- University of British Columbia Professor published an on-line article that projected an 800m asteroid would hit Antarctica in the fall of 2012.
His article was on the www.phas.ubc.ca website for 2 days before it abruptly disappeared. The initial data was gathered by The Balloon-borne Large-Aperture Sub millimeter Telescope (BLAST) at McMurdo Station, Antarctica. The theorized asteroid was then tracked by Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope on Mauna Kea, which (with the Adaptive Optics Bonnette) supplies probably the sharpest images currently obtainable from the ground. Full story:* U.S. Must Be Ready to Meet Asteroid Threat, White House Science Adviser Says... Cdn and American astronauts want world to start getting ready for asteroids... Our terrifyingly crowded solar system: New video reveals just how many asteroids are out there...
Another Flash on Jupiter!...
Californian Congressman for Planet X Forsight - The Sky is Falling...Stephen Hawking: "Asteroid Impacts Biggest Threat to Intelligent Life in the Galaxy... EXPERTS CALL FOR GLOBAL NETWORK TO PREVENT ASTEROID DISASTERS...
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