duminică, 30 august 2009

How celestials assist humanity with extraterrestrial life

Numerous individual testimonies and historical records describing physical contact with extraterrestrial life refer to highly developed ethical beings often witnessed in association with extraterrestrials... Extraterrestrials have been increasingly acknowledged by a number of contemporary authors such as Zecharia Sitchin as having played a leading role in the seeding of the human race and establishing technologically advanced civilizations... Understanding the historical role of celestials has become especially important in the modern era where contact between extraterrestrial civilizations and humanity has been increasingly occurring. Full story:

* The Unknown History of Mankind... The Genesis of the Monkey People and the Genesis of the Anunnaki People... Modern Science and the Ancient Writings on the Genesis of the Solar System:
* Secrets of the Vatican - UFO's in the Ancient Art... THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM MYSTERY... Messiah - His Spaceships:
* 2012 Wisdom From the Ancients - The Kolbrin Bible... PLANET X AND THE BIBLE:

The Book of Enoch, celestials & extraterrestrials

The apocryphal Book of Enoch vividly illustrates the complex relationship between celestials, extraterrestrials and humanity. In the Book of Enoch, a group of 200 extraterrestrial entities called the ‘Nephilim’, or ‘fallen angels’, come to Earth allegedly due to their attraction to human females. Full story:

* Enoch and Planet X:

sâmbătă, 29 august 2009

Conspiraţii celebre (5): Romania şantajată pentru a ascunde secretele Bucegilor

Oamenii au avut întotdeauna o înclinaţie către conspiraţii, iar civilizaţia umană nu a dus lipsă de incidente neelucidate în ultima sută de ani. REALITATEA.NET vă aduce o colecţie a celor mai cunoscute şi dezbătute teorii conspiraţioniste. Al cincilea episod prezintă legendele şi misterele din jurul munţilor Bucegi... sub Sfinx şi muntele Omu s-ar afla o cavernă de circa 20 de kilometri lungime... Conspiraţiile nu sunt complete, dacă la mijloc nu intervine şi o organizaţie cvasi-guvernamentală. În cazul României este vorba de Departamentul Zero, o organizaţie care transcende democraţia recentă a României şi care îşi are rădăcinile în timpul comunismului. Detalii:

- Radu Cinamar - Viitor cu cap de mort (Editura: Cartea Daath) - În vara anului 2003, într-o zona neumblata din Muntii Bucegi, echipa Departamentului Zero (o sectiune ultrasecreta a Serviciului Român de Informatii) a facut o descoperire epocala care ar putea schimba complet destinul omenirii.
Presiunile diplomatice colosale efectuate de Statele Unite ale Americii asupra guvernului României pentru a nu divulga aceasta descoperire lumii întregi au condus la o întelegere temporara între cele doua state si la o inedita colaborare de ordin stiintific si militar în cadrul echipei speciale care a plecat în "Marea expeditie":

* Conspiratii celebre (4): Teoria falsă a încălzirii globale:
* Conspiraţii celebre (3): Incidentul Roswell:
* Conspiratii celebre (2): Planeta Nibiru şi 2012:
* Conspiraţii celebre (1): Experimentul Philadelphia:

miercuri, 26 august 2009


Several sources have informed One Jerusalem that the Obama Administration is planning to significantly step up the pressure on Israel by announcing a comprehensive plan for Israel and the Palestinians at the opening of the United Nations General in September... The anti-Israel nations of the world surrounding President Obama as he demands that Israel give up sovereignty over Jerusalem, abandon settlements... Full story:

- "Behold, I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that causes reeling to all the peoples around... It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples." (Zechariah 12: 2,3).

- "This is what the LORD says: 'I will return to Zion and dwell in Jerusalem. Then Jerusalem will be called the City of Truth, and the mountain of the LORD Almighty will be called the Holy Mountain.'" (Zechariah 8: 3).

* The Bible and the Third World War - the 1000 Year Kingdom:

* The Nostradamus Code:World War III (2009-2012):

* 2009: US to be hit by nuclear bomb... Alexey Fud, a well-known Russian clairvoyant, has made a breakthrough forecast for 2009. According to him, next year one of the American cities will be hit with a nuclear bomb... Vanga predicted break out of Third World War in 2010:

marți, 25 august 2009

Galileo's telescope reaches 400th anniversary

Exactly 400 years ago today, on 25 August 1609, the Italian astronomer and philosopher Galilei Galileo showed Venetian merchants his new creation, a telescope – the instrument that was to bring him both scientific immortality and, more immediately, a whole lot of trouble. Full story:

* Pope's star watcher to visit Nasa and talk aliens... The Vatican is to go head to head with Nasa over the possibility of life existing anywhere else in the Universe except Earth... Secrets of the Vatican - UFO's in the Ancient Art... Messiah - His Spaceships:

duminică, 23 august 2009

Vast oceans lay beneath surface of the Earth

Scientists believe areas of enhanced electrical conductivity in the mantle - the thick region between the Earth's crust and its core - betray the presence of water... ''In fact, we don't really know how much water there is on Earth. There is some evidence that there is many times more water below the ocean floor than there is in all the oceans of the world combined." (Professor Gary Egbert - Oregon State University in the US). Full story:

* FILM: Journey to the Hollow Earth... LiveScience (28 February 2007): Huge 'Ocean' Discovered Inside Earth...Scientists scanning the deep interior of Earth have found evidence of a vast water reservoir beneath eastern Asia that is at least the volume of the Arctic Ocean... The finding, made by Michael Wysession, a seismologist at Washington University in St. Louis, and his former graduate student Jesse Lawrence, now at the University of California, San Diego:
* Apollo 8, Apollo 16 and Hollow Earth Theories:
* In farewell speech, NASA chief muses on alien life: "I would be very surprised if we didn't find life elsewhere, and frankly I expect to live to see it," Griffin said. "I would be surprised to find that life never originated on Mars, and I wouldn't be terribly surprised to find dormant or quiescent life underground," he added:
* THE BOOK HOLLOW EARTH by R. Bernard (online):

Ce ascunde Pamantul sub scoarta sa?

Oamenii de stiinta sunt de parere ca zonele intinse care manifesta conductivitate electrica la nivelul mantalei, regiunea situata intre scoarta Pamantului si nucleul acestuia, tradeaza prezenta apei... "Exista anumite dovezi care indica ca sub fundul oceanelor se afla de cateva ori mai multa apa decat in toate oceanele lumii luate impreuna”, adauga profesorul Gary Egbert. Detalii:

* GENERALUL EMIL STRAINU DESPRE TEORIA PAMANTULUI GOL IN INTERIOR: "Am vazut filme si poze mult mai 'spectaculoase' decât cele care au fost date public, dar care nu sunt date în circulatie. M-as referi acum la filmul si pozele facute despre intråndul de la Polul Sud care sunt facute din sateliti. Toate statele care au sateliti si au avut ca zona de cercetare Polii, au putut fotografia si filma acest intrând care este o realitate!"...
* FILM: Journey to the Hollow Earth (Pamantul Gol in interior - subtitrare romana):

NASA Employee comes forward with Nibiru / Planet X / Orcus

Another Nibiru / Planet X video from what is claimed to be a NASA employee. Zecharia Sitchin’s key ideas are based on the assumption that ancient myths are not myths but historical:

* Sun Collision - Nibiru - Planet X - Mercury?-NASA: STEREO Hunts for Remains of an Ancient Planet near Earth:
* Planet Gliese 581c and Planet X/Eris/Nibiru:
* Russian Television Reports on Nibiru:

vineri, 21 august 2009

Conspiratii celebre (4): Teoria falsă a încălzirii globale

Oamenii au avut întotdeauna o înclinaţie către conspiraţii, iar civilizaţia umană nu a dus lipsă de incidente neelucidate în ultima sută de ani. REALITATEA.NET vă aduce o colecţie a celor mai cunoscute şi dezbătute teorii conspiraţioniste. Al patrulea episod vă prezintă şi cealaltă parte a disputei cu privire la încălzirea globală. Nu toţi oamenii de ştiinţă sunt de acord că civilizaţia umană este responsabilă pentru încălzirea globală, iar unii nu cred nici măcar că există un asemenea fenomen. În acest material vom dezvolta câteva dintre teoriile contrare, susţinute de importanţi oameni de ştiinţă. Detalii:

1) INCALZIREA GLOBALA - Factor favorizant: Uraganul El Nino - cea mai clara dovada fiind incalzirea periodica a Oceanului Pacific...
- Un recent studiu NASA (publicat in iunie 2009) recunoaste ca o Cauza Externa - Soarele - nu omul, este responsabil pentru incalzirea planetei: Robert Calahan de la NASA's Goddard Space Center...
2) RACIREA GLOBALA - Cauza: topirea ghetarilor care contin apa dulce anuleaza salinitatea crescuta care favorizeaza deplasarea Gulfstream-ului, efectul de inghetare fiind rapid... PENTAGONUL si NASA au transmis (direct si indirect) avertismente in acest sens...
THE PENTAGON WARNS CLIMATE CHANGE WILL BRING GLOBAL CATASTROPHE: - Now the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us - Secret report warns of rioting and nuclear war -Britain will be 'Siberian' in less than 20 years - Threat to the world is greater than terrorism:
* Conspiraţii celebre (3): Incidentul Roswell:
* Conspiratii celebre (2): Planeta Nibiru şi 2012:
* Conspiraţii celebre (1): Experimentul Philadelphia:

miercuri, 19 august 2009

Ingredient for life detected in comet dust

Showing that the ingredients for life in the universe may be distributed far more widely than previously thought, scientists have found traces of a key building block of biology in dust snatched from the tail of a comet.
Scientists at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., have uncovered glycine, the simplest amino acid and a vital compound necessary for life, in a sample from the comet Wild 2. The sample was captured by NASA's Stardust spacecraft, which dropped it into the Utah desert in 2006. Full story:

* The Guardian: Charles Darwin was wrong about the tree of life...
- Fred Hoyle (1983), a world renowned astronomer said, that life appeared on our planet following an interplanetary travel...
- Francis Crick, Nobel prize laureate for discovering the DNA, in his book Life Itself, its Origin and Nature, wrote that "life on Earth was brought here by micro - organisms from another planet, these micro - organisms traveling inside a spaceship sent to Earth by a superior civilization, developed somewhere else, billions of years ago":
* Earth texts planet Gliese 581-d with Hallo messages... Planet Gliese 581c and Planet X/Eris/Nibiru:

marți, 18 august 2009

Element esenţial vieţii, descoperit într-o cometă

NASA anunţă că un element esenţial vieţii a fost descoperit într-o cometă... Proba vine în sprijinul ideii că astfel de ingrediente îngheţate au "însămânţat" Pământul cu organisme vii. Detalii:

* Fred Hoyle (1983), astronom de renume mondial, a sustinut ca viata a aparut pe planeta noastra in urma unei calatorii interstelare.
Francis Crick, laureat al premiului Nobel pentru descoperirea ADN-ului, în lucrarea „Viata însasi, originea si natura ei” a afirmat ca „viata pe Pamânt a fost adusa aici de microorganisme de pe alta planeta indepartata, microorganismele calatorind in corpul unei nave spatiale trimise pe Pamânt de o civilizatie superioara, care s-a dezvoltat in alta parte, cu citeva miliarde de ani in urma”. Aceasta planeta, avind numele intreg Gliese 581 E, este in acelasi sistem solar cu planeta Gliese 581 C si orbiteaza soarele Gliese 581. Despre aceasta planeta Realitatea TV scria in 25 Aprilie 2007 urmatoarele: "O planeta care ar putea fi locuita... în afara sistemului solar. Gliese 581...":
* Fosile enigmatice... Procesul lui Darwin... Descrierile antice ale genezei sistemului solar confirmate de stiinta:
* Mesaje catre locuitorii Planetelor Gliese - Potrivit "ABC News", pana pe 24 august, oameni din lumea intreaga pot accesa http://www.hellofromearth.net/, pentru a posta mesaje, nu mai mari de 160 de caractere, care o sa fie transmise catre Gliese581d, cea mai apropiata planeta de Pamant, din afara sistemului solar, pe care, spun ei, exista viata:

MoD 'X-Files': UFOs made 600 visits to the UK in a single year

Hundreds of Britons had 'close encounters' with UFOs, according to previously-classified documents released by the Ministry of Defence today.
The sightings were made between 1981 and 1996 from observers including police officers, fighter pilots and school children. They range from lights in the sky to close contact with aliens with 'lemon-shaped heads', and include detailed analysis on some of the UK's most well-known cases. Full story:
* TOP SECRET: Documentary to expose UFO secrets:
* USA: UFOs and Obama Memorandum on Scientific Integrity... Hillary Clinton desire for UFO & extraterrestrial diplomacy:
* RUSSIA: Russian Navy UFO records say aliens love oceans:
* FRANCE: France poised to disclose presence of Extra Terrestrials on Earth:
* CANADA: Canada releases UFO X-Files to the World:
* DENMARK: Secret UFO archives opened:
* URUGUAY: Air Force Declassified Uruguay Files, ET Hypothesis Not Dismissed:
* BRAZIL: Over 1,300 pages of former secret UFO documents surface in Brazil and was given to the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers:
* VATICAN: Pope's star watcher to visit Nasa and talk aliens:
* KAZAKHSTAN: Government to build UFO base and alien embassy:

Documente oficiale: Extratereştrii au "vizitat" de 600 de ori Marea Britanie, în perioada 1981-1996

Sute de britanici au experimentat "întâlniri" cu OZN-uri sau fiinţe extraterestre, potrivit unor documente oficiale făcute publice de Ministerul Apărării din Marea Britanie. Documentele prezintă analize detaliate ale unor cazuri în care au fost implicate OZN-uri şi care au fost făcute publice între anii 1981 şi 1996. Detalii:

* OZN in direct la stirile BBC (VIDEO):
* General Emil Strainu - ''Fenomenul OZN si Serviciile Secrete'':
* Dumitru Prunariu: OZN - uri si extraterestri:
* Extraterestii exista, sustine un fost astronaut NASA:
* De unde vin OZN-urile? - Generalul Emil Strainu despre teoria Pamantului gol in interior:

duminică, 16 august 2009

Earth texts planet Gliese 581-d with Hallo messages

In conjunction with Australia’s National Science week, that country’s Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex, with NASA’s cooperation, will send 160 character, Twitter-like messages into space. Their target is Gliese 581-d, an exoplanet (one that orbits other stars) in the constellation Libra about 20.3 light years away from Earth.
The Gliese 581 planetary system has 4 known planets. The one designated as "d" is the most likely, according to recent determinations, to be habitable [even though the "581-c" is also high on the list]. While the planet is orbiting its red star every 66.8 days, Canberra will try to deliver messages from Earth. Details:

* Two planets identified as most similar to Earth:
* Planet Gliese 581c and Planet X/Eris/Nibiru - Nibiru is one of many Planets that orbit a dark star or (Brown Dwarf). This Dark Star - Gliese 581- has five minor planets, the sixth an Earth-sized Homeworld, and the seventh the planet or object we call Nibiru... it is the physical link or "ferry" between our solar system and the dark star system of it's Brown Dwarf Star... Modern Science and the Ancient Writings on the Genesis of the Solar System... ECOLOGICAL EVIDENCE from Previous PLANET X Passages... NASA AND PLANET X... PLANET X - CLASSIFIED INFORMATION:
* Russian Television Reports on Nibiru:

Mesaje catre locuitorii Planetelor Gliese

- Hellofromearth.net. a venit cu ideea inedita de a strange mesaje de la locuitorii Terrei si de a le trimite spre Gliese 581d, o planeta din afara sistemului nostru solar, pe care se presupune ca ar exista viata. Detalii:
- Gliese 581 C - Terra din constelaţia Lira... O echipă de astronomi europeni, folosind un observator din Chile, a identificat azi in constelaţia Lirei o planetă situată la aproximativ 20 de ani lumină de noi, care are temperaturi şi caracteristici geologice asemănătoare cu cele ale Terrei. Detalii:

* Planeta X/Eris/Nibiru orbiteaza si ea atit Sistemul Planetar Gliese cit si sistemul nostru solar, de care se apropie odata la 3600 de ani, deplasindu-se pe o orbita eliptica, extrem de alungita...
- Televiziunea rusa despre Planeta X/Nibiru:

sâmbătă, 15 august 2009

SATURN EQUINOX PICTURE: Mystery Object Pierces a Ring

A mystery object that punched through one of Saturn's thin outer rings created a glittering spray of ice crystals and pulled some material along in its wake, as seen in this rare image recently released by NASA's Cassini orbiter. Full story:

* Russia Says Comet Strike On Venus Following Jupiter Hit Is “Dire Warning’ For Earth:
* CBS News: Jupiter Hit by Large Object, NASA Says:
* Californian Congressman for Planet X Forsight:
* Stephen Hawking: "Asteroid Impacts Biggest Threat to Intelligent Life in the Galaxy:

Un obiect de origine necunoscuta a patruns printre inelele lui Saturn

Specialistii NASA analizeaza zilele acestea un fenomen neobisnuit petrecut pe inelele planetei Saturn. Imagini recente obtinute de sonda spatiala Cassini dezvaluie un obiect de dimensiuni reduse care a patruns printre inelele plate, chiar in perioada echinoctiului. Detalii:

* Astronomii, derutati de petele luminoase de pe Venus:
* NASA: Planeta Jupiter a fost lovita de un obiect mare...
* Congresul SUA se teme de asteroizi:

joi, 13 august 2009

How Is America Going To End?

The apocalypse you chose. Plus, the end-of-America social network... The most popular scenario—"Loose Nukes," chosen by 10.5 percent of Slate readers—combines modern and old-fashioned anxieties. "Taliban fighters wrest nuclear weapons from a destabilized Pakistan. Or al-Qaida acquires a small arsenal of nukes from a disintegrating Russia," the scenario description embedded in "Choose Your Own Apocalypse" reads. Full story;

* "US to be hit by nuclear bomb in 2009" (Alexey Fud, a well-known Russian clairvoyant)... Vanga predicted break out of Third World War in 2010... The Nostradamus Code:World War III (2009-2012)... The Bible and the Third World War - the 1000 Year Kingdom:

Cum va sfarsi America? Apocalipsa la alegere

America va sfarsi, cel mai probabil, in urma unui incident nuclear de proportii, asta daca nu cumva va degenera razboiul israeliano-arab sau se va sfarsi petrolul sau China va renunta la bonurile de trezorerie americane ori americanii vor fi doborati ca mustele de microbi. In total, cinci scenarii apocaliptice stau pitite in viitorul Statelor Unite. Detalii:

* Clarvazatoarea Vanga: 2010 - Al Treilea Razboi Mondial... Codul lui Nostradamus: Al Treilea Razboi Mondial (2009-2012)... Biblia si Al Treilea Razboi Mondial - Imparatia de 1000 de ani:

Two Planets Collide in Deep Space

Two distant planets orbiting a young star apparently smashed into each other at high speeds thousands of years ago in cosmic pileup of cataclysmic proportions, astronomers announced Monday... A similar fender-bender is thought to have formed Earth's moon more than 4 billion years ago, when a body the size of Mars rammed into Earth. Full story:


Un telescop NASA a descoperit dovezi despre ciocnirea a două planete în urmă cu câteva mii de ani

Telescopul spaţial Spitzer, de la NASA, a găsit o serie de dovezi care indică a ciocnirea a două planete, în curs de formare, care orbitau în jurul unei stele tinere.
Astronomii sunt de părere că impactul este asemănător cu cel care a dat naştere Lunii noastre, în urmă cu patru miliarde de ani, când un obiect de mărimea lui Marte s-a ciocnit de Pământ. Detalii:


duminică, 9 august 2009

OZN in direct la stirile BBC (VIDEO)

Un obiect zburător neidentificat a fost filmat în timpul unei emisiuni matinale, transmisă în direct în Marea Britanie. Detalii:

* BBC: Report on Possible Alien Invasion - Planet X:
* Ziua: Ministerul britanic al Apararii a facut publica o lista cu incidentele OZN inregistrate in Marea Britanie:
* Ziua: Fortele Aeriene britanice au incercat sa doboare OZN-uri:

UFO invades BBC breakfast

A UFO mystery has been sparked after a flashing light was spotted on BBC breakfast television.
Viewers watched in amazement as the white probe-like object appeared on the Look North morning show.
It was described as "intriguing" and a "genuine mystery" by UFO expert Nick Pope. Full story:

* Telegraph: RAF 'ordered to shoot down UFOs' - Pilots have apparently fired upon the unidentified objects without success since the 1980s, according to Nick Pope, who used to run the Ministry of Defence's UFO project:
* UK Ministry of Defence: UFO Reports in the UK:
* BBC: Tories 'would publish UFO files':
* BBC: Scientists Meet for Alien Summit:
* BBC: Report on Possible Alien Invasion - Planet X - Secret files on UFO sightings have been made available for the first time by the Ministry of Defence:
* Secret UN Meetings on ET Life Continue:

Telescopul spaţial Kepler funcţionează impecabil

La cinci luni de la lansare, telescopul spaţial Kepler, care are ca misiune descoperirea unor planete asemănătoare Terrei, a trimis imagini foarte precise ale unei planete situate la circa 1.000 de ani-lumină de Pământ, au anunţat, joi, experţii NASA. Detalii:

* Adevarul: NASA se lansează în căutarea extratereştrilor... NASA: Vom descoperi o alta planeta locuibila. Prima planeta care prezinta conditii similare cu cele de pe Pamant va fi descoperita in urmatorii patru ani:

NASA's Kepler telescope scores early success

(CNN) -- NASA's Kepler space telescope has already made a discovery, and its science operations aren't even officially under way yet.
NASA scientists who put the telescope through a 10-day test after its March 6 launch said this week that Kepler is working well. Its ability to detect minute changes in light has enabled scientists to determine that a planet orbiting a distant star has an atmosphere, shows only one side to its sun and is so hot it glows. Full story:

* NASA's Kepler seeks another Earth among the stars... Astronomers Discover Earth-Like Planet Outside Solar System... Scientists from the European Southern Observatory working in Chile have found a new planet outside our solar system that is more like Earth than any other known planet... Like Earth, the new planet "Gliese 581c" orbits its sun in "the habitable zone." The estimated surface temperature is between minus 3 and 40 degrees celsius -- neither too cold nor too hot for life as we know it. This means there could be liquid water on the planet's surface...
- JAPANESE SCIENTISTS EYE MYSTERIOUS "PLANET X"-The researchers at Kobe University in western Japan said calculations using computer simulations led them to conclude it was only a matter of time before the mysterious "Planet X" was found:
* NASA's Kepler Mission to Seek Other Earths... European Space Agency - Planet X - Follow The Money... Pope's star watcher to visit Nasa and talk aliens:

Buzz Aldrin stokes the mystery of the monolith on Mars

An image of what appears to be a mysterious rocky monument on Mars has excited space junkies around the world.
The 'monolith', was snapped from 165miles away using a special high resolution camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Full story:

* Buzz Aldrin comments on the "Monolith" on Mars Moon Phobos:
* First direct evidence of lightning on Mars detected... Nat.Geographic: Liquid Water Recently Seen on Mars?... The Guardian: It's snowing on Mars:

A fost descifrat misterul monolitului de pe Marte?

O imagine surprinsa pe suprafata planetei Marte, imagine reprezentand un misterios monolit, a inflacarat imaginatia oamenilor de stiinta si zecilor de mii de curiosi, care au vazut in aceasta, dovada actiunilor unei civilizatii necunoscute. Astazi, cercetatorii fac front comun in ceea ce priveste originea 100% naturala a obiectului si exclud interventia extraterestrilor, ceea ce nu face decat sa inflameze spiritele in randul scepticilor. Detalii:

* Apa lichida pe Marte... Realitatea TV: Rocile de pe Marte se plimbă... The Guardian (27 ianuarie 2009) - Pe Marte ninge... NASA ascunde adevarata culoare a Planetei Marte... 17 iunie 2009 - Insciences Organisation - Pentru prima data au fost evidentiate descarcari electrice pe Marte, sustin cercetatorii de la Universitatea din Michigan (SUA):
* NASA: Marte - peste 25 de ani noul nostru camin:

sâmbătă, 8 august 2009

Dr. Michio Kaku Warns of 2012 Solar Storm

Disclose.tv - Dr. Michio Kaku - 2012 Solar Storms Are Coming Video

Dr. Michio Kaku was on Fox News providing information regarding the possibility of solar storm at the peak of the solar cycle in 2012, and the serious consequences:

* Live Science about 2012, Solar Storm and NASA:
* NASA: Deep Solar Minimum:
* CNN: Apocalypse in 2012? Date spawns theories, film:
* Dr. Michio Kaku: 3 types of Extraterrestrial Civilizations:

vineri, 7 august 2009

FILM (History Channel): Ancient Aliens (2009)

Early DVD review: Ancient Aliens (2009) - Did Ancient Aliens visit our ancestors thousands of years ago, drastically affecting the course of history? Was there advanced technology used to build some of man-kind's greatest structures such as the Pyramids and Stonehenge? These questions, and many more, are addressed in the top-rated History Channel special, Ancient Aliens:

* FILM (National Geographic): Is it Real? - Ancient Astronauts / Extraterestrii Pe Pamant ?:
* FILM (National Geographic / Discovery Science): Bermuda Triangle (Triunghiul Bermudelor - subtitrare romana):

Scientific evidence now points to global cooling, contrary to U.N. alarmism

Opponents of the Waxman-Markey “cap and trade” bill would do well to invoke recent scientific studies that show global surface temperatures have not increased since 1998, contrary to what climate models have predicted...
Dr. Don Easterbrook, a geologist and professor emeritus at Western Washington University, has presented data that shows a cooler and wetter climate is in order for the next 25 to 30 years. The Pacific Ocean has a warm temperature mode and a cool temperature mode known as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation or PDO, he said in a recent study. Full story:

* Pentagon/NASA: Global Warming/Global Cooling:

Dovezile stiintifice indica o racire globala care va dura cateva decenii

Temperaturile la nivel global nu au mai crescut din 1998, contrar cu cele sustinute de adeptii incalzirii globale, potrivit unor studii recente, citate de WashingtonExaminer. In plus, tot mai multe dovezi stiintifice indica faptul ca lumea se va confrunta cu o racire globala, care va dura mai multe decenii. Detalii:

* Pentagon/NASA: Incalzire Globala/Racire Globala:

US strike on Iran 'feasible and credible': retired general

WASHINGTON — A devastating US military strike against Iran's nuclear and military facilities "is a technically feasible and credible option," a retired general asserted in an article published on Friday. Full story:

* CNN: Iran 'ready to strike at Israeli nuke facilities':

General american: Un atac militar al SUA împotriva Iranului este o opţiune credibilă şi fezabilă

Atacarea instalaţiilor nucleare şi obiectivelor militare iraniene reprezintă o eventualitate "credibilă şi fezabilă din punct de vedere tehnic" pentru armata americană, declară un general în retragere, într-un articol publicat vineri. Detalii:

* Iranul avertizeaza ca va ataca obiective nucleare ale Israelului:

Russia Says Comet Strike On Venus Following Jupiter Hit Is “Dire Warning’ For Earth

Russian Scientists reporting to Prime Minister Putin in the Kremlin today are issuing what they call a “dire warning” for our Earth following another meteorite strike upon one of the Planets in our Solar System following the Planet Jupiter [photo 2nd left] being hit this past fortnight on July 19th.
According to these reports, and which have been confirmed by Western News Sources, our Solar Systems second Planet from the Sun, Venus [first photo on left], was likewise struck by a comet/meteorite causing a massive spot to form in its atmosphere exactly like the one that has formed on Jupiter after it was similarly struck. Full story:

* CBS News: Jupiter Hit by Large Object, NASA Says:
* Astronomii, derutati de petele luminoase de pe Venus:
* NASA: Planeta Jupiter a fost lovita de un obiect mare:

2012 and the end of the world – what that may look like

1) Cataclysmic events are the stuff of great science fiction stories and movies. We see trends come and go as we have a “near miss” with an asteroid or we have natural disasters like earthquakes or tsunamis... While written with Hollywood story lines, and arguably entertaining, one has to wonder what facts these stories are based on, if any...
Anthony E. Larson is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints. This group is also known as the LDS Church or the Mormons. Larson has written a trilogy of books talking about some of the events that are told in the Bible, like the Exodus, and explaining how these events occurred. Larson researched the works of Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky and the theory of Catastrophism to paint an extremely interesting picture of what was going on during these world-changing events and how they can be explained through science. Larson uses the Bible as well as the Book of Mormon (“The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ is an actual record of God’s dealings with the ancient inhabitants of the Americas and contains, as does the Bible, the fullness of the everlasting gospel.” (http://www.mormon.org/) to describe events as these ancient people saw them and draw conclusions around these cataclysmic events. Full story:
2) 2012 – and the Earth shall reel to and fro:
3) 2012 and there shall be a new heaven and a new earth…:

* 2012, Hollywood, The Pentagon and NASA: 'When Worlds Collide'... The Day After Tomorrow movie and the Pentagon:
* Pentagon/NASA: Global Warming/Global Cooling:
* 2012 Wisdom From the Ancients - The Kolbrin Bible:

joi, 6 august 2009

“Earth Must Be Warned!” Screams French Astronaut Before Suicide Attempt

A most peculiar FSB is circulating in the Kremlin today stating that the renowned scientist and France’s first female astronaut Claudie Haigneré [pictured top left] had to be ‘forcefully restrained’ after screaming “Earth Must Be Warned!” prior to her falling into a coma from a reported overdose of sleeping pills in an apparent attempt at suicide... Dr. Haigneré’s beliefs mirror those of the prominent Israeli writer and researcher Zecharia Sitchin who it is reported: “attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the "Annunaki" (or "Nephilim"), a race of aliens from a planet he calls Nibiru which he believes to be in an elongated, elliptical orbit in the earth's own solar system. Full story:

* France poised to disclose presence of Extra Terrestrials on Earth:
* Buzz Aldrin comments on the "Monolith" on Mars Moon Phobos:
* CNN: Former astronaut: Man not alone in universe: