vineri, 22 mai 2009

NASA eyes water in Moon mission - Institute for Human Continuity (IHC)

- WASHINGTON (AFP - ‎May 21, 2009‎) — NASA on Thursday said it was on target for a June mission to scour the Moon's surface for landing sites and water that would allow humans to work and even live on Earth's nearest neighbor. Full story:
- FoxNews (May 21, 2009) Russia, Europe Plan Shipyard in Space... European and Russian space officials want to create an international space shipyard in low orbit above the Earth, Flight International reported... would be used to assemble manned spacecraft that could travel to Mars or the moon, according to the report. Full story:
* Institute for Human Continuity (IHC) - IHC Mission Statement: Our mission is to ensure the survival of the human race beyond 2012. After more than two decades of rigorous research from the worlds top astronomers, mathematicians, geologists, physicists, anthropologists, engineers, futurists... we know in 2012 a series of cataclysmic forces will wreak havoc on our planet:
- Planet X...
- A rise in solar activity...
- Crustal displacement...
The IHC has developed a number of initiatives to prepare the world for this inevitability:
- Space Colonization. The IHCs lunar and free floating space colonies...
- Subterranean Cities...
- Floating Cities... Details:
* CNN (YouTube): Norway's ark-Doomsday - 2012 Planet X ?... (YouTube): NIBIRU - Norwegian leader's letter of WARNING... Doomsday seed vault's stores are growing:
* CNN: City floating on the sea could be just 3 years away: