on Iran... Final destination Iran?... Israel aims its nuclear warheads at Europe... Egyptian sources: Israel prepares to strike Iran from Gulf and N. Iraq:

Presă: Israel s-a antrenat pentru atacarea Iranului

- Forţele aeriene israeliene s-au antrenat în exersarea unor atacuri simulate asupra locaţiilor nucleare ale Iranului folosind spaţiul aerian a cel puţin două state arabe neidentificate, arată o publicaţie din Ierusalimul de Est. Detalii:

* 2010 – anul inceperii celui de-Al Treilea Razboi Mondial:

Vegetative Cures for Cancer

- There is a great deal of factors that may cause cancer, and not all of them are known. Yet, doctors know some of them very well. Bad nutrition is one of them. Full story:

* Cancers Can Vanish Without Treatment, but How?... FILM: Bruce Lipton - The New Biology - Where Mind and Matter Meet:

Cel mai mare vulcan din Europa ar putea să erupă

- Cercetătorii italieni au ajuns la concluzia că vulcanul Marsili situat pe fundul Mării Tireniene ar putea erupe oricând, provocând un tsunami. Detalii:

* O eruptie vulcanica aproape a exterminat omenirea... Se asteapta ca o eruptie de intensitate aproape similara sa aiba loc la un moment dat, nu foarte curand, in Parcul National Yellowstone:

Să scăpăm lumea de călugări şi maeştri şarlatani!

- Atunci când un guru tantric celebru pretinde că el poate omorî pe oricine la televizor, folosindu-se doar de puterile sale magice, mulţi telespectatori au fost copleşiţi de teamă sau au încuvinţat fără rezerve. Dar răspunsul lui Sanal Edamaruku a fost diferit. Detalii:

* Pedofilia zdruncină şi Biserica catolică din Brazilia... Diavolul se afla la Vatican, a spus exorcistul sef al Papalitatii- Sfarsitul lumii vine cu urmatorul Papa...WIKIPEDIA - PROFETIA PAPILOR:

În vechile texte indiene, OZN-urile aveau motoare cu mercur:

* OZN-ul din tabloul “Botezul lui Hristos” al pictorului flamand Gelder... FILM: Biblia si OZN - urile... OZN - Dosarele Vaticanului (FOTO / VIDEO)... Directorul Observatorului Astronomic al Vaticanului, George Coyne a purtat discutii despre extraterestrii cu personalul de la NASA, in februarie 2009:

luni, 29 martie 2010

Dozens of asteroids found daily by spacecraft

- Dozens of asteroids that have been lurking undetected in our solar system are being discovered every day by NASA's newest space telescope, scientists say.
The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) telescope was designed to search for "dark" objects in space, such as brown dwarf stars, vast dust clouds, and yes, asteroids. Full story:

* Cuts cast doubt on asteroid plan... NASA: Sun's Nemesis Pelted Earth with Comets, Study Suggests:

Undersea volcano threatens southern Italy: report

- ROME (AFP) – Europe's largest undersea volcano could disintegrate and unleash a tsunami that would engulf southern Italy "at any time", a prominent vulcanologist warned in an interview published Monday. Full story:

* Iceland's Eruptions Could Have Global Consequences:

Biblical plagues really happened say scientists

- The Biblical plagues that devastated Ancient Egypt in the Old Testament were the result of global warming and a volcanic eruption, scientists have claimed... The city appears to have been abandoned around 3,000 years ago and scientists claim the plagues could offer an explanation. Full story:

* Associated Press about 3,600 Years Ago Natural Disasters... I.Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision - Planet X - Volcanoes activation, Poles reversal 3600 years ago... ECOLOGICAL EVIDENCE FROM PREVIOUS PLANET X PASSAGES:

duminică, 28 martie 2010

Cuts cast doubt on asteroid plan

- Plans to more precisely plot the orbit of an asteroid with a small chance of hitting Earth in 2036 may be badly hit by funding cuts to a US radar facility. Full story:

* NASA: Sun's Nemesis Pelted Earth with Comets, Study Suggests...
- Fireball seen over Ireland... British plan to tackle asteroids... EXPERTS CALL FOR GLOBAL NETWORK TO PREVENT ASTEROID DISASTERS:

Israel gets ready to strike at Iran's nuclear sites - media

- RIA Novosti: Israeli air force have practiced simulated strikes at Iran's nuclear facilities using airspace of at least two unidentified Arab countries, a newspaper published in east Jerusalem reported. Full story:

* Imagining an Israeli Strike on Iran... Final destination Iran?... Israel aims its nuclear warheads at Europe... Egyptian sources: Israel prepares to strike Iran from Gulf and N. Iraq:

Not Set in Stone

- Summary: For the past 12,000 years, the Earth's climate has been relatively stable and hospitable. That time - the Halocene epoch - may be coming to an end as a new period in geologic history begins. Welcome to the Anthropocene - the "human epoch". Full story:

* Top NASA Climate Scientist: Copenhagen Must Fail... PENTAGON: GLOBAL WARMING might suddenly trigger a massive GLOBAL COOLING:

Rover spots ‘strange stuff’ on Martian rock

- Scientists puzzle over images showing tightly packed blueberries
An enhanced-color image of the Chocolate Hills rock on Mars shows a strange coating that one researcher has called a "blueberry sandwich." Full story:

Mars: Ice walls that show another side of the Red Planet:

Imagining an Israeli Strike on Iran

- In 1981, Israel destroyed Iraq’s nuclear reactor at Osirak, declaring it could not live with the chance the country would get a nuclear weapons capability. In 2007, it wiped out a North Korean-built reactor in Syria. And the next year, the Israelis secretly asked the Bush administration for the equipment and overflight rights they might need some day to strike Iran’s much better-hidden, better-defended nuclear sites. Full story:

* Final destination Iran?... Israel aims its nuclear warheads at Europe... Egyptian sources: Israel prepares to strike Iran from Gulf and N. Iraq:

vineri, 26 martie 2010

Meet the girl with half a brain

- For three years, little Cameron Mott’s life was a nightmarish succession of violent seizures that consumed her days and threatened her life. Finally, doctors told her parents there was a way to stop them: All they had to do was remove half of Cameron’s brain. Full story:

* Michelle Mack... Born with half a brain, woman living full life...
- German Girl With Half-Empty Skull Sees Normally Through One Eye...
- 39 years old Chinese woman, living a perfectly normal life... she had only half a brain:

O fetiţă din SUA trăieşte cu jumătate de creier - VIDEO

- Vindecare miraculoasă pentru o fetiţă de 9 ani din Statele Unite, după ce jumătate din creierul ei a fost îndepărtat. Detalii:

joi, 25 martie 2010

La fiecare 3.600 de ani, Nibiru aduce apocalipsa pe Pământ. Următoarea dată va fi 2012…

- Se cunoaşte foarte bine povestea lui Nibiru: se spune că este o planetă masivă sau o stea binară a Soarelui (”pitică roşie”) care, odată la 3.600 de ani se apropie de Pământ şi provoacă distrugeri mari pe Pământ. Se crede că în 2012 se va apropia din nou de Pământ şi iar va produce o catastrofă pentru Pământ. Dar ce s-a întâmplat acum 3.600 de ani? Să spicuim din ceea ce spun oamenii de ştiinţă. Veţi afla, suprinzător, că acest ciclu de distrugere de 3.600 de ani nu este doar un basm. Detalii:

* Scenariul filmului “2012” s-ar putea adeveri... Dovezi Ecologice ale Trecerilor Anterioare ale Planetei X... New Scientist (30 noiembrie 2009): Orase Scufundate - Miturile si Secretele Adancului... Fizicianul Dr. Michio Kaku la Fox News oferind informatii referitoare la o furtuna solara cu un maxim in anul 2012:
* NASA recunoaste existenta planetei X:

miercuri, 24 martie 2010

Almost a quarter of Republicans think Obama 'may be the Antichrist' as 14 states sue over healthcare reforms

- Americans who suggest Barack Obama should rot in hell are apparently deadly serious.
Nearly a quarter of Republicans believe the Democrat president 'may be the Antichrist', according to a survey.
An even greater number compared him to Hitler.Full story:

* EDITORIAL: War with Iran nears... Obama told China: I can't stop Israel strike on Iran indefinitely... Vanga predicted break out of Third World War in 2010... The Nostradamus Code:World War III (2009-2012)... The Bible and the Third World War - the 1000 Year Kingdom:

25% dintre republicani cred că Obama este Antihristul

- Aproape un sfert dintre republicanii din SUA cred că preşedintele american democrat "ar putea fi Antihristul", potrivit unui sondaj de opinie. Un număr chiar mai mare
îl compară cu Hitler. Detalii:

* 2010 – anul inceperii celui de-Al Treilea Razboi Mondial

A million library books to be sent down the mines

- ONE million books from Manchester's Central Library – including valuable volumes dating back to the 15th century - are to be put into temporarily storage with many going deep underground in the Cheshire salt mines... Central Library will re-open in 2013. Full story:

* 'Doomsday' Seed Vault Stores 500,000 Crops:

Bright Fireball Caught on Camera Over Alabama

- A bright fireball that lit up the sky above parts of Alabama last week was caught by NASA cameras as it streaked over the southeastern United States. Full story:

* NASA: Sun's Nemesis Pelted Earth with Comets, Study Suggests:

Muntii de gheata de pe Marte

- S
eamana cu viziunea apocaliptica a unui regizor despre cum ar arata Pamantul in urma unui dezastru natural, dar este de fapt o formatiune gigantica de gheata, aflata intr-un crater urias de pe Marte, relateaza dailymail.co.uk. Detalii:

* VIDEO: NASA a pozat o gorila pe Marte... Telegraph: Un "craniu de extraterestru", descoperit pe Marte... FOTO: IMAGINI cu Copaci si Plante Uriase de pe Marte... meteoriti cu urme de viata martiana... Ocean pe Marte - Planeta Rosie e ...albastra. NASA: Mii de imagini spectaculoase de pe Marte o arata cit se poate de albastra... Apa lichida pe Marte... The Guardian (27 ianuarie 2009) - Pe Marte ninge:

Bees in more trouble than ever after bad winter

- MERCED, Calif. – The mysterious 4-year-old crisis of disappearing honeybees is deepening. A quick federal survey indicates a heavy bee die-off this winter, while a new study shows honeybees' pollen and hives laden with pesticides. Full story:

* Reuters: Honey Bee crisis (2012?) threatens English fruit farmers... SETIAI - Honey Bee Navigation... The Earth's magnetic field changes on a daily cycle. It is suspected that this cycle is used by bees to maintain their internal clock... The earth's magnetic field impacts climate - Danish study:
* National Geographic: North Magnetic Pole Moving East Due to Core Flux:

Mars: Ice walls that show another side of the Red Planet

It looks like a filmmaker's apocalyptic vision of Earth following a devastating natural disaster.
But this colossal ice formation is actually a portion of the wall terraces of a huge crater on Mars.

Approximately 37 miles in diameter, a section of the Mojave Crater in the planet's Xanthe Terra region has been digitally mapped by Nasa scientists. Full story:

Pravda: Stunning Images of Martian Surface... FOTO: The Gorilla On Mars Isn't The Weirdest Thing We've Spotted There... - CNN: ‘Airplane view’ of Mars yields stunning images… CBS NEWS: Photos From Mars Orbiter Appear Abstract… We may know Mars as the Red Planet, but many of the HiRise images are studies in blue:

marți, 23 martie 2010

NASA: The Multiplying Mystery of Moonwater

- March 18, 2010: Moonwater. Look it up. You won't find it. It's not in the dictionary.
That's because we thought, until recently, that the Moon was just about the driest place in the solar system. Then reports of moonwater started "pouring" in – starting with estimates of scant amounts on the lunar surface, then gallons in a single crater, and now 600 million metric tons distributed among 40 craters near the lunar north pole.Full story:


* Ice deposits found at Moon's pole... Indian scientists detect signs of life on Moon... - Alien Base On The Moon Photographed By Lunar Orbiter... STRANGE ANOMALY DISCOVERED ON MOON IN NASA PHOTO... Buzz Aldrin comments on the "Monolith" on Mars Moon Phobos... APOLLO 11 UFO... VIDEO: "I Saw Structures on the Moon":

Planet X Cover-Up? - Now you see it, now you don't!

- After the planet Neptune was discovered in 1846, there was some speculation that there could be another planet that existed beyond its orbit... A YouTube video (CLICK HERE to view) shows the presence (in 2007) of what might be Planet X on Google Earth, but a more recent attempt to view this image is no longer possible, as the area concerned has been "blacked-out". Full story:

* NASA: Sun's Nemesis Pelted Earth with Comets, Study Suggests

luni, 22 martie 2010

People In Chile Report UFOs, Lights Emerging From The Ocean Before The Earthquake

- A few weeks ago, Chile was hit was one of the most powerful earthquakes on record. Now citizens of the region are coming forward with stories of UFOs on the night of the quake. Did aliens make the earth move? Full story:

* Russian Navy UFO records say aliens love oceans... Russian Television Reports on Nibiru:
* Chile Earthquake Among Strongest Since 1900... National Geographic (November 19, 2008): "High-energy electrons captured over Antarctica could reveal the presence of a nearby but MYSTERIOUS ASTROPHYSICAL OBJECT that's bombarding Earth with cosmic rays, researchers say":
* NASA: Sun's Nemesis Pelted Earth with Comets, Study Suggests:

Iceland's Eruptions Could Have Global Consequences

- Scientists fear larger volcanic eruption in Iceland could bring global consequences...Scientists say history has proven that when the Eyjafjallajokull volcano erupts, Katla follows — the only question is how soon.Full story:

*Ancient Volcano's Devastating Effects Confirmed... National Geographic News... Worst Volcanoes Even More Dangerous Than Feared... Associated Press about 3,600 Years Ago Natural Disasters:
* More Than 200 Earthquakes Rattle Yellowstone National Park Since Last Night:

Suntem o lume de deprimati: Cautam remediu!

- A spus-o Organizatia Mondiala a Sanatatii (OMS), la finele anului trecut: pana in 2030, unica si adevarata plaga sociala la nivel mondial o va reprezenta depresia clinica: o maladie din pacate de cele mai multe ori subevaluata, in pofida faptului ca este deja mai raspandita decat cancerul sau SIDA... Din 2002 incoace, Irving Kirsch, profesor la Departamentul de Psihologie al Universitatii Hull, din Marea Britanie si profesor emerit al Universitatii Connecticut, Statele Unite a publicat mai multe studii care demonstreaza ca toate acele pastile care se presupune ca ar trata depresiile nu au in realitate niciun efect. Detalii:

Depresiile usoare nu se trateaza cu antidepresive:
* La Stampa: Depresia se trateaza cu placebo... Scandal pe piata antidepresivelor - Prozac nu are nici un efect... Sunatoarea mai eficace decit Prozacul...
- FILM: Bruce Lipton - The New Biology - Where Mind and Matter Meet (Unde Mintea si Materia se Intilnesc - subtitrare in romana):

vineri, 19 martie 2010


- Talia uriaşilor nu este o exagerare a mitului, există pe glob nenumărate schelete de uriaşi, unele au fost găsite şi în România. Am extras câteva date în acest sens, în cartea mea „ Gnoze şi descoperiri, 2010). La fluviul Typhon ( azi Orontes, din Cilicia - Asia Mică), a fost descoperit un mormânt din cărămidă care avea mai mult de 6,5 m, iar „cadavrul din interior era de mărime proporţională cu mormântul şi toate părţile sale erau ale unui om” ( arheologii). Detalii:

* Eugen Evu, Gnoze şi descoperiri, Ed. Pro-Isis, 2010
www.pro-isis.ro, E-Mail: info@pro-isis.ro

miercuri, 17 martie 2010

SUA si bombele anti-buncar pentru Iran

- Sute de bombe perforante, care pot distruge buncarele, au fost expediate din California spre insula britanica Diego Garcia din Oceanul Indian, in pregatirea unui posibil atac asupra Iranului, anunta publicatia Herald Scotland. Guvernul american ar fi semnat in ianuarie un contract pentru transportul a zece containere de munitie spre insula. Potrivit actelor de insotire a marfii, obtinute de la Marina americana, transportul include 386 de bombe "Blu", folosite pentru a arunca in aer structuri blindate subterane. Detalii:

2010 – anul inceperii celui de-Al Treilea Razboi Mondial - PROFETII:

Catholic church sex scandal rocks faithful in Brazil

- Child sex scandals roiling the Roman Catholic church spread to Brazil Tuesday after the Vatican said three priests were under investigation following allegations of child abuse. Full story:

* Devil is in the Vatican, says Chief exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth:

Pedofilia zdruncină şi Biserica catolică din Brazilia

- După Austria, Germania, Irlanda şi Elveţia, a venit rândul Bisericii din Brazilia, care păstoreşte cea mai mare comunitate de catolici din lume, să fie murdărită de acuzaţii de pedofilie. Detalii:

* Diavolul se afla la Vatican, a spus exorcistul sef al Papalitatii- Sfarsitul lumii vine cu urmatorul Papa...WIKIPEDIA - PROFETIA PAPILOR: