duminică, 27 decembrie 2009

FOXNews: Yellowstone to Become Best Monitored Hot Spots in World

HELENA, Mont. -- The Yellowstone "supervolcano" will soon be among the best monitored hot spots in the world with the installation of new earthquake monitoring equipment. Full story:

* Yellowstone's Plumbing Reveals Plume of Hot and Molten Rock 410 Miles Deep... 2012: More than Just a Doomsday Movie:

sâmbătă, 26 decembrie 2009

Sun and Moon Trigger Deep Tremors on San Andreas Fault

ScienceDaily (Dec. 25, 2009)
— The faint tug of the sun and moon on the San Andreas Fault stimulates tremors deep underground, suggesting that the rock 15 miles below is lubricated with highly pressurized water that allows the rock to slip with little effort, according to a new study by University of California, Berkeley, seismologists. Full story:

* Indonesia will face a far more devastating earthquake, seismologists warn:
* Will Alaska and California be next in the chain of Massive Quakes around the Ring of Fire?... Strong earthquakes may weaken distant fault lines (Reuters, Sep 30,2009)... Major quakes and Planet X:

Israel summons envoys from all over the world

Israel's ambassadors and consuls generals from all over the world have been summoned to attend a conference to be held over global challenges facing Israel.
The meeting to be attended in Jerusalem Al-Quds on December 27-31 is hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, headed by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, the ministry reported on its website. Full story:

Obama told China: I can't stop Israel strike on Iran indefinitely:
* If attacked, Iran wants Syria to hit back at Israel. Damascus hedges:
* Russia 'will' deliver S-300 to Iran in 2 months... Israel may attack Iran after December'...
- Vanga predicted break out of Third World War in 2010... The Nostradamus Code:World War III (2009-2012)... The Bible and the Third World War - the 1000 Year Kingdom:

vineri, 25 decembrie 2009

National Geographic: North Magnetic Pole Moving East Due to Core Flux

Earth's north magnetic pole is racing toward Russia at almost 40 miles (64 kilometers) a year due to magnetic changes in the planet's core, new research says. Full story:

* National Geographic: Earth's Core, Magnetic Field Changing Fast, Study Says:
* Something has exploded on the farside of the sun... 2012: No Apocalypse, but Space Weather Threat?
- NASA: Total Solar Eclipse of 2012 Nov 13… NASA: Solar Storm Warning… NASA Claims Polar Shift Due In 2012:
* Russians order Flight Changes, after Massive Magnetic Shift downs Airliners:
* Science News: Simulations And Ancient Magnetism Suggest Mantle Plumes May Bend Deep Beneath Earth's Crust - ScienceDaily (Apr. 1, 2009) — Computer simulations, paleomagnetism and plate motion histories described in the journal Science reveal how hotspots, centers of erupting magma that sit atop columns of hot mantle that were once thought to remain firmly fixed in place, in fact move beneath Earth's crust... "In 2003, we showed that the hotspot—the plume—that created the Hawaiian chain of islands must have moved. We suggested that mantle motion was involved, but the cause of the change in motion remained a mystery," says Tarduno. Full story:
* LiveScience (01 February 2009): Tropical Turtle Fossil Found in Arctic - The last place scientists expected to find the fossil of a freshwater, tropical turtle was in the Arctic... John Tarduno, professor of geophysics at the University of Rochester:"The warming may have been caused by volcanoes pumping tremendous amounts of carbon dioxide into the Earth's atmosphere."... Tarduno led an expedition into the Canadian Arctic in 2006 to study an ancient aspects of Earth's magnetic field...
- I.Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision (Planet X, Volcanoes activation, Poles reversal 3600 years ago): ”Volcanic explosions... The causes of the ulterior appearance and disappearence of the glacier layer... Two celestial bodies have been attracted one to each other. The inner masses of the Earth were pushed to the periphery. The Earth with its rotation movement disturbed, started towarm... The Earth exploded and the lava started to spread around... the magnetic poles have been several times reversed, the last time during the Jews’ Exodus." Details:
* Reuters: Honey Bee crisis threatens English fruit farmers... The earth's magnetic field impacts climate - Danish study:

joi, 24 decembrie 2009

Când s-a născut Domnul Iisus Hristos?

Bogdan Mateciuc

AN DE AN, pe 25 decembrie, întreaga lume – crestini si necrestini – sărbătoreste Crăciunul. Albi, negri, galbeni si rosii, toti sărbătoresc Crăciunul, prilej cu care îsi fac unii altora cadouri si petrec în jurul bradului împodobit, într-o revărsare de bucurie si voie bună indusă de comerciantii animati de cresterea cifrei vânzărilor.

Dincolo de această cocacolizare a Crăciuniului, pe 25 decembrie crestinii sărbătoresc nasterea Domnului Iisus Hristos.

Unii care au citit relatările din Evanghelie despre nasterea Domnului s-au întrebat probabil cum de stăteau păstorii noaptea cu oile pe câmp, la sfârsitul lui decembrie. În acelasi timp, ce minte trebuie să fi avut acel guvernator roman care a organizat un recensământ, care implica deplasarea multor persoane dintr-o regiune în alta, într-o perioadă a anului în care traversarea Iudeii era foarte dificilă! Detalii:


* Descopera: Steaua de la Bethleem - Enigma nasterii lui Iisus:

marți, 22 decembrie 2009

Angels can't fly, scientist says

Angels depicted heralding the birth of Jesus in nativity scenes across the world are anatomically flawed, according to a scientist who claims they would never be able to fly.Full story:


* Rocket man completes first one-man jetpack flight across Channel...
- ANGELS... ASTRONAUTS OF ANTIQUITY - THE BIBLE: " While I was still in prayer, GABRIEL, THE MAN I had seen in the earlier vision, CAME TO ME IN SWIFT FLIGHT about the time of the evening sacrifice." (Daniel 9:21):
* SECRETS of the Vatican - UFO's in the Ancient Art (VIDEO)... FILM: UFOs in the Bible...
- Pope's star watcher to visit NASA (12th February 2009) and talk aliens... The Vatican is to go head to head with Nasa over the possibility of life existing anywhere else in the Universe except Earth...THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM MYSTERY:

Desi au aripi, ingerii nu pot zbura, sustin oamenii de stiinta

Ingerii infatisati in imaginea ce simbolizeaza nasterea Mantuitorului Iisus Hristos sunt gresiti din punct de vedere anatomic, potrivit unor oameni de stiinta care sustin ca acestia nu ar putea zbura. Detalii:

* “Omul Racheta” a zburat peste Canalul Manecii... INGERII... ASTRONAUTII ANTICHITATII...
- BIBLIA: "Pe cînd vorbeam eu înca în rugaciunea mea, A VENIT REPEDE IN ZBOR IUTE, OMUL GAVRIIL, pe care -l vazusem mai înainte într'o vedenie, si m'a atins în clipa cînd se aducea jertfa de seara." (Daniel 9;21):
* Secretele Vaticanului: OZN-uri in Arta Veche (FOTO - VIDEO)
- FILM: BIBLIA si OZN-urile
- Directorul Observatorului Astronomic al Vaticanului, George Coyne a purtat discutii despre extraterestrii cu personalul de la NASA, in februarie 2009:

luni, 21 decembrie 2009

NASA a fotografiat reflexia Soarelui in apa, pe Titan

NASA a realizat imagini surprinzatoare cu o reflexie luminoasa pe emisfera nordica a lui Titan, cel mai mare satelit natural al planetei Saturn, care dovedeste existenta apei pe acesta. Detalii:

* Ocean pe Marte - Planeta Rosie e ...albastra. NASA: Mii de imagini spectaculoase de pe Marte o arata cit se poate de albastra... Apa lichida pe Marte... The Guardian (27 ianuarie 2009) - Pe Marte ninge... NASA ascunde adevarata culoare a Planetei Marte... 17 iunie 2009 - Insciences Organisation - Pentru prima data au fost evidentiate descarcari electrice pe Marte, sustin cercetatorii de la Universitatea din Michigan (SUA):

duminică, 20 decembrie 2009

2012, intre isterie, legenda si adevar

Filmul "2012" a iscat o adevarata isterie. Cel mai mare succes de box-office de la sfarsitul acestui an, productia ruleaza cu casa inchisa inca de la lansare, din noiembrie... Legenda sfarsitului lumii care va veni in 2012 circula de ani de zile, are multi adepti, dar si contestatari. Si cum orice subiect controversat prinde la public, era firesc ca un film despre sfarsitul lumii sa fie un succes, chiar daca din punct de vedere al celei de-a saptea arte, este un dezastru. Cu atat mai mult cu cat superproductia nu explica pe larg semnificatia calendarului Maya si a datei 2012. Detalii:

* COPENHAGA - CONFERINTA PENTRU CLIMA: Scenariul filmului “2012” s-ar putea adeveri... ne putem astepta la ruperi majore ale straturilor de gheata din Groenlanda si la topirea masiva a unor parti din banchizele Antarctici...
- Supervulcanul Yellowstone (eruptie catastrofala in film!) se activeaza (ScienceDaily - Dec. 14, 2009)...
- CERCETATORII AU DESCOPERIT CEA MAI MARE GAURA DIN CAMPUL MAGNETIC AL PAMANTULUI.... apogeul acesteia se va inregistra in jurul anului 2012...
- LIVE SCIENCE (7 ianuarie 2009) - NASA, Academia Nationala de Stiinte (SUA): Furtuna Solara Catastrofala in 2012...
- CNN - In trei ani se vor construi orase plutitoare... BUNKERELE DIN NORVEGIA SI PLANETA X (Scrisoarea unui politician norvegian)...
- Fizicianul Dr. Michio Kaku la Fox News oferind informatii referitoare la o furtuna solara cu un maxim in anul 2012:

sâmbătă, 19 decembrie 2009

NASA reveals first-ever photo of liquid on another world

(CNN) -- NASA scientists revealed Friday a first-of-its-kind image from space showing reflecting sunlight from a lake on Saturn's largest moon, Titan. Full story:

* NASA Moon Crash Found 'Significant Amount' of Water:
* Indian scientists detect signs of life on Moon:
* CNN: Scientists spot nearby 'super-Earth':

vineri, 18 decembrie 2009

Giant Pyramid UFO 'Hovers Over Moscow'

A mysterious 'UFO' seen in the sky over Moscow has sparked speculation that the city has been visited by an alien spacecraft. Full story:

* Russian Cosmonauts’ UFO sightings and statements...
- "Planet X confirmed" - cosmonaut and pilot Marina Popovich... Russian Television Reports on Nibiru...
- Russian Navy UFO records say aliens love oceans...

VIDEO Rusia: Un posibil OZN filmat deasupra Moscovei!

Un Obiect Zburător Neidentificat (OZN), de forma unei piramide, a fost surprins deasupra Palatului Kremlin din Moscova, cu ajutorul unei înregistrări video care a şocat Rusia. Detalii:

* Cosmonautii rusi despre OZN-uri (FOTO - VIDEO)
- "Planet X exista" - cosmonaut Marina Popovich... Televiziunea Rusa despre Planeta X /Nibiru...
* Inregistrarile Marinei Ruse: OZN-uri in oceane:

Scenariul filmului “2012” s-ar putea adeveri

COPENHAGA - CONFERINTA DESPRE SCHIMBARILE CLIMEI: specialistii au ajuns la concluzia ca problema cresterii nivelului marilor ar putea fi mai grava decat se credea anterior... ne putem astepta la ruperi majore ale straturilor de gheata din Groenlanda si la topirea masiva a unor parti din banchizele Antarcticii. Detalii:

* Acum 7200 de ani, în timpul cataclismului cunoscut sub termenul de „Potopul lui Noe” s-au desfasurat schimbari bruste de temperatura, furtuni violente, avalanse de ape provenite din Antarctica au iesit din „închisoarea lor de gheata”. Dr. John T. Hollin de la Universitatea Maine (USA), considera ca, periodic, din calota glaciara a Antarcticii se desprind bucati uriase, care creeaza o maree uriasa! (Zecharia Sitchin, A Douasprezecea Planeta, Ed. Aldopress, Bucuresti)
- Acum 3600 de ani, în timpul Exodului evreilor din Egipt, la mijlocul mileniului al doilea Î.Cr.,Pamântul a suferit mari cataclisme. „Un corp ceresc, recent patruns în sistemul solar - o noua cometa - s-a apropiat foarte mult de Pamânt cauzând disparitia ulterioara a stratului glaciar” (Immanuel Velikovsky, Ciocnirea Lumilor, Ed. Lucman, Bucuresti):
* FILM: 2012 (2009) - Subtitrare Romana:
* Dovezi Ecologice ale Trecerilor Anterioare ale Planetei X... New Scientist (30 noiembrie 2009): Orase Scufundate - Miturile si Secretele Adancului... Descopera: Noua Era Glaciara: Pamantul ca un bulgare de nea:
* Supervulcanul Yellowstone se activeaza (ScienceDaily - Dec. 14, 2009):
* CERCETATORII AU DESCOPERIT CEA MAI MARE GAURA DIN CAMPUL MAGNETIC AL PAMANTULUI.... apogeul acesteia se va inregistra in jurul anului 2012:
* LIVE SCIENCE (7 ianuarie 2009) - NASA, Academia Nationala de Stiinte (SUA): Furtuna Solara Catastrofala in 2012:
* CNN - In trei ani se vor construi orase plutitoare... BUNKERELE DIN NORVEGIA ŞI PLANETA X (Scrisoarea unui politician norvegian)... COTIDIANUL: Congresul SUA se teme de asteroizi... Institutul pentru Continuitatea Umanitatii (The IHC) si cîteva mari pericole care ameninta omenirea în jurul anului 2012:
* Fizicianul Dr. Michio Kaku la Fox News oferind informatii referitoare la o furtuna solara cu un maxim in anul 2012 si consecintele ce ar urma... NASA: SOLAR STORM WARNING, TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE OF 2012:

Conspiratii celebre (21): Evanghelia după Isus şi evangheliile gnostice

Biserica este considerată responsabilă pentru suprimarea mai multor evanghelii de-a lungul timpului, printre ele numărându-se Evanghelia după Isus, Evanghelia după Maria şi Evanghelia după Iuda... Există un puternic curent gnostic în lume, la ora actuală, care crede că Vaticanul are mai multe lucrări ale apostolilor şi adepţilor care ar putea pune în pericol modul de funcţionare a Bisericii. Aceste lucrări ar fi ascunse în Biblioteca Vaticanului, una dintre cele mai sigure locaţii din lume. Detalii:

* Secretele Vaticanului: OZN-uri in Arta Veche (VIDEO)... OZN - Dosarele Vaticanului (Documente Secrete din Arhivele Vaticanului)...
- FILM: BIBLIA si OZN-urile...
- Directorul Observatorului Astronomic al Vaticanului, George Coyne a purtat discutii despre extraterestrii cu personalul de la NASA, in februarie 2009:

* Alte Conspiratii celebre: Extraterestrii sint peste tot dar guvernele tac din gura... Misterele Triunghiului Bermudelor... Romania şantajată pentru a ascunde secretele Bucegilor... Arma seismica:

Gore Caught in Eco-Lies

Al Gore is once again making headlines with his lies and exaggerated claims of global eco-catastrophy. In his Monday address at the UN Conference on Climate Change in Copenhagen, the former U.S. vice president ominously warned that new data shows the North Pole could be ice free in the summer by 2014. Full story:

* FOXNews: Weather Channel Founder: Sue Al Gore for Fraud
The founder of the Weather Channel wants to sue Al Gore for fraud, hoping a legal debate will settle the global-warming debate once and for all... "The compound carbon dioxide makes up only 38 out of every 100,000 particles in the atmosphere", he said:
* Czech president attacks Al Gore's climate campaign...
- Top NASA Climate Scientist: Copenhagen Must Fail... Researcher: NASA hiding climate data...PENTAGON: GLOBAL WARMING might suddenly trigger a massive GLOBAL COOLING... Now the PENTAGON TELLS BUSH (Guardian.co.uk., 22 February 2004): climate change will destroy us... BRITAIN WILL BE 'SIBERIAN' in less than 20 years:

joi, 17 decembrie 2009

Date false prezentate de Al Gore la Copenhaga

Fostul vice-preşedinte american Al Gore a declarat că noi date arată că zona arctică ar putea rămâne fără gheaţă în circa cinci ani, dar cercetătorul, pe a cărui lucrare şi-a bazat estimare, a negat acest număr. Detalii:


* Al Gore dat in judecata pentru frauda... Un om de stiinta american acuza NASA ca ascunde date importante despre incalzirea globala:


*Presedintele ceh Vaclav Klaus il critica pe Al Gore:


CNN: Scientists spot nearby 'super-Earth'

(CNN) -- Astronomers announced this week they found a water-rich and relatively nearby planet that's similar in size to Earth... Planet GJ 1214b is classified as a "super-Earth" because it is between one and 10 times as large as Earth. Full story:

* NASA and Planet X (YOWUSA.COM, 12-August-07 - Marshall Masters):
NASA Press Release 1992
- "Unexplained deviations in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune point to a large outer solar system body of 4 to 8 Earth masses, on a highly tilted orbit, beyond 7 billion miles from the sun.":
* Astronomers Discover Earth-Like Planet Outside Solar System... Scientists from the European Southern Observatory working in Chile have found a new planet outside our solar system that is more like Earth than any other known planet... Like Earth, the new planet "Gliese 581c" orbits its sun in "the habitable zone." The estimated surface temperature is between minus 3 and 40 degrees celsius -- neither too cold nor too hot for life as we know it. This means there could be liquid water on the planet's surface:

Obama told China: I can't stop Israel strike on Iran indefinitely

U.S. President Barack Obama has warned his Chinese counterpart that the United States would not be able to keep Israel from attacking Iranian nuclear installations for much longer, senior officials in Jerusalem told Haaretz. Full story:

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report - December 10, 2009
DEBKAfile's military sources report that this message Iran's defense minister Ahmad Vahidi brought to Damascus where he is attending a session of the high Iranian-Syrian defense committee which went into its second day Thursday, Dec. 10. Syrian defense minister Ali Habib is in the chair. The Iranian visitor indicated that Tehran expects an Israeli attack within a month. According to Iranian intelligence, Jerusalem will take its green light from President Barack Obama's forced admission after Christmas that his policy of dialogue and stiffer sanctions have failed in the face of Tehran's rejection of the international proposal to send its enriched uranium for overseas processing:

A fost descoperita o noua Planeta Albastra

Oamenii de stiinta au descoperit o planeta asemanatoare Pamantului, compusa in proportie de 50% din apa, foarte fierbinte si situata extrem de aproape de lumea noastra, la numai 42 de ani lumina... este de 6 ori mai mare decat planeta noastra... Descoperirea a fost facuta in cadrul proiectului MEarth, ce monitorizeaza aproximativ 2.000 de stele mici, in incercarea de a stabili daca acestea sunt orbitate de planete similare Pamantului. Detalii:

* Cercetatorii din vestul Japoniei - Kobe University - spun ca rezultatele simularilor pe calculator i-au dus la concluzia ca e numai o chestiune de timp pana cand misterioasa "Planeta X" o sa fie descoperita...
- NASA - Comunicat de Presa 1992: "O inexplicabila abatere a orbitelor lui Uranus si Neptun poate indica un mare corp in afara sistemului solar, de 4 la 8 ori masa Pamantului, pe o orbita foarte inclinata, la peste 7 miliarde de mile departare de soare"...
- BUNKERELE DIN NORVEGIA SI PLANETA X ( Scrisoarea unui Politician Norvegian):

miercuri, 16 decembrie 2009

Iranul a testat o racheta cu raza lunga de actiune

Iranul a testat cu succes o racheta Sejil 2 cu raza lunga de actiune, a anuntat miercuri televiziunea de stat de la Teheran, citata de Reuters. Anuntul facut de guvernul iranian va tensiona si mai mult relatiile cu puterile occidentale, afirma agentia de stiri. Detalii:

Iranul ameninta ca va lovi instalatiile nucleare ale Israelului, in caz de atac... Clarvazatoarea Vanga: 2010 - Al Treilea Razboi Mondial... Codul lui Nostradamus: Al Treilea Razboi Mondial (2009-2012)... Biblia si Al Treilea Razboi Mondial - Imparatia de 1000 de ani:

Iran Test-Fires Long Range Missile

Iran has successfully test-fired a long range, improved Sejil 2 missile, the country's state television has reported. Full story:


* If attacked, Iran wants Syria to hit back at Israel. Damascus hedges... Iran's defense minister Ahmad Vahidi... indicated that Tehran expects an Israeli attack within a month:


marți, 15 decembrie 2009

Previously undiscovered ancient city found on Caribbean sea floor

WASHINGTON, DC (Herald de Paris) - EXCLUSIVE -
Researchers have revealed the first images from the Caribbean sea floor of what they believe are the archaeological remains of an ancient civilization. Guarding the location’s coordinates carefully, the project’s leader, who wishes to remain anonymous at this time, says the city could be thousands of years old; possibly even pre-dating the ancient Egyptian pyramids, at Giza. Full story:

* NewScientist: Drowned cities: Myths and secrets of the deep... ECOLOGICAL EVIDENCE FROM PREVIOUS PLANET X PASSAGES:

Yellowstone's Plumbing Reveals Plume of Hot and Molten Rock 410 Miles Deep

Science Daily (Dec. 14, 2009)
— The most detailed seismic images yet published of the plumbing that feeds the Yellowstone supervolcano shows a plume of hot and molten rock rising at an angle from the northwest at a depth of at least 410 miles, contradicting claims that there is no deep plume, only shallow hot rock moving like slowly boiling soup. Full story:

* Strong earthquakes may weaken distant fault lines (Reuters, Sep 30,2009)... National Geographic (November 19, 2008): Dark Matter Proof Found Over Antarctica?:
"High-energy electrons captured over Antarctica could reveal the presence of a nearby but MYSTERIOUS ASTROPHYSICAL OBJECT that's bombarding Earth with cosmic rays, researchers say"... "Planet X confirmed" - cosmonaut and pilot Marina Popovich... Russian Television Reports on Nibiru:
* 2012: More than Just a Doomsday Movie:
* 2012, Hollywood, The Pentagon and NASA: 'When Worlds Collide':
* FILM: 2012... FILM: NOSTRADAMUS 2012:


HERE are the 100 reasons, released in a dossier issued by the European Foundation, why climate change is natural and not man-made:
- The report, by the respected European Foundation, also argues that a higher level of carbon dioxide (CO2) – the main greenhouse gas – is not a problem because it helps to boost crop yields:
- NewScientist - Climate myths: Global warming is down to the Sun, not humans:

* Russia Today: The great climate change swindle: global warming is not manmade... PENTAGON: GLOBAL WARMING might suddenly trigger a massive GLOBAL COOLING... Now the PENTAGON TELLS BUSH (Guardian.co.uk., 22 February 2004): climate change will destroy us... BRITAIN WILL BE 'SIBERIAN' in less than 20 years... NASA’s Latest Discovery: SUN HEATS THE EARTH (June, 2009):

Cercetatorii indieni detecteaza viata pe Luna

Oamenii de stiinta ai Organizatiei Indiene de Cercetare Spatiala (Isro) se afla pe punctul de a face o descoperire monumentala. Este posibil ca acestia sa fi identificat semne de viata, intr-o forma sau alta, pe suprafata Lunii. Detalii:

* Cantităţi mari de apă au fost descoperite pe Lună... Ascunde NASA existenta ruinelor de pe Luna?... Fotografii secrete atesta teoria conspiratiei? (FOTO):

duminică, 13 decembrie 2009

Indian scientists detect signs of life on Moon

Bangalore: Scientists at the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) are on the brink of a path-breaking discovery. They may have found signs of life in some form or the other on the Moon. Full story:

* Alien Base On The Moon Photographed By Lunar Orbiter... STRANGE ANOMALY DISCOVERED ON MOON IN NASA PHOTO... Buzz Aldrin comments on the "Monolith" on Mars Moon Phobos... APOLLO 11 UFO... VIDEO: "I Saw Structures on the Moon":

vineri, 11 decembrie 2009

If attacked, Iran wants Syria to hit back at Israel. Damascus hedges

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report - December 10, 2009

DEBKAfile's military sources report that this message Iran's defense minister Ahmad Vahidi brought to Damascus where he is attending a session of the high Iranian-Syrian defense committee which went into its second day Thursday, Dec. 10. Syrian defense minister Ali Habib is in the chair. The Iranian visitor indicated that Tehran expects an Israeli attack within a month. According to Iranian intelligence, Jerusalem will take its green light from President Barack Obama's forced admission after Christmas that his policy of dialogue and stiffer sanctions have failed in the face of Tehran's rejection of the international proposal to send its enriched uranium for overseas processing. Full story:


* Report: Russia vows quick completion of Iran atom plant: http://cristiannegureanu.blogspot.com/2009/11/report-russia-vows-quick-completion-of.html

* Russia 'will' deliver S-300 to Iran in 2 months... Israel may attack Iran after December'... Vanga predicted break out of Third World War in 2010... The Nostradamus Code:World War III (2009-2012)... The Bible and the Third World War - the 1000 Year Kingdom:
* Israelul se pregateste de catastrofa... Clarvazatoarea Vanga: 2010 - Al Treilea Razboi Mondial... Codul lui Nostradamus: Al Treilea Razboi Mondial (2009-2012)... Biblia si Al Treilea Razboi Mondial - Imparatia de 1000 de ani:

joi, 10 decembrie 2009

The great climate change swindle: global warming is not manmade

Russia Today - Climate change has always existed and humankind does not have the power to affect it insists a critic of global warming theory, Lord Christopher Monckton, on the eve of the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen. Full story:

* PENTAGON: GLOBAL WARMING might suddenly trigger a massive GLOBAL COOLING... Now the PENTAGON TELLS BUSH (Guardian.co.uk., 22 February 2004): climate change will destroy us... BRITAIN WILL BE 'SIBERIAN' in less than 20 years...
- Top NASA Climate Scientist: Copenhagen Must Fail... Researcher: NASA hiding climate data...
- AFP: Czech president attacks Al Gore's climate campaign...
- Nick Griffin confronts ClimateGate NWO – Video – A Must Watch...
- NASA’s Latest Discovery: SUN HEATS THE EARTH (June, 2009) - Robert Calahan at NASA’s Goddard Space Center... article in the Daily Tech: "NASA Study Acknowledges Solar Cycle, Not Man, Responsible for Past Warming"... World's Largest Science Group Rejecting Man-Made Climate Fears...

miercuri, 9 decembrie 2009

UFO-show in Norway sky welcomes Obama for Nobel Prize ceremony

Russia Today: Norwegian authorities are investigating strange lights seen in the arctic sky. The spiraling white light was seen for several minutes on Wednesday morning. Locals say the light appeared to be bigger than the moon. The phenomenon comes a day before Obama arrives in Norway to receive his Nobel Peace Prize Award.:

* UFO sees Obama become President (FOTO - VIDEO)
* UFO disclosure by Obama, The Pope and The UK on its way? ... The White House has released a list of visitors. Topping the list is Andy Stern president of the Service Employees International with 22 visits. Second on the list is John Podesta with 17 visits who has supported efforts from the UFO research community to pressure the United States government to release files to the public that could bring light on the simmering allegations of conspiracies and cover-up of the issue:
* Russian Cosmonauts’ UFO sightings and statements:

O spirală ciudată a apărut pe cerul Norvegiei (FOTO - VIDEO)

Oameni din toate colţurile Norvegiei au semnalat apariţia unei spirale misterioase pe cer. Aceştia au declarat că au observat o pată luminoasă sub formă de spirală, iar sute de martori oculari au reuşit să fotografieze sau chiar să filmeze fenomenul. Detalii:

* Dezvaluiri ale pilotilor si cosmonautilor rusi despre programul spatial, OZN-uri, etc. (FOTO - VIDEO):
* "Spirala" a aparut in ajunul primirii de catre Obama a Premiului Nobel...
- CNN a filmat un OZN la investitura lui Obama - ianuarie 2009 - (VIDEO):
* Se apropie dezvaluirea adevarului despre OZN-uri de catre Obama, Papa, UK, etc.?:

Iranul ameninta ca va lovi instalatiile nucleare ale Israelului, in caz de atac

Ministrul iranian al Apararii Ahmad Vahidi a declarat, miercuri, ca Iranul va ataca instalatiile nucleare si fabricile de armament ale Israelului, in cazul in care tara sa ar fi atacata de israelieni. Detalii:

Israelul se pregateste de catastrofa... Clarvazatoarea Vanga: 2010 - Al Treilea Razboi Mondial... Codul lui Nostradamus: Al Treilea Razboi Mondial (2009-2012)... Biblia si Al Treilea Razboi Mondial - Imparatia de 1000 de ani:

Breaking News from around the World - We have our Brown Dwarf, interacting with Pluto and Bombardeando asteroids of Oort against Pluto and Jupiter.

Breaking News from around the World
We have our Brown Dwarf, interacting with Pluto and Bombardeando asteroids of Oort against Pluto and Jupiter. De Julius (StarViewerTeam):

* Australia.to: NASA AND PLANET X:
* Planet Gliese 581c and Planet X/Eris/Nibiru:
* NASA's Wise Eye Gets Ready To Survey the Whole Sky:

Primul OZN construit in România (VIDEO)

Emisiunea Acces Direct de la Antena 1 a prezentat informaţii referitoare la primul O.Z.N. construit pe teritoriul României. Potrivit unor matrori şi specialişti în domeniu, aparatul ar fi capabil să doboare orice record de zbor, durată şi înălţime. Detalii:

O eruptie vulcanica aproape a exterminat omenirea

In urma cu 73.000 de ani, o eruptie care a avut loc pe insula Sumatra aproape a exterminat omenirea, arata un studiu recent.... Se asteapta ca o eruptie de intensitate aproape similara sa aiba loc la un moment dat, nu foarte curand, in Parcul National Yellowstone, mai prezice cercetatorul. Detalii:...

Descopera: Gazele toxice – cauza celei mai mari extinctii din istorie:
* Eruptia din Parcul National Yellowstone apare in Filmul '2012'...FILM: 2012 (2009) - subtitrare romana:

luni, 7 decembrie 2009

Descopera: Noua Era Glaciara: Pamantul ca un bulgare de nea

Dupa ce, de ani de zile, aflam pe pielea noastra ca verile sunt din ce in ce mai fierbinti, iata ca, de la o vreme, a aparut o noua amenintare. Savantii ne anunta ca nu de caldura trebuie sa ne temem, ci de iarna care va sa vina. Si care ar fi cauzele acesteia?... Fenomenul - spun specialistii - poate deveni posibil din cauza perturbarii mecanismului de actiune al Curentului Golfului (Gulf Stream)... Gulf Stream este un curent oceanic - asemanator unui fluviu care ar curge prin ocean -, si anume unul cald... daca gheturile polare s-ar topi, apa oceanului s-ar indulci, iar modificarile de salinitate ar putea perturba delicatul echilibru al fenomenului. Iar daca apele calde ale Curentului Golfului nu ar mai scalda coastele nordice ale continentului european si insulele din preajma lor, clima acestor tinuturi - care e suportabila doar datorita curentului cald al Golfului - s-ar modifica dramatic. Islanda, Norvegia, Anglia ar fi acoperite de gheturi vesnice:

National Geographic (24 decembrie 2009): Polul Nord magnetic se deplaseaza spre sud:

FILM: The Day After Tomorrow (Subtitrare Romana):
Revista Descopera despre dezastrele (Planeta X?) de acum 3600 de ani...
Planeta Eris si fenomenele extreme... Eris - Planeta Rosie... Eris - Planeta Crucii... Ziarul Gardianul despre Planeta X/Nibiru:
- Planeta Eris si Inversarea Polilor:

* Eugen Evu, membru al Uniunii Scriitorilor, comenteaza cartea Planeta Eris si incalzirea globala:

* Cristian Negureanu, Planet Eris and the Global Warming, Ed. Infarom, Craiova, 2008:
Pentagonul l-a avertizat pe George W. Bush (The Guardian, 22 Februarie 2004): "In mai putin de 20 de ani Marea Britanie va fi precum Siberia"... Pentagon / NASA: Incalzire Globala - Topire Ghetari - Racire Globala... Ultima era glaciara a venit in doar sase luni...
- Un recent studiu NASA (publicat in iunie 2009)... Robert Calahan de la Goddard NASA Space Center... " Studiul NASA recunoaste Ciclul Solar responsabil pentru perioadele calde din trecut, iar nu omul.":
* Dovezi Ecologice ale Trecerilor Anterioare ale Planetei X... New Scientist (30 noiembrie 2009): Orase Scufundate - Miturile si Secretele Adancului: